
Marvel: I Create Disasters

Marcus come to marvel with [Super Disaster System] or just [System]. What he need to do is create [disaster] one after another. Which isn’t simple as hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, etc.

Monhoo_Tuuguu · Films
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8 Chs

Ch 5: [Shadow Of The Stranger]

New York inside [Free To All Strangers]

*Bang, bang, bang*

Endless bullet rain monster called [Moonfish] continuously but even so it never made this creature flinch or anything else. Even it counter killed many people in return.

Now Coulson with his surviving three members reaching their limit. It's becoming harder and harder for them dodge and even their bullets running out. Originally their combat power had more than dozen people but now they left with only four members.

But even so they didn't do any visible damage to [Moonfish]. They knew they need to run but how? Don't knew when but door is blocked by some kind of tree roots. They tried to destroy it but there was no effect. Because limited space and dusts filling this room explosive isn't a good option.

But if it's necessary to kill this creature of course they are willing to sacrifice their lives. Just as they were about lost hope something incredible happened. Golden sparks come out from tin air and spin into circle shape. And turned into portal.

From portal they saw energy rope come out and tied [Moonfish] then dragged it into portal. Then it closed only dumbfounded SHIELD combat team and Coulson left there.

Mirror Dimension.

[Moonfish] who dragged into mirror dimension saw mages with orange and yellow robe around it. Mages looked at each other then start cast spells.

Some cast [Crimson Bands of Cyttorak] which made slow down [Moonfish] is moving speed. Some used [Bolts Of Balthakk], [Winds Of Watoomb], [Flames Of The Faltine].

After bombing of mystic arts [Moonfish] now looks seriously harmed. Bleeding from everywhere even one of the arms are damaged seriously and can't use it anymore in human standards but surprisingly it still moving like nothing happened.

[Moonfish] suddenly opened its mouth and super long and thin blade rushed out its mouth. For most mages it looks like only silver light flashed. Right before blade could reach mage some one used [Shield of the Seraphim] front of him and saved his life. It was black man with green robes he is senior mage of Kamar-Taj, disciple of Ancient One Mordo.

"Never let your guard down in front of otherworldly creatures." Mordo said young mage who almost died and start walking towards [Moonfish]. It tried to attack Mordo but Mordo block it with easy using [Shield Of The Seraphim].

After many failed attacks [Moonfish] seemed to give up then suddenly it curled up into some kind of meat ball. Then giant mouth appeared on it.

"MaGE. StOP. DiStUrBiNG. CoMiNg. Of. My. LoRD." It talked with broken voice. Sounds like thousands of people talking same time.

"I'm Mordo Of Kamar-Taj the guardians of this planet. We will eliminate any other worldly threats that will endanger this planet." Mordo said in serious tone and took out his [The Staff of the Living Tribunal].

"So. YoU. HaVe. ChOsEn. DeATh!" Soon it blow up itself. It's black blood splashed everywhere then start come back into one spot and created shape of creature.

"Prepare! It's lord is coming!" Mordo warned other mages while start casting other spells.

Creature has black robe, white mask like skin, many heads and many arms. Excludes powerful mystical aura from itself.

[Name: Shadow Of The Stranger

Rank: E-

Introduce: Creature who has born from little bit of breath of The Stranger. Even so it is strength something you can't understatement. Current lifespan 5 minutes.

Powers: Telekinesis, Gravity Control, Flight, Teleport, Shadow Control, Limb Manipulation, Super Regeneration, energy projection.

Evaluation: It's creature who only learned how to walk.]

Don't look down on just one level higher than [Moonfish] gap of strength between F+ to E- incredibly massive. [Shadow Of The Stranger] raised it's one of hands and powerful force pushed most mages expect Mordo.

Even though it didn't effect Mordo much it disturbed his spell. So because failed spell Mordo has no other way but get in close combat. It's just Mordo has two arm and holding one weapon while this creature has more than ten arms and every arm generated energy sword.

It doesn't have any weapon using experience only swinging randomly. But sheer number of attacks and force behind it made Mordo cornered. He doesn't have any other way than passively block it's attacks.

The ones having hard times not only Mordo. While other mages situation isn't bad as Mordo is they having a hard time too. They are not fighting creature but their shadows. And this shadows can use magic too.

And shadows aren't only things that disturb them but also gravity that changes nonstop. Some times they felt their body getting light then suddenly heavier than original and back to normal. It changed so many times it is hard to adapt or used to it. But even so it's way better than being creature's main focus like Mordo.

Current Mordo is in really difficult situation. Now his green mage is robe torn apart look like beggar. Maybe even beggars look better than him in some extent. Let's not talk about his clothes but wounds he get from this short fight is already really serious.

[Remaining Lifespan of Shadow Of The Stranger: 3 minutes 12 seconds.]

"D-damn it! You foul beast as long I Mordo is still mage of Kamar-Taj you won't hurt anyone in front of me!" Saying that Mordo ignored his injuries and start chant spell in unknown language.

Seeing this [Shadow Of The Stranger] attack him nonstop but what surprised it was some thing invisible is blocking it's attack. Soon black vines start appearing on Mordo is body. It looks like some kind of worm is crawling inside his skin.

It is one of Kamar-Taj is forbidden spells and Mordo is last resort. It's called [Call Of Mephisto] using your body as a fuel ignites Flame Of Hell. It's kind of self-distraction spell that will kill himself and destroy everything around itself. Price is not only your death but also selling his soul to [Mephisto] himself.

Just as Mordo was about finish his spell someone tapped on his shoulder lightly. Then suddenly all this filth in his body aka [Mephisto] is energy comes out from his body and become some kind of black cloud. Then it rushed into body of [Shadow Of The Stranger].

Then suddenly black and blue portal opened behind it and golden chains created by runes come out and dragged it into portal. Mordo looked around and found women in yellow mage Rob with hood that covered her face.

"Teacher." Mordo knelt down respectfully. So does other mages.

"What an horrible creature. Looks like earth is going to face new threat."