
Marvel: Loki the Playboy

Thor and Loki are the children of a dynasty of great actors. Their mother Frigga is a grande dame of the stage and muse of the finest European movie directors, their father Odin is going down in history as the Lawrence Olivier of his time. Thor and Loki are following on their steps, with everything to prove, to themselves and to the world. But as they become dragged under the public eye, so does their past, full of secrets and lies. There are things that not even Thor can protect Loki from.

God_Child · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Chapter - 14

On the way to the Chinese place they're quiet. Waiting for their food, they get giggly, The woman at the till is incredibly rude, and it's sort of a family tradition to compete over who gets the curtest response while being the most polite. Loki tends to win at that.

Walking back, they're in a playful mood. They hopscotch on the tiles, dodge the cracks on the pavement, walk on the edge, and badger each other, laughing. It's like being on a date, Thor thinks, a brilliant one that's going swimmingly and makes you really think you're getting lucky tonight. And he guesses he should be squeaked, and instead all he feels is butterflies. They're having so much fun, and Loki looks so happy he sparkles. What could possibly be wrong about that.

They eat in Thor's room, on the old sofa, find a Mel Brooks film to watch, laugh like they haven't laughed in ages, throw prawn crackers at each other. They're only having a beer between the two of them, and still Thor feels like drunk.

After dinner they play Mario Kart. Loki is lying on his back, head on the armrest, legs on Thor's lap. Thor is creaming him. Loki kicks his arm and his side to sabotage him. It doesn't work. He tickles Thor's side with his toes.

"Fuck off, that's disgusting," grumbles Thor, but that's not the first word that came to mind.

Anyhow, that seems to work a bit better at dulling Thor's reflexes, and it gives Loki ideas. He starts playing footsies. Thor kicks him, but he's not really trying to make him stop.

He can't keep a straight face. Loki insists. The tickles go all the way up to Thor's crotch. Now Thor is missing almost every box and his turns are anything but sharp.

Loki starts stroking his foot slowly up and down the back of Thor's calf. Thor stays quiet and still, eyes on the game, brain utterly elsewhere. Now Loki slithers his toes under the hem of Thor's jeans, and rubs slowly. Thor swallows dry, shifts in his seat and falls off Rainbow Road for the third time, his heart hammering in his chest.

With a smirk, he snaps his calves around Loki's. Loki squirms and pulls, trying to get free, cursing and laughing, but good luck with that, Thor holds back melées with those legs.

Loki plays dirty. He drops the controller, sits up and starts tickling Thor under his arms, on his sides, his neck, all the places he knows are Thor's undoing. Thor laughs, writhes, curses, his cock stirring and filling. Get off me! Stop it! He struggles to grip Loki's hands, his wrists, he wrestles to control him, but the little bitch kicks, scratches and bites. Thor throws himself on top of him, laughing. Loki shrieks and laughs too when Thor starts tickling him in turn.

Loki's hard under him, and Thor is hard, and there is no pretending now, no hiding. They're still, panting, staring at each other, Loki's eyes dipping to Thor's mouth, trembling under his weight. The blush on Loki's cheeks, the glaze on his eyes, his chest heaving. Thor has never seen anything lovelier, he has never wanted anyone or anything more.

Thor kisses him. Loki parts his lips and closes his eyes, and stays very still for a beat, overwhelmed. Then he starts kissing back. He has no idea what he's doing, and he's so eager, he wants to do everything at once, what he's seen in the movies. Thor lets go of his wrists to cradle his face and still him, and teach him what little he knows. Loki's hands weave in his hair, his breathing quick, heartbeat fast as a rodent's, his little whimpers under the feel of Thor's mouth.

Loki pushes his hips up against his brother's, with a shuddery gasp and a surprised, almost pained expression. Thor pushes back, rutting, moaning. Loki wraps his long, spindly limbs around him, squeezes tight. They grind their hips together, kissing.

Thor watches him, his face tense, a frown, his eyes hooded, his mouth a perfect O. The noises he makes, his breathing. He smells so fucking good. Thor strokes his hair, kisses his face, his neck, ruts harder between Loki's legs, against his arse. Loki grinds frantically now, short little moans. Thor rears his head up to see him, feels his body writhing under him, Loki's arms wrapped tight around him, like a drowning man. Then Loki goes rigid and jolts, his eyes shut, a broken moan, and Thor knows what has happened, and Loki looks so fucking beautiful like that it takes his breath away. He kisses his mouth, and Loki kisses him back, in a haze.

Thor starts grinding harder against Loki's arse, and he thinks of fucking him, and it's too fucking much, the bolt of lightning that hits him when he imagines Loki naked under him, of being inside him, of rutting and fucking and tearing his brother apart like that, and he comes, groaning, jaws clenched tight, panting.

The expression on Loki's face when Thor finally opens his eyes, awe and wonder and love. He buries his face in Loki's neck, panting against his skin, for a long time. He doesn't want to let go, he doesn't want to untangle. He's afraid of what will happen next.

"I can't breathe, Thor," says Loki, after a while.

"How can you talk then," says Thor.

But he pulls away and sits up, reluctantly. He's wet, his cock throbs from the rough treatment against the ridges of two tough crotch seams.

Loki sits up too, he tidies his hair with a trembling hand. His mouth swollen, pink, his cheeks flush, his eyes bright, his beauty like a punch in Thor's gut.

They don't speak. Their breathing quiets down while the music from the game goes on and on in a loop. Loki grabs the controller, drives straight into Thor's kart and pushes him off the edge.

Thor laughs, probably louder than it warrants, but his heart is pounding so hard, his hands are shaking, steam had to come out somehow.

They play. Thor keeps throwing quick glances at his brother. Loki looks thoughtful, placid, and his mouth so lovely. Thor takes a deep breath, turns to him, and kisses his lips. Loki's long eyelashes flutter. When Thor pulls back, Loki bites his own lip. He remains quiet, and becomes especially vicious with his shell attacks. They will play until it's not weird anymore.

After a few races, Loki gets up.

"Where are you going?" jumps Thor, with an anxious shiver.

"Bathroom," says Loki. "I'm all… sticky."

Thor makes to follow him.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" snaps Loki, plastering snark over his nerves.

Thor shifts his weight from one foot to the other. He is terrified that, the moment he loses sight of Loki, his brother will freak out, or he will freak out, or both, and the pale illusion of comfort and complicity they are sharing will shatter into something horrible. He strokes Loki's hair out of his face.

"Just… are you alright?"

Loki nods, his eyes low.

"Are you coming back?"

Loki nods again.

It strikes Thor all of a sudden that this might be Loki's first time.

Loki does come back, in his pyjamas, and then it's Thor who goes for a wash. When he returns, Loki's stare is lost in space, the controller unused in his hands. Thor shuffles over, takes it off from him.

"Let's go to sleep," he says.

Loki looks up anxiously, expecting to be kicked out perhaps.

"Stay here?" says Thor.