
MARVEL: Let The End Begin

Hello,my name is Anthony and lets flip my life into the marvel where there are 'powers' that are present like there is some sales offer on them. Let's see the mad scientists who are everywhere with powers that can end the world casually. Where heroes are mainly saving people in their uncomfortable suits. Where you have to be atleast beautiful to even be a female super hero. Lets see the fights from the front row seat and feel the thrill. Even emotions are present if any of you forgot about them Lets start the story by flipping in the sky like a coin and very obviously falling in a world called MARVEL. One thing for SURE,it is going to be an rollercoaster of adventures. So 'LET THE END BEGIN!!!!' //// Hello GUYS, I'm the author and I'm ranting about some shit,please don't mind me and start reading the novel if you want to. So,this is my first novel and the much needed constructive criticism is required and please comment new ideas which I can take inspiration from . I am very open minded about new concepts and ideas.My grammar is also a little shaky as it is my first time to narrate a story .So,please bear with it for a while. Enjoy the story. Fun fact: THIS IS 'NOT' A 'MTL' //// PS:I don't own marvel and its characters. PS:The cover picture isn't mine,its credit belongs to its creator. please contact or comment me if you want to remove it.

jackrose · Films
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14 Chs


The Midtown people woke up as the sun rose.

People who were still working took a breather after their hectic tasks.

What could be more refreshing than seeing the morning sun rise.

Anthony also woke up early and quickly freshened up.

He went down stairs as he couldn't continue to sleep as someone was occupying his bed.

He will definitely lock the door from today as some intruder may come again during the night.(I wonder who it is) .

Thought Anthony to himself as he reached the living room. 

He was met with a view of his grandpa having his morning coffee while reading some papers in the living room.

"Morning grandpa".

Said Anthony as he observed the dark circles around his grandpa's eyes.

'He definitely didn't sleep last night'. Thought Anthony.

His thoughts were cut off as his grandpa greeted him back.

"Ahh!,Anthony ,good morning".

"How was your sleep?".

Grandpa asked with a unusual cheerfulness in his voice.

It definitely didn't sound like voice of someone who didn't sleep.

Anthony noticed this but was eager to have his doubts cleared.So,he answered with a question of his own.

"I slept well last night".

"But do you think the plan is feasible?".

Anthony was eager to know as he made the plan based on his memories.

He didn't know if some things changed as it is a Marvel verse.

He also didn't have much knowledge in this as creating the base plan was already above his pay grade.

It was easy to plan it, as he knew a similar future, but it took so much time as he had to connected everything with statistics and data to prove it.

"There were some corrections here and there but most of the things can be done".

Replied his grandpa as he saw his grandson's eagerness to know about it.

Honestly, it was a shocking news for him that the predictions of his grandson were pretty consistent with the analytical data.

He was happy for his grandson, but also worried as being a exceptional one has it's own set of demerits.

He will have to ponder about it later as the kid seemed to want an elaborate answer.

"Most of your main goals can be completed but I can't say about the rest as it mainly depends on our capital and timing".

Anthony frowned for a moment about the uncertainty, but became calm as it can still be possible but not guaranteed.

They continued to talk about the other things as Anthony had a lot of questions to ask.

Grandpa Thomas was patient as he explained the doubts of his grandson who seemed to be quite interested in it.

Anthony would be pretty much leveling his business skills if he was a game character, with his business skill increasing in percentage.

Thomas was again astonished at the rate the kid was learning.

But that didn't stop him from sharing his knowledge.

This knowledge imparting session continued from stock market details to international business and exports to real estate.

But alas everything must come to an end.As the 'interrupter' of the house had just walked in and slept with her face on Anthony's lap.

Thomas lips twitched as he saw his daughter in her antics once again.

Honestly,he didn't know what to say as he thought it was her way of cooping from her sister's loss.

Mean while Anthony was contemplating if going to boarding school was still in the options.But he knew that he was just kidding.

Overall, it was a troublesome girl but his family nonetheless.

After a while, Clara slowly sat up as she just had her share of fun and any more would be excessive.

She was also curious about Anthony's plan, but they weren't talking about it at all.

She also woke up a little later than Anthony, and came down stairs to talk with her father about her nephew's plan.

She just overheard their conversation and was a little shocked again after seeing Anthony absorb the knowledge like a thirsty man in the desert.

Her father may not notice as he in the conversation but people will start to treat Anthony like their equal once they are deep in conversing.

They almost forget about him being an 7 year old at that time.

Anyways, she had to interrupt them as they both looked like they could continue this all day.( anybody heard this)

She was also curious about other things she saw in another book Anthony had in his room.

Honestly,they were more than a dozen books but were written in a way she doesn't understand.

Only the book she read was in English and even that was not completely written as they are only some words and numbers written and nothing else.

She wanted to know about that unknown language but she was more curious on the book she read.

She knew Anthony won't do anything meaningless.

The book must have some things he thinks important.

"So, what about the other book in your room?".

"It was only having some words but there are all random and I don't understand what it is".

Said Clara if nothing was wrong in seeing other people things with out their consent.

Anthony just rolled his eyes at her, as he specifically made the books only for him to understand but he didn't say it out loud as she may pester him about it.

No sir, he was already having his share of her pestering and didn't want to increase it.

Thankfully,his paranoia was in all time high when he wrote the information for which he is very grateful.

"They were some plans to implement if possible".

He replied to her, as her face was near his shoulders as if ready to bite him if not answered.

He sighed in relief as she backed out after answering her doubts.

Thomas just facepalmed at her antics.He just wanted to leave and relax.

Anthony and Thomas knew she was just trying to tease him, but they didn't stop her as they knew it was her way of showing affection.

Anyways, the talks continued with Clara asking him her own set of questions and the new plans Anthony had.

Time passed very quickly as they were busy in their own things. 

A month has passed from the day Anthony was discharged from the hospital.


(After month in Anthony's home)

Clara slowly opened her eyes as she woke up.

She was moving her hands on the bed as if to find someone.But nobody was present except her.

She got up quickly as she knew he didn't come to sleep tonight again.

Clara went ahead and freshened up.

She slowly came downstairs in hope of finding someone.

She was slightly disappointed as she saw only her father sitting there.

He was looking very tired as he had many things to do and many places to move around this month.

"Morning father,when did you come?".

She asked as she sat on the new sofa.She was feeling pretty comfy in them as she closed her eyes to feel the relaxation.

Her father seemed to ignore her antics as he was already used to it.He was also at fault for pampering her like this.

"Came early morning, dear".

"So when do you go back to the college?".

He asked as he knew she would like to complete her studies.

"I will change to the nearby college father,there are quite a few good ones and I will probably complete my internship by the next year and graduate".

She said as she has already skipped grades due to her excellence.

She wanted to help her father and certain someone in business.

Speaking of certain someone,he was nowhere to be seen.

"Ohh, And where is Anthony?".

Asked her father.

"He is still in the basement father,I don't know how anyone can stay there for weeks and he didn't even allow me to come in".

Complained about the injustice done to her as it was mostly about not allowing her in. She was pretty itchy to know about what he is doing. 

Thomas sighed as he heard from his daughter.He was still worried about his grandson's health but apparently his grandson is very stubborn if he wanted to.

"What is he even doing down there?".

Asked Thomas as he was very curious what the kid was making this time.

"He said something about a search engine".

"He called it 'SEER' when I asked about it". Said Clara

"SEER..huh". Mumbled Thomas

 ***** Let The Search Begin*****

Hey Guys;

thank you for reading the chapter and please comment your constrictive ideas and note that I am writing for myself so no commenting unnecassary things.

Enjoy the story.

jackrosecreators' thoughts