
26. Punisher

Frank Costa was in a bad mood as of late. One by one he was losing his business and his men, worst of all someone important died on his turf. The other party wasn't someone even his family could afford to offend.

He stared as his right hand man, "Jigsaw, what did the elders say?"

Jigsaw said solemnly, "They weren't happy. I was nearly killed, if I hadn't promised another batch within five days only my skin would have returned."

Jigsaw spoke with fear. He still remembered how those red eyes locked onto him, fear wouldn't even begin to describe how he felt.

Frank sneered, "Don't worry. Unless we are completely useless to them they won't kill us."

Jigsaw nodded and said, "Boss, there has been no news from that mutant, he should be dead. Also that guy made a move again, he killed more of our men and destroyed three of our warehouse housing cash."

Frank clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug deep into his flesh, "First that f*cking ninja and now this f**ker! Who the f*ck is targeting our Costa Family!?"

Jigsaw went silent. He too was worried, their assets were being cut off one by one. Right now it wasn't a problem but if this persisted then that's a different story.

"Boss, that ninja and this guy has different motives. While the ninja just kills, he will report our assets to the cops but the other guy simply doesn't care. He is killing our men and burning down everything we own. I think he might be targeting us for a reason, maybe revenge."

Frank gritted his teeth, "You go secure the cargo. I will ask the elders for some of their men. They won't reject my request, it's not easy to find another supplier with connections like my Costa Family."

Jigsaw nodded and left.



Bullets rained down inside a club somewhere in New York. Bodies covered in blood littered everywhere.

Two men hid behind the bar and held onto their guns. They fired into the open hall but their expression didn't show any signs of relief but anxiety and fear

Who is he!? We were having a good time when he came inside, before any of us could even react five of us were already dead! Who the f*ck is he!?

One of the men roared inside his mind. He had lived through several gang wars before but this was the first time he experienced such a one sided slaughter.

Just as his friend was about to take another shot his head was splattered with blood and fell down. His eyes were a bloody mess.


The other guy finally lost his cool and fired randomly. But there was no one before him, sweat trickled down his face as fear gripped his heart.

Just as he was about to run something cold touched the back of his head. He stiffly turned around to see a man with short black hair and a chiseled face standing before him. He had a skull painted on his vest.

Those eyes of his were cold causing the man to shiver from fright. Before he could blink pain coursed through his head and he fell down.

The man with the skull painted vest looked around to confirm everyone was dead before walking away. His figure looked lonely as he walked through the dark alleys of New York.

He turned a corner and checked his surroundings before pulling a manhole and jumping down. He walked through the sewers for some time. A small circular iron cover enough for a single person came to view. He pulled it open.

Getting inside he locked the cover and slid down. After several twists and turns he landed inside a wide room. He placed his guns on a large rack lined with several more guns and took off his bulletproof vest.

A large map was put on the wall. Red crosses scattered on it with several blue circles on other locations. He crossed out a blue circle and sat down, taking out a picture of a family full of smiles his thoughts drifted into the past.

Suddenly he pulled a gun from the couch pillow and aimed it behind him. Before he could pull the trigger the gun disappeared from his hands.


A voice rang from the shadow, "Calm down. I am not an enemy."

The shadows twisted as a man wearing dark clothes and a black fox mask walked out, this was of course Adam.


His eyes darted around this new visitors outfit, it was then he remembered the rumours around New York city.

Adam spoke, "Frank Castle, former marine, Special Ops, a spy and finally an elite soldier of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Frank wasn't impressed, "Why are you here?"

Adam smiled behind his mask, "It seems you know me."

Frank stated, "You cleaned up quite a lot of the Costa Family goons."

Adam shrugged, "If you know me then this would be much easier. I want a favour from you, of course I would help you in return."

Frank thought for a bit and asked, "What do you want?"

Adam said, "I want the locations of all vampire facilities as well the the current whereabouts every vampire elder."

Frank was surprised, "You are either crazy or extremely confident. Do you know of the treaty between vampires and humans? The consequences if you break them?"

Unexpectedly Adam laughed, "Treaty? Frank, do you really believe the treaty is useful. If it was then thousands of humans wouldn't just go missing every day. You know, don't you? That the vampires are raising humans like pigs."

Frank didn't reply.

Adam shrugged, "Since they can play dirty I can do the same."

Frank thought for a bit, "Exactly what's in it for me?"

Adam said seriously, "I know all about what happened to you, Costa Family is your enemy. If you can get me what I want I can help you with their complete annihilation."

Frank wasn't an impulsive teenager, he asked, "How confident are you?"

Adam asked back, "Would a 100 percent do?"

Frank sank into contemplation. He was deciding whether to take this offer or not, if this guy could do it...

Adam said, "I don't have all day, make your decision but you should know, I can get the info if I wanted, it's just that it would require so much more time."

Frank hesitated no further, "Alright. I will get what you want, just a bit of reminder. Once an Elder is dead the others would disappear and you won't have an easy time finding them."

Adam smirked, "That's my problem."

Adam smiled coldly behind his mask. No one knew what he was planning but it was bound to shake up the power structure of this world.

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