
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
120 Chs

chapter 213

Flash! Flash!

Let the light flash on the throne.

"this… … Isn't it great? "It's the most refreshing massage I've ever had."

Sejin Yoon sat down with a relaxed expression.

"It's an EX level skill. that."

"… … You're kidding, right? "What kind of EX level massage chair is that?"

"That's right."

"Aside from being cool, are there any additional effects, then?"

When Yoon Se-jin said that as if it was absurd.

Shoooooo… … !

His body began to be immersed in pure white light.

In particular, the light shines most intensely in the area where Yoon Se-jin's eyes are.

"uh… … ."

Yoon Se-jin blinked as she felt a refreshing sensation in her eyes.

Both eyes were stabbed with a knife and the eye area was crushed.

I felt it filling up in an instant.


"no… … ."

My two lost eyes are now functioning properly.

My eyesight was completely restored.

"Oh, Dad… … Snow? no way. see?!"

"uh. okay… … Se-ah, you."


Yoon Se-ah runs to Yoon Se-jin with a surprised face.

However, the divine throne flashed light and blocked her approach.

"Why is this like this?"

"I guess it's because only one person can sit at a time."

"ah… … ."

Yoon Se-ah, who was happily trying to hug her father, scratched his cheek.

Yoon Se-jin, who was looking at her blankly, said something.

"Sea, you. "You've gained more muscle."

"… … The first words I said to my daughter as soon as my eyesight recovered were true. "You are so touching."

"She's still the prettiest in the world."

"Ugh… … Don't do that. It's cringy. "It's just that I have a lot of muscles."

Yoon Se-ah grabbed her arm as if she was offended by Yoon Se-jin's words.

I looked toward the sacred site.

"Uncle, what on earth did you do? "Even my supporters said they couldn't heal my father's eye yet."

"That massage chair. It has the function of returning the body to its optimal state. Since the grade is EX, I was wondering if my eyes could be brought back to their optimal state."

"omg. "It wasn't a joke, was it really EX?"

"Are you going to joke about something like this? Brother-in-law. "Is there anything else that appears in the system message?"

In response to Seong Ji-han's question, Yoon Se-jin looked into space.

"Sitting on a throne approved by Battle.net, it says that the level limit has increased by 30. "It is said to have returned the body to its optimal condition."

"Is there any message that the acceptance limit for void stats has been increased?"

"There is no such thing."


Does Void Limit + only apply if you have the Void ability?

Seong Ji-han nodded and spoke to Yoon Se-jin.

"Brother-in-law, the media says that you regained your eyesight after taking recovery items."

"okay… … "We cannot announce the existence of this chair."

"And Se-ah. When you're done, you sit down next time."

"Eh? me? I'm lively. "Dad, let me sit down one more time."

"No duplication. And I have something to test."

Just like that, Yoon Sejin got up from her seat.

Next, Yoon Se-ah sat on the throne.

Flash! Flash!

Light explodes from her body.

"and… … "Is this really good?"

Yoon Se-ah's expression, which said she didn't need a massage, instantly cleared up.

The relaxation function of Shinjwa even restored my lost eyes.

All the blood on my body had completely disappeared.


"oh… … I got a message too! At the level limit of 30, the void stat limit my uncle said... … "Has this increased?"

"okay? "You don't have any void stats yet, do you?"

"huh… … "There are no stats, but the limit has increased."

Yoon Se-ah's class is Void Analyst, but she has not yet obtained void stats.

Still, perhaps because it was related to the void, a message that did not appear to Yoon Se-jin seemed to have appeared.

"How much has it increased?"

"It increased by 10. "From 110 onwards, it is said to belong to the Will of the Void."

"I'm 5. "The Divine Chair is more effective for you."

"okay? Is it because you are a void analyst? But when do you actually get the important void abilities? … ."

What happens if the limit increases?

There are no important void abilities.

When Yoon Se-ah was lamenting with a comfortable expression on her throne.

[The constellation 'Witch of the Void' is very surprised to see you sitting on the throne.] [She thinks for a moment, saying that something that cannot have happened, no matter how fantasy it may be, has happened.] 

After Yoon Se-ah chose the class of Void Analyst, a message came out from the Void Witch, who had been quiet so far.

* * *

"oh… … "Mom sent me a message!"

"okay? "What are you saying, sister?"

"uh… … first."

Yoon Se-ah glanced at Yoon Se-jin and said.

"Well, Dad says I have to get out."

"… … okay. I get it."

His eyes recovered, and he looked at Yoon Se-ah with a happy face.

I smiled bitterly at those words and left the room.

"I am?"

"Uncle, I'm sure you'll stay."

"please? "Do you have something to say to me?"

"uh… … "My uncle asked me if I had invested a lot of my abilities into the void?"

"uh. "Tell them it's 55."

"Mom, don't you plan on living long? "She nags me a lot to stop posting."

"are you okay. "You live until you're 70, right?"

The void stat has been of great help to Seong Ji-han so far.

Especially the effects of the ability itself, as well as the various side effects gained from the Void.

Void shops and training centers have now become indispensable elements.

I don't know when I'll face off against the god of war, but I can't give up on the void now.

"The void will continue to drag on."

As Seong Ji-han firmly expressed his refusal, messages popped up on Yoon Se-ah's system window.

[The Witch of the Void laments that she never listens to her sister.] [She asks why she is like that and says she doesn't want to live long anymore.] [She complains that there is a need for things like this to be real, no matter how fantasy they are.]When Seong Ji-han was just living in the past, Repaturi, whom Seong Ji-ah was talking about with a sigh, came out of the system window.

Yoon Se-ah scratched her cheek.

'I don't need to tell you this.'

The Void Witch who had been scolding Seongjihan for such a long time.

[The Void Witch asks if you really want to have void abilities.]I brought out the main topic to Yoon Se-ah.

What is the message? It's a nuance that says they will give it to you if you say you want it.

Yoon Se-ah asked Seong Ji-han with shining eyes.

"uncle. "Void abilities, are you that good?"


"Speak as if your mom would give it to you."

"You don't have it."

"why. "I want to become stronger too!"

"I should live a long time."


"me? I'm fine. "There is a way."

Yoon Se-ah narrowed her eyes.

There didn't seem to be a specific way, but I felt like I gave a rough answer.

at that time.

[The Void Witch says that she can temporarily grant you Void if you promise not to increase your Void stat by more than 10.]"10? Is there any problem beyond that?"

[The Void Witch emphasizes that there must be a difference of more than 100 between the Void threshold and the current stats.]"aha… … ."

This time, sitting on the throne, the limit has been increased by +10.

Is it okay to have 10?

"uncle. "Mom said the limit and the current value just need to be 1 million away."


"huh. me… … "Will you do it?"

Yoon Se-ah seems to have already made up her mind.

In this situation, persuasion did not work at all.

'… … I won't let my sister go astray.'

Seong Ji-han nodded as if he had no choice.

Yoon Se-ah immediately opened her mouth to the message window.

"I promise, Mom."

[The Void Witch temporarily grants emptiness to player 'Yoon Se-ah'.]Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

A purple mist rose from Yoon Se-ah's body and was absorbed into her body.

A Void ability was created in her status window.

[The Void Witch once again advises that you never increase your Void ability above 10 until the limit is increased.]Then, the Void Witch ended her message by emphasizing that you should not score more than 10 once more until the end.

"Mom's gone… … ."

The joy of gaining Void stats was short-lived.

As Seong Ji-ah became quiet again, Yoon Se-ah watched the system window with regret.


[The Goddess will be reverse summoned.] [Resummoning is possible after one month.]The throne that had seated three players had exhausted its usefulness and turned into light and disappeared.

'The throne… … It was useful in some way.'

The throne that instantly restored Yoon Se-jin's eyes and increased the limit of his void abilities.

I'm still curious as to why it gets EX level.

Still, it was quite useful.

'But what my sister said… … It's a bit different from the story of the constellation of the dead star.'

The Dead Star Constellation advised Seong Ji-han not to exceed 100 Void stats.

Seong Ji-ah emphasized that there must be a 100 difference between the threshold and the void ability.

Among the two constellations.

Perhaps Seong Ji-ah, whose constellation name is 'Witch of the Void' from the beginning, is more correct.


'If I have to follow my sister's words, even if my void limit increases every time I use the throne... … 'I can't raise the Void for over 10 months.'

A divine throne that is summoned once a month.

Even if you increase the limit by following the cycle regularly.

If we follow Seongjia's words, the Void stats should have been left alone for over 10 months.

'I can't afford that.'

Just like Seong Ji-han did when his older sister was alive.

I decided not to listen to her.

of course.

"Sea, you should never raise it above 10."

Yoon Se-ah was an exception.

"okay. What about your uncle? "Uncle, you're going to make a 100 difference too, right?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Oh really… … ! "Earlier, my mom was lamenting that her uncle still doesn't listen to me."

"okay? "Strangely, that's how it happens to my sister."

Seong Ji-han chuckled.

"Ugh. really… … ."

Yoon Se-ah glanced at him, then suddenly clapped lightly.

"ah. uncle! "Do I have something to brag about to my uncle?"

"What are you bragging about?"

"me. "I'm level 213."

Yoon Se-ah is enjoying the effects of great chronicity.

Even after moving up to the Diamond League, the growth rate was remarkable.

"however… … "What level is your uncle?"


Seong Ji-han looked at the status window in response to Yoon Se-ah's question.

"215 yes."

"Ah, that's a shame. I thought I would overtake this time! "I haven't even played the game, so why is my level so high?"

"There are level-up rewards earned during promotion matches and national team matches."

Seong Ji-han answered like that.

I was surprised to see the current situation where there was only a two-level difference between me and Yoon Se-ah.

'Standard growth rate... … 'This is absolutely ridiculous.'

Originally, the level difference was significant.

Jihan Seong stopped leveling up for a moment while saying he was going to catch Shizuru and prepare for the match against the elf.

Before I knew it, Yoon Se-ah was following behind me with a frightening momentum.

Of course, unlike the narrowed level, the abilities were the difference between heaven and earth.

"It's been a while since I've had to access Battle.net."

"Uncle, are we finally starting?"

"Uh, I can't just stand still and be overtaken by you like this."

Seong Ji-han decided to restart Battle.net, which he had been unable to access due to training.

'If you level up now, you can increase the void even more.'

That's how Seong Ji-han entered the game for the first time after becoming a diamond.

[Top 0.001% player based on evaluation criteria.] [Assigned to Diamond League, Space-4 Area.]'Space 4?'

Instead of Gangnam 1 area.

The organization has been relocated to the Space 4 area.

Changes that occurred as Battle.net entered the main game.

'For Earthlings, Space 12 was the best... … God goes up to 4 with Diamond.'

When Seong Ji-han was looking at the space area and recalling memories from his last life.

[The player is assigned to the special dungeon map, 'Boss Selection'.] [Would you like to participate in the 'Boss Selection'?]A message appeared saying that he had been assigned a special map.