
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantaisie
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120 Chs


"Are you here?"

Artmu's blacksmith shop.

Artmu, not in a robot state but in a dwarf state, waved his hand at Seong Ji-han.

"you. "You look tall today too!"

"… … I think he's happier than usual. "Why are you so upset?"

"haha! "Don't you know what it means to a dwarf to be able to wield a dragon heart?"

"I don't know."

When Seong Ji-han answered immediately, Artmu nodded and stood up.

"Dwarves have been servants of dragons since ancient times. "If all dwarves talk about dragons, we will start to improve on this."

"Dwarves are a species of dragon... … Doesn't this apply to you? "Your planet is a dwarf, and you have unified it all."

"Not really. According to our ancestors' records, our planet was originally planned by dragons to make a new home. So, we dispatched our ancestors who were slaves and told them to develop first... … "They said something went wrong in the middle and the dragon didn't come to the planet."

Was Artmu's home planet of the dwarves originally planned to be a dragon colony?

Seong Ji-han listened to this and asked him a question.

"It's a colony… … Were the dragons spread throughout the universe like the World Tree Elves? "I don't think that's the only one."

"The dragon clan also has a lot of numbers. However, their criteria for selecting planets is extremely picky. How can we compare with a race like elves that plant trees here and there? "Our planet probably didn't meet the standards of the dragon race, so it probably wasn't chosen in the end."


"Anyway, the actual Dragon Heart… … "Can you show me first?"

Seong Ji-han took out the Dragon Heart from his inventory.

A red gem the size of a fist.

As soon as Artmu saw that, his eyes lit up.

"It has tremendous fiery mana. "It will be difficult to deal with it in this condition."


"I will equip the equipment."

Slam! Slam!

Artmu returns to his old combined robot form.

Jiiiing… … !

In the center of the blacksmith shop, a pure white platform rose.

[Start with accurate emotions.]Let the dragon heart sit on the platform.

Crackling. Crackling… … !

Machines popped out here and there and began to analyze the dragon heart in detail.

no. That's not analysis.

Kang! Kang!

It was an act that was almost like destroying it, so Seong Ji-han said one thing.

"Artmu. Are you appraising it? "It seems like it's about destruction rather than emotion."

[Don't worry. The dragon heart barely breaks to this degree.]While saying that, Artmu begins to attack in earnest.


The Dragon Heart did not sit still and spewed out intense flames.

[The blacksmith's firepower wasn't enough, but it worked out well!]Artmu enjoyed Dragon Heart's rebellion and fell into a trance.


And even though it seems to be broken, the dragon heart returns to its original state.

As the tug-of-war between the dwarves and dragon hearts continues.

'… … When does it end?'

Seong Ji-han, who was quietly watching this, saw that no matter how much time passed, there was no sign of things progressing.

I started to get worried.

Time passes by so inexorably.

'Do I have to do some training for this?'

When Seong Ji-han was seriously thinking about that.

[…] … hmm? you. There's something inside. Can I take it out?]"try."


Artmu's machine moved and extracted something from the dragon heart.


Grrrr… … !

[Hoo?]A huge flame rose from above the dragon heart, and it soon took the shape of a fire dragon.

[You guy… … !]A fire dragon glaring fiercely at the sacred site.

Although his form was small, Seong Ji-han was able to immediately figure out who he was.

'He's the representative of the last dragon clan.'

Altkaizen, who was sealed in the Dragon Heart during the Space League game as the representative of the Dragon Clan.

He came out of the dragon's heart through Artmu's emotions.

* * *

[You join hands with a lowly dwarf and taunt me... … How long are you going to humiliate me?]"Did you immediately know that it was a dwarf with mechanical equipment?"

[joy! I can sense the fishy stench of the species, but how could I not know? The mana of the poor arrangement is still the same.]An altkaizen that spits out harsh words as soon as it comes out.

Even in a sealed situation, he glanced around at Seongjihan and Artmu with undaunted eyes.



[where. How does your hammer taste?] [This bastard… … !] [I understand why our ancestors hated dragons so much. Just looking at it makes me hate it.]Kang! Kang!

Artmu picked up the hammer and struck Altkaizen's whole body.

[Pfft… … If you're going to humiliate me like this, just kill me quickly!]"You can't just kill him. Wait until you figure out how to use it. Artmu. "Don't be too sentimental either."


As Seong Ji-han spoke calmly, Artmu put away the hammer.

[I get it. I got excited when I heard the bell. It seems that the hatred imprinted on the Dwarves does not disappear easily. Anyway, this guy is the representative of the dragon clan in your league, and a dragon that carries on the bloodline of the Dragon Lord, right?]"okay. "In fact, it was the Dragon Lord who sealed him and handed him over."

[Are you a Dragon Lord?]"okay. "He is my patron constellation."

[I can't believe such a big name is sponsoring you... … Same thing with Raijin last time. What are you really?]Artmu said that as if it was absurd.

Tuk. Tuk.

Altkaizen's head was lightly tapped with a hammer.

Instead of seriously hammering like before.

A gesture with the meaning of provocation.

[This dirty land dog… … .] [If the Dragon Lord gave it to you. How about taking this guy around as a pet?]"Pet? "Let's use a dragon as a pet?"

[okay. The Dragon Lord also gave his blood to you, so I don't think he will care how you use it. By making them obey, you become a dragon rider.] [This guy is talking crazy... … Rather than commit suicide right now!]Altkaizen was extremely angry at Artmu's words, and flames bloomed everywhere.

[Where are you struggling?]Chiiik!

As cold air spewed out from all directions, firepower rapidly decreased.

Not only was he trapped in Dragon Heart, but this was Artmu's home ground.

No matter how much of a dragon he was, he couldn't resist him.

'Dragon Rider.'

Meanwhile, Seong Ji-han heard Artmu's suggestion and quickly shook his head.

"no. I don't really need a pet. "Even if I ride that guy, I won't become stronger."

[is it? Too bad. I expected to see the noble dragon give in and become your mount.]"I just need to gain the power of the Dragon Heart. "I'm still absorbing firepower, but I'm not spiritually satisfied."

There was also something the Dragon Lord said to Seong Ji-han.

-You can completely extinguish the fire and absorb it, or you can include the flames and make it your own. Whatever it takes, if you make Dragon Heart yours... … I will give you a bigger gift later.

The Great Constellation promised to give a greater reward if he made the Dragon Heart his own.

Rather than riding a fire dragon, it would be better to receive his gift.

[hmm… … It's a pity, but I can't help it. So, does absorption of power take priority? You can create new weapons or strengthen your weapons further.]"Then is it possible to use EX level weapons?"

[EX is… … well. I can't guarantee, but it seems impossible.]"Then let's prioritize power absorption."

[good. Then, I will completely fragment the dragon heart, process it specially, and transform it so that you can consume it.]A dragon heart the size of a fist.

Are you telling me to break it into pieces and eat it all?

"If that's the case, I can destroy it myself."

[If you just break it with force, you will not be able to fully absorb the power of the Dragon Heart. It doesn't require elaborate work. The final finishing touch, 'special processing', is the most important.]"okay. "Then do me a favor."

[good. Then, I will start disassembling it right away.]Seong Ji-han decided to prioritize the absorption of the Dragon Heart.

Artmu followed his wishes and attempted to begin work in earnest.

at that time.

[…] … for a moment!]"why?"

[What am I going to do?]"You want me to kill you? "I guess that's what happens."

[If the heart disintegrates, you too will disappear. It would be nice not to be humiliated. Dragon.]The fire dragon Altkaizen was floating above the Dragon Heart.

As the heart began to disintegrate in earnest, it was unable to maintain a stiff attitude like before.


[…] … Did you say that absorption of force is the most important? I will teach you how to absorb the Dragon Heart. Instead, please save me 10% of my heart and release me on our planet.]He proposed negotiations to Seong Ji-han.

"I'll teach you sooner. "Now?"

[It's just that you couldn't properly absorb the heart's power, so I couldn't come out. I woke up in this disgusting dwarven space.]"hmm."

[sir. If you release that guy, you will be in trouble for a long time. Already, powerful dragons would attack the Space League like enemies. Wouldn't it be better to just eat it all right here? The dragon race never forgets their grudges.]Although Artmu advised him not to listen to Altkaizen's words from his side.

[No, I swear by verb. If you release me, the dragon people of our planet will always give way to you humans in the Space League. okay… … Like when dealing with Segesu Elves.]"If you meet humanity in the game, you will lose?"

[okay. We lost the last game, but from now on, we will be first among humanity. If we just focus on banning you, the game will turn in our favor. I will give up all of those games.]Altkaizen said he would treat humanity like the elves of the World Tree and appealed for his release.

'A concession to the dragon clan…' … 'Not bad.'

Actually, the last game against the dragon tribe.

Altkaizen was arrogant and gave us 2 games, so we won easily.

If the game had been played through a normal ban and selection process, I had no idea how the winner or loser would have been decided.

Except for Seong Ji-han, humanity is still not good enough to fight against dragons.

If they would give up all future games, it was a pretty good offer.

"Tell me first how to absorb it. "If it's worth listening to and using, I'll let you live."

Seong Ji-han demands payment in advance.

[…] … Just want me to tell you first? Don't you have a method of making a binding promise, such as a saying?]"Where can you find such a thing in a lower race? "I don't want to believe it, but it was just split into pieces and eaten."

[under. I never thought I would be defeated by a race like this... … !]Altkaizen was furious.

[The method is… … .]In the end, I had no choice but to follow Seong Ji-han's demands.

* * *

A huge wasteland.

[Are you really going to do it?]"I have to do it."

[It might be a dragon's trap.] [What is a trap? I swore with the dragon language!]"okay. Otherwise, you can eat it right here."

In order to properly absorb the Altkaizen Dragon Heart.

He told me that I had to be on the ground where the sun shines.

"Then try it."

[…] … good night. However, it will hurt a bit. Can you endure it?]"Don't worry about me."

[i get it. Great ancestor. Please bless your descendants who carry on your blood!]Kaaaaa!

The small fire dragon floating above the dragon heart roared towards the sun in the sky.

The light of the sky began to gather toward the sacred site.



A huge fire rose in the sky.

A huge crack began to form.

[hmm… … The firepower seems to be quite strong. I fall out. I'll come back when it's all over.]"okay."

Artmu feels unusual firepower and falls into it.



From the sky, huge flames rained down on Seong Jihan.

[Dragon Lord's Blessing… … This is the first breath! I said clearly. It will be difficult to endure!]As the flames hit Seong Ji-han directly, Altkaizen's voice became brighter than before.

[If you survive here, you will completely absorb the Dragon Heart. But, really… … .]Grumble!

Seeing Seong Ji-han immersed in flames, Altkaizen said that.

"Is it worth it?"

[…] … what?]"oh. "I got it."

Seong Ji-han received the fire with a calm expression on his face.

I looked at the floating message window.

[Unique stat, Dragon Flame Dragon Flame has been acquired.] [The stat 'Fire Flame' is absorbed into 'Dragon Flame'.]Yongyeom.

Is this stronger than the fire of hell?

When Seong Ji-han was thinking like that.

[Unique stat, would you like to try fusing it with Red Lightning?]An additional message came to mind that made his eyes light up.