
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantaisie
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120 Chs


A week later.

Ding dong. Ding dong.

Yoon Se-jin, who was sitting on the living room sofa drinking coffee, heard a sound echoing from the wall pad and looked at Yoon Se-ah.

"Are you Sophia?"

"huh. dad. "I'll go out and see."

Yoon Se-ah went to the front door with a now familiar expression and opened the door.

OK. There stood Sophia, with her makeup on beautifully.

"Hello Se-ah~"

"huh. I see it often these days. hey."

Sophia moved to the Sword Palace a week ago.

Every day around 3 o'clock, he came to the penthouse.

"Hey, is there anyone here?"

"I don't have an uncle?"

"doesn't exist? also?"

"huh. "I'm training."

"okay? Should I come before 3 o'clock? But before that, the passing on of Joan of Arc's torch will not be completed… … ."

The reason Sophia has been going in and out of the penthouse for a week was, of course, to see Seong Ji-han.

She has been making a fuss every time for a week.

That's right too.

"no. It doesn't matter what time you come... … "Uncle, he won't come out of his training room."

"no… … You didn't come out of the training room for a week? rice is?"

"rice? "I heard you're not eating?"

"Eh?! "What do you do if you fall down?"

"As far as your uncle is concerned, you don't need to worry about that. There… … ."

Yoon Se-ah looked toward the training room and shook her head excitedly.

"It seemed like it wasn't even in there. "There is no pretense of popularity at all."

"Where did you go?"

"Last time I heard, you said you got a training center with a different flow of time. "I asked him to take me too, and he said only he could go in."

"and… … "Has there been such a thing?"

"huh. So, I'll let you know when it comes."

"Tch. I expected to see a lot of Jihan when I came to Korea... … okay!"

Sophia returns home after a week of wasting money.

When Yoon Se-ah returned to the living room, Yoon Se-jin spoke while drinking coffee.

"That kid is truly sincere."

"I know. dad."

"It's like what I saw when I followed your mom around."

"Mom, I heard you were a minor at the time?"

"Hmm… … "I guess I should go and level up."

Yoon Se-jin, who flinched at the mention of minors, got up from the sofa.

Yoon Se-ah grinned and looked toward the training room.

'But when will my uncle really come out?'

Since the creation of the Void Training Center, Seong Ji-han has been wandering around the training room.

These days, even on Yoon Se-ah's Battle Tube, Seong Ji-han's viewers come to ask when the broadcast will start again.

'Thanks to you, my subscribers also increased... … There was a fight between subscribers.'

There were overwhelmingly more people who subscribed to Yoon Se-ah's channel than those who subscribed to it.

Every time Yoon Se-ah's game was played, the chat was filled with 'When will Seong Ji-han come back?'

So, there was a fierce battle between those who asked why I was looking for Seong Ji-han here and those who asked me where to ask instead of here.

Yoon Se-ah was trying to coordinate this, but the chat window was so chaotic that she gave up these days.

"Ah, if I go into the game today, I'll find my uncle… … "Should I turn off the chat?"

When Yoon Se-ah smiles bitterly and mutters that.

"Looking for me? who?"

Behind her, Seong Ji-han appeared without any pretense of popularity.

"Ah, uncle! I'm here?"

"huh. "How much time has passed?"

"one week. "Have you had any results from your training?"

Seong Ji-han shook his head in response to Yoon Se-ah's question.


The fifth annihilation decision, Heavenly Tree God.

Seong Ji-han tried to approach it with only the clue that it was the martial arts of the wood attribute and the power of Gilgamesh.

Despite spending a considerable amount of time in the Void Training Ground, he was unable to make any progress.

'I think Cheonsu is related to the wood attribute... … .'

Cheonsu, meaning tree of the sky.

Since the river spirit was connected to it, Seong Ji-han initially thought it functioned as a kind of buff.

If it is a strong god, it usually has the effect of coming down to the user and strengthening him/her for a certain period of time.

'But, the last martial art of Destruction Determination is the Ganghwa type. That doesn't seem to be the case... … .'

There wasn't really any basis for saying it wasn't a reinforced type.

Seong Ji-han's sense was sending a signal that Cheonsu River God was simply not of that type.

So, I tried to find out about Cheonsu River God in other directions, but I always failed.

He had come out of the Void training ground to freshen up his head.

"But what was the chat about earlier?"

"ah. It's no big deal. "My uncle's fans came to my channel looking for him."

"okay? "There have been less broadcasts these days."

After being elected as the hidden boss, Seong Ji-han did not play a regular game.

That's because you already have a lot of experience points earned from hidden boss Seong Ji-han, and if you jump into the level-up race from here on out.

Because it was easy to become number one in the world.

Then, during the Space League, he would receive a first-place ban, so he was controlling his speed for the next game.

"Doesn't everyone know something about this situation?"

"Still, there are a lot of people who wonder what my uncle does."

"I'm training."

"I've said that more than a hundred times."

"I caused a nuisance."

"no. Still, among the people that came in that way, there are many people who subscribe to my channel... … ."

Yoon Se-ah, who showed great success in the match against Japan and whose growth in BattleTube was notable.

Even among fans asking about Seong Ji-han's whereabouts, he absorbed subscribers and enjoyed a trickle-down effect.

Still, I must have had quite a bit of trouble in the chat.

Yoon Se-ah, whose face is not always bright.

Seong Ji-han looked at her complexion and tapped her head.

"I won't be bothered by that chat today."

"huh? why?"

"I'm going to play a game today."

"uh… … Aren't you supposed to level up? "You can't be first in the Space League."

"Originally, I was going to do that, but this special map reward was so different."

"Oh, what is it?"

"I'll show you that in-game."

Seong Ji-han grinned and entered Battle.net.


"hello. everyone."

After accessing Battle.net, Seong Ji-han immediately turned on Battle Tube.

-uh? ㄹㅇ Is it Seong Ji-han?

-oh… … Suddenly, a notification popped up and I said something, "It's real, right?!"

-Oh, finally Battle Tube… … ㅠㅠ Have you finished training?

As soon as Seong Ji-han turns on the game, a chat window greets him.

Seong Ji-han, who was frantically watching the letters appear and disappear one by one, opened his mouth.

"I always train, but Space 4 has assigned me a special map."

-Another special map?

-It's always special.

-I'm not surprised anymore because it's Seong Jihan haha.

-Will the hidden boss appear once more?

Viewers are no longer surprised by the news that they were assigned to a special map.

Rather, the mainstream reaction was that it would be strange to play the game on an ordinary map.


[A.DaVVies sponsored 100000GP.] [Me, Seong Ji-han. I'm so sorry, but you know the Space League is just around the corner... … Even in this game, somehow... … Can you stay in second place? … .]-Wow, you are the human race director haha.

-The story you're talking about while donating donations is about refraining from leveling up haha.

-I had some fun with the #1 fake last time.

-ㄹㅇ If you only think about the Space League, I hope Seong Ji-han will forever be in second place... … .

-Is it because of the hidden boss or is it now ranked 7th?

-I guess I earned a lot of experience points even without playing this game.

Davis made a big catch on Uruk, which he thought would naturally be first place.

In order to use similar moves in the next game, he even offered support and appealed to Seong Ji-han to slow down his growth.

"I also have no intention of becoming number one in the world until the next game. I try to refrain from leveling up as much as possible. However, the rewards for this special map are different. "I had no choice but to participate."

People showed interest in Seong Ji-han's words.

-If Seong Ji-han says the compensation is good, then ㄷㄷ

-Is it as good as the hidden boss that popped out last time?

-What on earth is compensation?

"that… … ."

When Seong Ji-han was about to answer.

[oh. Excellent customer. It's been a while.]Flash!

Next to him, a giant robot appeared and spoke to him.


Artmu, the best blacksmith in the universe, appears in a combined form.

[okay.]His body flashed, and soon he was divided into hundreds of dwarves, standing in rows on the ground.

[Did our customer participate in the war because of his membership?]"uh."

[so do i. I can't stand a 6-month extension.]The basic reward for the special map was an extension ticket to the Space League premium membership.

This item has a built-in function of 100% experience and GP gain.

In fact, it has the effect of being excluded from the opponent's ban list with a 30% chance.

It was often chosen for the special functions 'Spotlight' or 'Hide Out'.

[Are you planning to extend Hide Out again this time?]"That's right."

[It's a pity that if a talented person like you had used the spotlight, you would have received the universe's attention. GP sponsorships will flood BattleTube, and love calls from numerous constellations will pour in.]"Are you planning on using the spotlight?"

[That's right. Shouldn't we collect GP and remodel our race?]-spotlight? Hide out?

-What are you talking about?

Seong Ji-han gave a rough explanation of Space League membership to viewers who were unfamiliar with it.

-Oh, that's why you said you couldn't see his holy face?

-I was wondering what the aliens were talking about... … .

-And you didn't even get banned?

-It's worth participating in the war haha.

Viewers only accepted the membership as a good thing.

[A.DaVVies sponsored 100000GP.] [Seo, Seong Ji-han. If I have a membership, does that reduce my chances of getting banned?! But I don't think it was ever applied during a national team game… … .]Coach Davis, who is leading the human national team, was excited and sponsored again.

Among his questions, the 30% chance of getting a ban was something that even Seongjihan was wondering about.

He asked Artmu next to him about this.

"But Artmu. Avoiding this ban by 30% is effective, right? "I don't think it ever applied to me."

[is it? I had a lot of fun with this. In what game did that happen?]"It didn't work out in the national competition. "I'm the only one focused."

[…] … nation? Are there multiple countries on the planet ruled by your species?]"uh."

[her. Of course not. Is it really a game played between people of the same race? It's part of practice. however… … What on earth did you do? He must unify the world immediately and take office as a dictator.]Hundreds of dwarves all tilted their heads and looked at Seong Ji-han as if they were dumbfounded.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about being a dictator?"

[You are the one saying nonsense. If you can enter Space 4 as the lowest species, you have natural genes. You have a duty to advance the species and not stop there. Unify the world and sow your seeds among excellent women!]-This was crazy... … .

-What is the world unification drip? Haha.

-But if Seong Ji-han says he wants to unify the world, is there anyone who can stop him? lol

-Can't we just detonate a nuke?

-I think Seong Ji-han will avoid nuclear weapons.

-Isn't he invincible because his ability to control space is so amazing?

Viewers begin to seriously debate whether or not it is possible to hear Artmu's calls for world unification.

Seong Ji-han saw the chat and waved his hand excitedly.

"Do not worry. "I have no thoughts about world unification."

[Tsk. We must dedicate ourselves to our species... … That ability is a waste.]Why do you do such a troublesome thing?

When Seong Ji-han denied it so bluntly, Artmu chuckled next to him.

[The player is assigned to the special invasion map, 'Tribal Annihilation Battle.']When a system message came to mind, I stopped chatting and focused my attention on this.

[The assigned race is the 'Blue-Blooded Demon', which was demoted from the Silver League.] [It is divided into the 'Void' camp and the 'Sun' camp, and the process of sorting out the demoted planets begins.] [Would you like to participate in the 'Race Extermination Battle'? ?]Race annihilation war.

Before participating in the game, Seong Ji-han only saw this as a special invasion map.

Looking at the name of the map that was revealed, my expression hardened.