
Chapter 252: Wish

"One coffee and your best-selling sandwich, please. Thank you."

Jack walked out of the restaurant with a cup of coffee in his left hand and a sandwich in his right.

"Let's see how it tastes."

Jack took a bite of the sandwich while muttering to himself, but as soon as he did, his eyebrows furrowed.

Well, even though the main characters in the TV show often eat and drink here, the taste is just normal. It is not bad, but it is also not great.

At least, that's how Jack felt.

With a bit of disgust, he tossed the bitten sandwich into the trash and took another sip of coffee.

He was surprised by this. Even though it was instant coffee, it tasted better than he thought it would.

No wonder the shop could stay in business even though the food was not good.

It's worth mentioning that Jack also saw Iris West, the dream girl of Flash, who was head over heels in love with her, even though she didn't like him back.

Iris West and her boyfriend, Eddie Thawne, the ancestor of Reverse Flash.

However, looking at Iris and her boyfriend Eddie's sweet and loving gazes, Flash probably would not stand a chance unless Eddie died.

"Oh, I can do that..."

Thinking of these three people, Jack's eyes lit up, and a grin and smile appeared on his face.

He turned around and went back into the coffee shop.

"...Seriously, Iris, I really feel like sometimes Barry strangely looks at me, like... he wants to eat me, similar to how I catch those criminals."

In the corner of the coffee shop, Eddie was telling his girlfriend, Iris, about his concerns and worries.

As Barry's friend... adopted brother, and future brother-in-law, Eddie really wanted to get closer to him.

However, it seemed like Barry did not care much about him. Even though he seemed nice on the outside, his detective instincts told him that Barry did not really like him.

"Well... about that, you might be overthinking it."

Iris responded, and her face froze for a moment, but she went on as usual to comfort her boyfriend.

"Barry is a good person, just a bit introverted... you know, because of his parents' situation. So... if you spend more time with him, your relationship will become really good."

"Is that so?"

Eddie looked at Iris suspiciously, feeling that his girlfriend might be hiding something. But because he trusted her, he put his doubts aside for now.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt you two!"

At that moment, a waiter wearing a coffee shop uniform suddenly stood in front of them, handing each of them a piece of white paper and saying,

"Valentine's Day is coming soon, right? We are collecting the best wishes-loving couples to hold a party on Valentine's Day and fulfill their wishes."

"So why don't you write down your wishes? There might be some surprises."

The waiter finished speaking and looked at them.

Iris and Eddie exchanged puzzled glances.

Valentine's Day? Isn't it still far away?

That wasn't a big deal, maybe it was just a trick to attract customers to the coffee shop.

But... the best wishes of couples?

Even though they were confused, the word "wish" seemed to have a special power that made Iris and Eddie grab a pen and write down their wishes on paper.

"Thank you very much."

The waiter took back the papers, and on them were written two wishes.

Iris wrote, "I hope Eddie and my family can be safe and sound."

Eddie wrote, "I hope to be with Iris forever."

The waiter gave a serious nod, took the papers, smiled at them, and said,

"I will fulfill your wishes."

After saying that, the waiter turned and walked away. He disappeared from the coffee shop in a flash.

At that moment, Iris and Eddie finally reacted.

Who was that person? Was there even someone like that in the coffee shop?

Of course not, It was all Jack's acting.

And as for why he did it...

It was simple,

Jack had been bothered for a long time by Flash's obsession with Iris, even though he was surrounded by beautiful women like Killer Frost, Felicity Smoak, Patty Spivot, and even Supergirl.

Flash only had eyes for Iris.

If it wasn't for Eddie's sacrifice to save him, he would have stayed single for the rest of his life, even though he had plenty of chances to date.

Jack came back this time to make things right.

Eddie wished to be with Iris for the rest of their lives, and Jack granted his wish by taking away his slight distrust and suspicion towards his girlfriend, Iris.

As for Iris, her wish was even simpler.

She hoped for her boyfriend and family to be safe and sound, and Jack gave them the ability to always turn bad situations into good ones using Dreamstone.

As for the price... Jack took away Iris's deep, hidden feelings for Barry, even the ones she did not know she had.

The romantic affection between them vanished.

Even though they grew up together and Iris always thought of Barry as a brother, but deep down, there was still a romance between them.

It was only natural.

But what Jack did was to avoid problems in the future.

He believed that Iris and Eddie would be more loving towards each other in the future.

As long as Eddie didn't die, Barry would never have a chance.

And Iris no longer had those thoughts, which she probably didn't even realize she had.

"Ah, I feel so relieved."

Thinking he had done a good deed, Jack walked down the street with a smile on his face, thinking that everything he saw was beautiful.

The power of the Dreamstone was truly incredible.

To grant someone's wish, he only had some energy, and then he could take anything he wanted from the wisher.

Their lifespan, emotions, even their loyalty—as long as the other person had it, he could take it.

"Oh wait! I forgot about two more!"

Jack stopped in his steps as if he were remembering something.

He had forgotten about Flash. If he didn't take away Flash's affection for Iris, then everything he had just done would be meaningless, right?

"Yes! I have to go find Barry Allen."

Jack decided to act on what he was thinking, so he turned around and went back.

But as soon as he did, a man with a gun came out of nowhere and pulled him into an alleyway.

"Hand over your money! Hurry up!"

Looking at the gun pointed at him, Jack blinked his eyes.

"You're robbing me? Are you sure?"

He immediately recognized the identity of the robber.

As the only person who had successfully robbed the Flash twice in Central City and lived to tell the story, this robber was hard to forget.

Jack was also speechless.

In a city with thousands of people, this robber actually chose to rob him, who had just arrived here for the first time?

Is this a cannon event?

"Stop wasting time! Give me the money! Or else..."

The robber tried to threaten him with an angry expression, but before he could finish his sentence, Jack punched him in the face, which knocked him out and made him fall face down on the ground.

Looking at the robber on the ground, Jack smiled once again.

Perfect, he was just about to go to the police station.



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