
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantaisie
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120 Chs


'tower of Babel?'

Although he was a holy man who did not believe in any religion.

I was familiar with the Tower of Babel.

The tower attempted to reach heaven by building it up to the sky, but it instead incurred the wrath of God and collapsed.

He said that in mythology, a unified language was mixed into several languages.

But Gilgamesh's residence is the 'Tower of Babel'.

"This tower… … They say it gets more dangerous the higher you go. "Even though we are currently avatars that entered through the Battle.net connector, the Constellation once again recommended that we log out."



Seong Ji-han thought as he chewed the golden fruit.

The Tower of Babel is extremely unpleasant.

For safety reasons, it would be right to log out.

I am a candidate for the Constellation. Even if I don't succeed this time, there isn't much time left until I ascend.


'I'll have to go up and see.'

Seong Ji-han became interested in Gilgamesh's Tower of Babel, which gave golden fruit.

"Let's go further first. "If it's dangerous, you two should log out immediately."

"hmm… … Even if it's still there, it'll be a bother to your uncle, right? okay. "It's going to jump when it bounces."

"me too. Then, if the Holy See gives me another word, I will let you know right away."

The two people obeyed his request.

"But uncle, that fruit…" … "Shouldn't I eat it?"

"Oh, it's okay because I can purify myself."

"Oh, then me too?"

"You can't do it."

"Tch, it looks delicious."

Yoon Se-ah looked at Seong Ji-han with envy as he kept eating fruit.

A golden fruit that looks more delicious than any other food in the world.

If it weren't for my mother's instructions, I would have already been running there.

'If this level of vitality is about 1/5 of the flesh of the world tree.'

And the 'secret energy' hidden inside is about 1/5, a golden fruit that is definitely deteriorated compared to the World Tree.

Seong Ji-han deliberately did not purify the energy.

Shook. Shook.

I ate the most fruit.

"no! Who keeps taking it!?"

The players, who were focused on eating fruit with their eyes wide open, lost their temper when the fruit kept disappearing.

"Look behind you!" It's Seong Ji-han... … !"

"ah… … ."

"Well, then there's nothing we can do."

"Uh, uh. Because you are so strong... … Should I eat all of this too? … ."

When he found out that it was Seong Ji-han who was taking the fruit, he could only make a fuss and not say anything in front of him.

"and… … Look at you talking behind your uncle's back. Why are they really like that? "No matter how much it increases your stamina."

"therefore. How dare you do that to Jihan?"

"… … But Sophia. "Why are you closing your eyes?"

"Because it looks so delicious. "I just decided not to watch it."

"I should do the same."

The two of them closed their eyes and held on like that.

Seong Ji-han laughed at the sight and ate the fruit in earnest.

Wasak. Wow!

Let's take almost half of what Enkidu dropped to the ground and kill it.

The eyes of the national team players increasingly focused on him.


"Ah, Joe, kinda… … !"

"Mr. Seong Ji-han. Can't you stop eating it? … !?"

To Seong Ji-han, who was a sacrosanct figure in the national team.

The players were openly trying to voice their dissatisfaction.

-Wow, what are you saying to Seong Ji-han? You guys are ungrateful.

-No matter how much your stamina stat increases, isn't it a bit harsh to feel exhausted?

-It seems like he's just possessed by a ghost. My eyes went back.

-But we are better. Team USA fights with each other hey;

Even the golden fruits piled up like a mountain.

As 50 people rushed in and ate it like crazy, it quickly ran out.

And when the players, who are sensitive to the number of fruits remaining, are glaring at each other and exuding sinister energy.

[Pass by.]The steel giant Enkidu made way.

Then, a staircase appears behind it.

Although it was inside the golden Tower of Babel, the stairs were made of wood.

And let's see.

"ah… … "It's over."

"It's a shame."

"health… … 3 went up."

"I have 5."

"I wish I had eaten more… … ."

People quickly calmed down and regained their composure.

But even for a moment.

"Then let's go up right away!"

"There may be other treasures upstairs!"

"I'm going to eat it all this time…" … !"

Most players want to quickly go up to the next floor.

They were rushing forward without following the order.

Players who don't even seem to think that this is already the 5th game of the finals and that they are part of the national team.

One person who wasn't swept away by the crowd.

Sword King Yoon Se-jin looked back at Seong Ji-han with his arms crossed.

"where… … Are you going up, brother-in-law?"

"I have to go."

"That's a good choice."


Yoon Se-jin laughed at Seong Ji-han's decision.

"Okay then, let's go."

I went up the stairs first.

* * *

=It's all over the place, I have no idea what kind of map this is... … .

=According to news I heard from the Korean national team a little while ago, the constellation of Player Sophia called this place Etemenanki or the Tower of Babel.

=The Tower of Babel? It seems to be very different from the Tower of Babel I know. I don't know when the Tower of Babel was such a gorgeous golden tower.

=They say it's a dungeon map, but it seems to only provide benefits to players. Just look at the scenes that have been released so far.

Five matches in the final of the Champions League.

The game, which was supposed to be more intense than anything else, was moving in a completely unexpected direction.

The two teams climbing the Tower of Babel did not encounter each other at all, perhaps taking different paths.

Every time I went up one floor, I received a gift from Enkidu.

[Pay homage to the king and eat the leaves. Then you can go up to the next floor.]"Oh my gosh, give me something like this again. thank you!"

"Homage to the King of the Beginning!"

When it comes to fruits, if only the Sword King had come forward and bowed first.

Now the players are competing.

They all crunched on the huge leaves as if they were herbivores.

"… … "That doesn't look that appetizing."

"okay? "Koreans eat meat wrapped in lettuce."

"It's all about meat."

Is it bearable compared to the fruit season?

Yoon Se-ah and Sophia are watching people's madness with a more relaxed mind.

Seong Ji-han used his martial power to drag the leaves that had piled up to the ceiling of the tower.

'If this is also related to the World Tree series, it would be a leaf of the World Tree.'


Let's chew on it. The leaves of the Tower of Babel do indeed have a healing effect.

However, the effect of this one was not as great as that of fruit.

In addition, from the beginning, the main effect of the leaves of the World Tree was to heal status abnormalities.

"It's so delicious… … !"

"Thank you, my king!"

"They say you have to bow and eat to increase your stats!"

"Oh, did it go up!?"

For the national team players who were eating leaves, instead of getting rid of their condition, their insanity seemed to get worse.

Of course, one bows harder in front of the leaves than to one's ancestors.

"Seong Ji-han! That's too much! "Stop taking it!"

"you're right… … ! "How can you take the king's gift to yourself like that?"

"hey! I'm saying this because I'm the older brother. "Stop hogging it!"

Now, he finally protested to Seong Ji-han.

Even a player who was usually politely referred to as a saintly player was seen trying to suppress him based on his age.

-hey? Hahaha To Seong Ji-han? lol

-You really lost your mind... … .

-Tower of Babel Is this a map that tests who can stay sane more?

Viewers were dumbfounded.

In the 5th game of the long-awaited finals, I couldn't believe seeing our allies showing self-respect like this.

They missed the 1st and 2nd games that ended quickly and the 3rd and 4th games that were fiercely contested.

at that time.

[He is the king's favorite.] [The king does not tolerate inferiority.]The steel giant, who had only handed over a leaf, quickly grabbed the player who was pointing at Seong Ji-han.

"uh… … ?"

The steel giant clasped his hand.


A player who explodes like a balloon without even being able to resist.

He, who was a strong warrior in his own right, couldn't even respond and exploded.

=Oh, no… … !

=Enkidu. Showing aggressive behavior for the first time!

=You stepped forward for challenging the player castle. What is his relationship with the 'King', the owner of the Tower of Babel?

=The battle will take place first on the Korean team… … !

The commentators were excited and turned their focus to the Korean national team.

Since one of the national team players was killed by Enkidu, it was thought that a conflict would arise.


"ah… … "Sung Ji-han was the king's favorite."

"Then there's nothing we can do…" … ."

"I'll be careful what I say… … ."

Korean national team players even though their teammates died.

On the contrary, as I accepted Enkidu's words, I became more polite to Seong Ji-han than before.

The national team doesn't seem to have any intention of opposing the steel giant.

"no… … Why are the players like that? I died on the same side... … ."

"I think this is why the Constellation said not to eat fruit. This is totally a marionette... … ."

The two who didn't eat fruit were shocked to see the players' reactions.

An even more surprising thing happened next.

"Uh, uh… … ?"

One of the players who was eating leaves suddenly grabbed his chest.

Clap. Clap!

It turned into a golden chain and stretched towards the steel giant Enkidu.

And the chain disappeared, absorbed into the steel giant's body.

In an instant, one player exploded and died.

One person was absorbed into the chain, reducing the number of members of the national team to 48.


Tsk. Tsk… … .

Most players were not interested in eating leaves or dying next to them.

"You have become a true subject of the king."

Yoon Se-jin commented while glancing to the side.

"Ah, that makes him a true subject…" … Envy you."

"I want to be one too."

"I need to eat more quickly!"

Rather, the movement of eating leaves became busier.


Clap. Clap!

Only after 7 more players disappeared into a chain.

[Pass by.]Enkidu allowed them to go up to the next floor.

-No, why do I feel so uncomfortable about the last game of the finals... … .

-I ordered one more chicken, but I lost my appetite completely.

-The U.S. national team also disappeared in a chain of 8 members ㅡㅡ;

-Can I win by reaching the top floor without disappearing like this?

-Ugh, it's better to just clash in a power struggle. This is... …

Watching the national team players rapidly become more fanatical towards the King of the Beginning as time passes.

Viewers are now feeling uncomfortable.

"uncle… … Are you going to keep going?"

"Like the Constellation said, wouldn't it be better to log out?"

Seeing the national team players gradually becoming a group of fanatics, Yoon Se-ah and Sophia recommended this to Seong Ji-han.

"I need to find out something. "You two should log out first."

"… … "Is this the dangerous situation your uncle mentioned earlier?"

"It's been okay so far, but it will definitely be like that from the next floor."

"What about Jihan?"

"I still have something to find out."

Seong Ji-han then raised his left hand.



In his hands, just like how the players changed earlier.

A golden chain popped out.

"uh. This, this. Could it be that Jihan was also encroached upon by that…? … !?"

"no. "This is worth researching, so we are deliberately growing it."

The last martial art of Destruction Determination, Cheonsu Gangsin.

The chains it gave off and this golden chain were definitely of the same kind.

'I guess I can find out more about the God of Heavenly Arms, who has not been completely analyzed, within this Tower of Babel.'

"all right. "It would be better to log out rather than become a burden."

"Yes, you will become a burden from the next floor."

"Ugh… … "It hurts to hear people tell me to my face that I'm useless, but I can't help it."

"Then I'll give you a full buff before I go!"

He said that if it doesn't help Seong Ji-han, he won't hold him back for no reason.

The two obediently followed Seong Ji-han's recommendation to log out.


Let Yoon Se-ah and Sophia log out.

"Well done to you two. "There's nothing to worry about now."

Yoon Se-jin, who was watching this silently, said this.

"Let's go, to the top."

"Good idea."

Yoon Se-jin then walks towards the next staircase.

Seong Ji-han stared at his back and then spoke.

"Hey, but there's something I want to ask you."

"… … To me?"

"Uh, not my brother-in-law. "You to Gilgamesh."

"Heh, something?"

Do you have any intention of hiding your identity?

Towards Yoon Se-jin, who looks back at Seong Ji-han with a smiling face and golden eyes shining.

Seong Ji-han used Destruction Gyeol.

Honwon Shingong Clean Yuan God Skills

annihilation decision

Heavenly Tree God

Clap. Clap.

A chain extends in all directions within Seong Ji-han's body.

Let it reach the second floor of this golden tower.

Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

The golden light that filled the floor, walls, and ceiling soon began to fade.

And that is, soon.

It turned into a brown wooden material, similar to the stairs.

"The Tower of Babel… … Is it the world tree?"