
Marvel: Silver Superman from Asgard

Rhodes traversed into the Marvel universe, assuming the role of a duke's son in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He envisioned a life of dominance, but his path led him to Asgard, the ethereal palace, where he found himself in service to Hela, the goddess of death. Living a life in servitude can be a bleak prospect, but a stroke of fortune granted him the Silver Superman genes. Under the nurturing rays of the sun, his strength burgeoned ceaselessly, allowing him to swiftly adapt to any challenges and acquire new abilities. The might of Silver Superman was staggering, almost beyond reason. Eventually, he ascended to become the sovereign of Asgard, reigning supreme over the universe. "Thanos? This mere individual? I could kill him with a single breath!" [T/N: This novel is not my original work, and I am just rewriting the machine translation for all of you. All rights, including those related to the characters and concepts from Marvel and other sources, belong to their respective authors and creators.]

LordAddict · Films
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47: The Battle Is Urgent; Hela Returns From a Serious Injury

Rhodes returned to his room after another day of rigorous training, where he continued his tireless quest for knowledge through reading. With his current steel-like body, sleep was no longer a necessity for him. He could remain alert and active without rest. His body had transcended the limitations of ordinary beings, and sleep was no longer needed for recuperation.

Rhodes spent his time absorbing knowledge from this world, tirelessly acquiring new insights.

The following day, he resumed his role as the overseer of the Valhalla warriors' training, much like the day before. After the humiliation they had experienced, they had spent the previous night washing clothes and cooking for the servants of the gods, leaving them fatigued and some even struggling to stay awake.

However, adversity often reveals one's true potential. Just as ordinary soldiers could reach their limits under intense training, these heroic warriors, with their superior physical abilities, had even greater untapped potential.

Rhodes observed their progress as he basked in the sun, energizing himself with its rays and enhancing his strength. The notifications of his increasing strength continued to appear before him, reflecting his ongoing improvement.

Rhodes felt the sun's energy constantly replenishing him, boosting his strength at a rapid pace. The frequency of these strength increases was astonishing, with some appearing almost instantly, stacking up to create significant improvements.

As his power grew, Rhodes couldn't help but wonder about the extent of his potential.

While his growth was a marvel, it remained a secret known only to Rhodes himself. Even God King Odin remained unaware of the rapid strides Rhodes was making.

New recruits entered the Hall of Valor, brimming with pride in their newfound strength. However, Bell and the others, having experienced the same transformation, subjected them to rigorous training. Rhodes tacitly approved of these methods, allowing the veteran heroic warriors to teach the newcomers harsh lessons.

Over time, these new recruits, once brimming with arrogance, became obedient under the guidance of their experienced predecessors, and they readily followed Rhodes's commands.

Days turned into weeks, and it was soon ten and a half months since Rhodes had implemented the punishment for incomplete training. Only a small number of heroic warriors remained assigned to wash and cook for the servants of the gods, and they were mostly newcomers.

The majority of heroic warriors now enjoyed the fruits of their training.

Rhodes witnessed their growth with silent approval, though he couldn't help but feel conflicted. These Valhalla warriors were destined to defend against Ragnarok, yet Rhodes was more inclined to side with Hela, who was at odds with Asgard. Cultivating such powerful warriors would pose a significant challenge to Hela.

This dilemma weighed on Rhodes's mind, but he knew he had to take things one step at a time. Hela was still away on her expedition, and Asgard faced formidable enemies.

The Frost Giants, despite the capture of their leader, Laufey, continued to harass the Nine Realms. They adopted guerrilla tactics, striking at various city-states and keeping Asgard on edge. On the other hand, the Flame Giants, led by Surtur, grew increasingly restless. They launched fiery assaults, turning entire cities into scorched earth.

This ongoing battle took a toll on Hela and her forces. She returned to Asgard to recuperate from a severe injury, leaving Rhodes with a headache.

The Frost Giants and Flame Giants, traditional enemies, now found common cause against Asgard, uniting to face their mutual foe. This alliance posed a formidable challenge to Hela, and the Nine Realms were plunged into chaos.

Hela repeatedly requested reinforcements from God King Odin, who, despite his relentless efforts against the Frost Giants and Flame Giants, struggled to meet her demands. The war continued unabated, and Asgard sent troops to support the battle.

Rhodes received news of Hela's injury and her return for recuperation. He decided to visit her at the princess's mansion.

As he entered, Rhodes was taken aback by Hela's weakened state. She rested on a table, bearing the scars of her recent battles on her face and body. Although Asgard possessed advanced technology, including recuperation chambers for seriously injured soldiers, these facilities were now fully occupied due to the ongoing conflict.

Rhodes approached Hela, his expression a mixture of concern and determination. Hela, despite her injuries, was still a formidable presence, but her injuries were a cause for concern.