
Chapter 02: An angel called Lucifer Morningstar 1

Chapter 02: An angel called Lucifer Morningstar 1

"Why are you looking at me with that retarded face?"

Coming out of my initial shock, I look at the woman in front of me.

She has long black hair, almost pale white skin, a thin and defined body, she is wearing black pants and a simple black shirt.

There is no doubt, she is DC's Mazikeen.

Seeing that she was still looking at me. "It's nothing" I say without saying much. After all, I don't know how to act like Lucifer! And, I have no memory of this body, for now, we will try to speak with few words.

Mazikeen looks at me with a bored face, "I see" She spoke as she walked over to me.

Suddenly another message appears in front of me.

[Name: Mazikeen Morningstar, ??? Years.

Race: Nephilim

Titles: The first of its kind, the daughter of the king of demons and the queen of demons, torturer.

Rank: Tier 3 (6 wings)

Affinities: Light (50%), Darkness (50%)

Current status: Bored]

Looking at the title of Mazikeen, I can't help but contract my lips, I can't even deny it now.


"Yes?" I answer without thinking.

Suddenly a message appears in front of me.

[Synchronization: 1%]

Wasn't that 0% before?

Suddenly, I remember little things related to Lucifer, I remember how he behaves.

"What do you want, Maze?" I answer with a small smile.

My whole atmosphere suddenly changed to something more confident.

"Hmm" Maze looked at me for a while.

"What? Do you like what you see? " I asked while I was with open arms.

Maze ignores me and starts to say: "Something interesting is happening in New York"

"Yes, I know" I answer as I walk to the bathroom, getting naked in front of your 'adult daughter' is very uncomfortable.

"How do you know? Are your powers returning? " She asked in a neutral tone.

I stop walking and look at Maze, so I remember the words from the game's interface when I created the character.

I smiled and replied, "I just know."

Then I continued walking as I felt Maze's gaze on my back.

[A / N: I don't like character Nerf or some nonsense like that, because of that, I made it very clear that Lucifer's backstory is just a backstory, to fit the Marvel world. The only truth about the Lucifer story is that he was banished from heaven. Unlike the original, he was not banished to hell, but to the human world. About Maze and Lilith, let's say this relationship happens before Lucifer is banned from heaven]


In the bathroom.

Okay, let's sum up my situation, somehow, I transmigrated to the world of Marvel in the body of Lucifer, I woke up in a luxurious room, and now, I have a daughter ...

Fucking complicated situation, but ...

Dude, I'm fucking hot. I think as I look in the mirror.

Snow-white hair, sapphire blue eyes, defined body ... As expected of the most beautiful angel in heaven. I nod to myself in satisfaction.

[Synchronization: 2%]


Suddenly, several memories entered my head, I was receiving information about my wizard class.

[New function available <Inventory>, New function available <Skills>]

I ignore the message and look in front of me. I point my finger at the wall, then a small light comes out of my finger and goes through the wall.

[Due to a player's action, a new light element skill was created]

[Skills, Mage Class:

Light Element:

-Pew, Pew: LVL 1]

I twist my lips when I see the name of the skill, should I shout <Pew, Pew> When to use the skill?

I focus on that feeling from when I used my power again, and soon a light comes out of my finger and goes through the wall.

I can use the skill! I was getting worried if I should have to shout the name of the skill like those animes, that would be cringe!

I sigh in relief, I look at my inventory.


-Full black suit.

-Full white suit.

-Hera's staff]

I clicked on Hera's staff, after all, it caught my attention.

[Staff of Hera:

-Description: Staff used by the goddess Hera, it was a gift to her beloved Lucifer when he visited Mount Olympus.]

What the fuck?

[New information obtained! Updated relationship statuses!]


Lilith, she is deeply obsessed with you. 150+ (Alive)

Eve, she never forgot her first man. 100+ (Dead?)

God, worried about your son. 100+ (Alive)

Miguel, is jealous and envious of you. -100 (Vivo)

Mazikeen, bored. She is your daughter. 100+ (Alive)

Hera, she never forgot her first man, 70+ (Alive) * NEW *

Zeus, he wants you dead, -100 (Alive)* NEW *

???? (Insufficient information.)]

[New mission available!]

[Secondary mission (Optional), a gallant angel !!

Description: Hera the queen of Olympus misses you, pay a visit!

Rewards: ???]


Dude, Lucifer does not forgive anyone, he has already done NTR with two men, my god in heaven ... Should I say 'my father now?'

Wait ... Zeus is a fucking god, isn't he? And I'm playing on <Hell> difficulty ... Will he receive a 500% strength buff?

Holy shit, I'm fucked !!

Anyway, I must get stronger! I click on the suit icon.

[Full black suit.

Description: A $ 20,000 black suit]

Suddenly, I appear dressed in a full suit, I soon realize how useful this function is. If I have armor, I can change in the middle of the battle, I will become male Erza!

I chose to ignore the value of the suit, if I am surprised by everything, I will get tired, let's go to New York!


New York.

The avengers were fighting the Chitauri, Thor was using his thunder powers and was frying several individuals from the enemy army.

Tony Stark was flying around the city in his armor and attracting the attention of enemies.

BlackWidow and Captain America were fighting on the ground and helping civilians who needed help.

Hulk ... Well, Hulk was crushing everything and everyone.

Hawkeye, was shooting arrows at airborne enemies.

The fight was going on the same way in the movie, the villains were being beaten, and the heroes were winning. [A / N: I will not write what happens in the film just to increase the number of words, I know that everyone here has seen the avengers.]

Tony Stark who was flying over New York was warned by Jarvis:

"Sir, a car containing two civilians is heading towards the battlefield"

Tony Stark looks at the image Jarvis is showing and clicks on the tongue. "Tsk"

"What are they doing here?" He wondered as he dodged the leviathans


Lucifer was driving towards New York with his Chevrolet Corvette C1 Cabrio. [The same as the Lucifer series]

While driving the car, he was listening to a Scorpions song called: Send me an angel.

He had a smile on his calm face inside, but inside, he was finding this situation quite ironic, here he was an angel going towards 'saving' someone.

"Lucifer, what in the name of the seven hells are you doing?" Maze asked in a calm tone.

"My beautiful daughter, you don't have to be anxious, I'm just going to visit some old friends"

Maze winced when she heard the word 'daughter' from Lucifer.

Lucifer did not notice this, he was too focused on enjoying the music and avoiding the wreckage in the middle of the road.

"Hmm?" Lucifer looks at Maze strangely, after all, she kept him from coming to this place at any cost, but suddenly she was silent.

Lucifer drove the car in silence while enjoying the music playing, getting close to his destination, he stopped the car and got out.

"Maze, take care of the car, I don't want to see any scratches on it" Lucifer spoke with a smile as he organized his suit.

Normally, Maze would prevent Lucifer from doing something dangerous, since he was powerless and any bad guy can kill Lucifer, and if he died her mother would never forgive her.

But right now, she was too shaken to care about anything Lucifer does. After all, it was the first time that her father recognized her as a daughter.

Lucifer started walking towards the avengers.

Lucifer's gamer sense was tingling, he saw that the avengers were dealing with this very easy. Usually, it would be a good thing, but it should never forget that he chose the difficulty <Hell>

When the game is very easy on this difficulty, it just means that the game has not started, it was still in <Tutorial>

Soon, he sees an alien in front of him.

[Name: Chitauri Lvl 1

Rank: Tier 0

Current status: following orders]

Lucifer points his finger at the creature, then an energy comes out of his finger and goes through the creature's head.

[Exp Gain: 1]

Well, that was easy.

Lucifer decides to open his status.


[Synchronization: 2%

Name: Lucifer Morningstar, 26 years old. [Level 0. Experience required for the next level: 1/1000]

Race: Angel

Titles: The most beautiful angel in heaven, The first of the fallen, The one who rebelled against God.

Alignment: Good chaotic.

Classes: Mage.

Class bonus: 100% learning bonus on everything related to magic and spirit.

Rank: Tier 0 (Zero wings)

Affinities: Light (100%), Darkness (00.1%)

Current status: Corruption, extreme caution is recommended.]


Yep, it's time to farm boys !!!

Lucifer looks at the aliens with shining eyes, but he was no longer seeing them as another creature, he was just seeing these aliens as Exp!


Edited By: IsUnavailable

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