

The pain didn't last long so as soon as it subsided, I dismissed it as a simple headache and immediately focused on the cake in my room.

"Well, I'm five now, I guess it's...arrgghhhh" I shouted again in pain but unlike before, this time, it was as though someone was pouring thousands of images into my mind

"Wait aren't these mom's memories no wait" I asked confused as I reviewed the new Information, I just received

They say that a human's memories are mostly made images but the images in my mind at the moment weren't mine, there weren't from my past life neither were they from this life instead, they were from his new mother. More surprisingly, I found myself more knowledgeable in things concerning business, book-keeping and its likes.

"Oh my god, I can see her sucking his dick!" I screamed and immediately started looking for anything to distract me. She may not be my actual mother but I wanted her to have that position in my life and this wasn't making it work.

"Wait….. Am I a mutant?"

"No that wouldn't make sense, they get their powers as teens, I'm just five(5) years old…. then does that make me an inhuman or was my father an Eternal or a deviant"

Several thoughts ran through my mind at speeds even I couldn't keep up with. I didn't want to be a mutant; those guys had a lot of beef against them. Being an inhuman meant ordinary pollution could make me non-existent, I didn't want any of that but it didn't mean I wasn't excited after it meant that whoever dropped me here didn't abandon me.

"Thank you, whoever you are" I shouted into the air happily since now I at least have something I can use to my advantage but this also meant that the plan I had previously was now useless.

Anyway, it's been 2 years since I was reincarnated, and things have being going extremely well, I mean why wouldn't it. I am in the Marvel freaking universe, a world where the impossible is common sight so of course even the thought of it alone, makes me excited but at the same time sad since you know, I don't have any ability of sorts so I tried doing Occlumency since if I was not granted an ability then I might as well create one for myself.

Yeah, you know like every fan fiction protagonist out there. Yeah.... the Occlumency didn't work but good news, it wasn't for nothing. Apparently, my building and all that jazz just made it possible for me to remember things incredibly well hence a newly developed Photographic memory allowing me to remember everything I see, hear or even feel in great detail. Which also meant, I would never forget that scene in my entire life.

"Wow Mom knows a lot" I thought as I reviewed the new knowledge I just gained with tears rolling down my eyes

"I hope this doesn't have to happen every time I try to touch someone" I lamented as I started going through everything that may prove useful to me while pushing the painful memory to the back to be forgotten.

Two hours later, I finally managed to arrange the images and information I had just stolen from mom in an order that it would prove useful to me. I can't say that I truly understood everything that I had just gained but it came along with her notes so it was okay for now at least.

"Wait now that I think about it, did I absorb them or just copy them from her" I asked since in some novels I've seen when one copies or absorbs another person's skills, they lose it and I pray it wasn't so for me since it will be disastrous considering that Mom was the CEO of a major company

"Well, we wouldn't know until she comes back" I thought then went to freshen up and went to meet the various Uncles and Aunties that lived with us in the form of maids and Butler. Yeah, life is sweet

3 Hours later

"Happy birthday Young Master" an aged British voice sounded as I left the room and I turned to see an old British looking man in a butler uniform standing right outside with a smile on his face

"Thank you, Uncle Jon", I said with a smile then hugged him and yes, he was the house butler and also a granduncle since he took care of my mother when she was young but unlike what you would expect from other old men, he aged quite well. Yeah, he's definitely not normal.

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