
Chapter 1

A dark purple portal appeared out of no where in a desolate place filled with ruins.

A young man stepped out in a care free manner. He was like a lazy panther looking for prey. He looked around this place that he was teleported to.

He observed the ruined houses and uprooted plants with an apathetic face. It looked like a hurricane passed through.

As his head turned to the right, a shadow darted towards him, aiming for his waist.

In a mere second, the man stretched his hand out to the side, to grab the shadow. The shadow, a rabid dog, scrambled to break free from the mans death grip.

" How cute. Is this another show of your love, Agonist?" Though the man's face remained impassive, his voice held a hint of amusement.

" Of course not, host. I couldn't bear to harm you." A sarcastic voice rung out from a ball of light that appeared. It floated near the young man's shoulder.

The young man, still gripping the neck of the now convulsing dog from lack of oxygen, stared at it in disgust before throwing it towards a brittle wall.

The fragile wall collapsed on the dog as it was unable to handle the shear force of the throw.

The dog in a similar state of collapsing, was now close to its death. A rusted nail at the bottom of the wall had also punctured it's back.

Shaking, it lowly growled as the man walked up to it. The last thing it saw was the young man's hand covering its eyes in its last moments.

" You poor thing, go to sleep now." His voice was bland, as if he didn't posses basic human empathy for other living things.

The man's dull expression finally changed, however it morphed into a sinister grin. Nonetheless, he looked bewitching, ethereal even.

He pushed back the black bangs, that covered his eyesight, as he made his way outside the alley.

" Let's help the poor dog reunite with its owner." He says in a cheerful voice, yet simultaneously bearing a contradictorily stiff expression.

" ... it's a child."

" So?" The man tilted his head to the side, questioning what's the problem.

With light steps he continued walking out the alley, stopping at the corner to peak at the people standing a few feet away.

" ... Never mind." Agonist mutters turning away from the madman. It's already given up talking some sense into it's host. And it's not like it could leave him now, it was stuck with him.

" This fucking kid!" An older man, gruff and ungroomed, kicked the child on the ground.

" Ugh..." The boy groaned as his already thin and thin body couldn't handle anymore.

" I told you to kill that foreigner, what the fuck happened?!" Another man shouts aggravated.

" I- I don't know. The connection cut-t off when the dog died." The boy stutters, groveling on the floor, afraid of another beating.

The young man chose this moment to step out into the light.

" Hm? Am I that supposed foreigner?" Acting innocent, he puts his index finger on his cheek, and tilts his head.

" What the fuck?!" They turn, panicked, but calm down seeing it was just a young man.

" Well, ain't this just nice. The sheep decided to come looking for death." Of the three men, the buff and fierce looking leader, stood up.

" Ah! Before we start, mind telling me where on earth we are?" The young man flashes a smile, stunning his viewers.

" Th- the city of El Alto in Bolivia." The leader answers flustered.

" Your speaking Spanish, yet you don't know where you are? Were you kidnapped?" The lanky man in the back questions the origins of the handsome man. ' His clothing seems expensive, but he doesn't have any valuables or bags on him. Not much to steal.' He thought.

" Yeah, something like that." The young squints his golden eyes at the ball of light floating near him.

' Hey! I did not kidnap you! If anything, I'm the one hijacked by you!' The system whines in the young man's head, giving him a headache.

" Heh, then it's your fate to be sold." The leader whips out a knife and walks towards the young man threateningly.

" Hm? Is that piece of iron meant to frighten me?" The young man's expression turns dull again.

The leader chargers at him, enraged by his taunting.

The young man simply leans to the side and sticks his foot out to trip the other.

" Urg!" He slams down to the floor, his face full of dust.

Before he had the chance to scramble up, a weight on his neck stomps down.

" Urk! You motherfu-!"

" Ah ah a, don't you cuss at me, you motherfucker." The young man adds pressure on the man's neck, shattering his vertebrae. The dead man ceased all movement.

The two other men, frightened, tripped over their own feet as they scrambled away from the devil in front of them. Seeing the light of at the end of the road, they cheered. Thanking god, whom helped them run from the devil himself.

As they took another step, something phenomenal happened.

Something impossible.

The shadows at their feet sprung up.

And devoured them.

Without a sound, they disappeared off the face of the earth. No one will know how or when.

Either way, they aren't worth an investigation. It's three less gangsters for the city.

The child simply fell to his knees, frozen as he watched the massacre of his superiors. He wet himself as the young man turned towards him.

" Your turn~" He grinned.

The boy fainted before the young man took a step towards him.

" Aww, there's no fun if you can't scream or something." He pouts. " Oh well." He shrugs, as it was of no importance.

As the shadows moved towards the child, they froze before dispersing.

" Eh? What now, Agonist?" He grumps.

" No killing this child."

" Hah? Why not?! He knows how I look and what I just did!"

The ball of light floats towards the child, settling on top of his head. " I'll take care of his memories. There's zero risk for you."

" Ah, you goodie two shoes! Why on earth was I given a system like you?!" The young man grabs his hair in frustration.

" To minimize the havoc you would spread." In a deadpan tone, the system answers before getting to work.

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