
Married to the Rough Khan, Farming the Steppes

Petite Princess VS Rough Khan On their wedding day, Yelu Yan told Li Xianyun that apart from affection, he could provide her with endless wealth and honor. After the marriage, he indeed kept his promise, cherishing her in the palm of his hand. Little did he know, the more he cherished her, the deeper she burrowed into his heart, right to the very top. Not long after the political marriage with the Khitans, Li Xianyun gradually noticed earth-shattering changes around her: Initially, the commoners who disliked her began to worship her as a deity... The court officials accusing her of bewitching their lord were now pleading with her to consummate the marriage with the Khan... The most perplexing of all was her husband in name; wasn’t he the one who said he wouldn't give her emotional affection? Why was he always following her around? Little theater scene 1: One day, Yelu Yan cornered Li Xianyun against the wall. “Why are you avoiding this Khan?” “They say you might have taken a liking to your servant.” “Remove ‘might’, isn’t it obvious enough from how this Khan acts?” “But you said you wouldn’t give your servant emotional affection.” Yelu Yan held his forehead; he had indeed said too many foolish things. “The Han people always say that one should start a family and then establish a career; clearly, the two are not in conflict.” Little theater scene 2: The sun had risen high, yet Yelu Yan was still clinging to Li Xianyun. “Get up quickly, I have to leave. There are patients on the street waiting for my consultation, the good fields to the west need irrigation, the homestead plots in the east need measuring, and I have to oversee the silk reeling and dyeing... Uh...” “Your husband is a patient, don’t you care for him?” Li Xianyun looked at the man tough enough to rival ten bulls and was utterly speechless.

Fruit Jelly · Histoire
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341 Chs

002 A Man of No Simple Identity

The Imperial Physicians all watched Li Xianyun with cold indifference. In their eyes, Han people were both cunning and cruel, not a single one was good.

Li Xianyun glanced around the room, her gaze fixed on Huo Dun, she said, "If you do not save him now, your Minister Xiao will truly be beyond help."

Upon hearing this, joy surged in Huo Dun's heart. Could it be that Minister Xiao still had a chance? He hurriedly looked at an Imperial Physician and said, "Sir, may I borrow a silver needle?"

Huo Dun was a favorite of Yelu Yan, so the Imperial Physician dared not neglect him and reluctantly had someone bring over the silver needle.

Li Xianyun took out a silver needle and inserted it into an acupoint on Xiao Dilu's forehead. Xiao Dilu immediately reacted, first furrowing his brows, then suddenly sitting up and leaning over the edge of the bed to vomit a large mouthful of thick blood.

Upon seeing the blood, everyone was frightened. An Imperial Physician accused, "You're going to kill Minister Xiao!!"

Someone else said, "I said we couldn't trust the Han people, and now look, you've harmed Minister Xiao."

Unperturbed, Li Xianyun took the silver needle and aimed it at another acupoint on Xiao Dilu.

An Imperial Physician stepped forward and snatched away her silver needle, saying, "I cannot stand by and watch you kill Minister Xiao!"

Li Xianyun's voice was calm as she said, "His breath is weak now because there is thick blood settled in his chest, which must be expelled completely."

The onlooking Imperial Physicians remained unswayed and said, "What do you know at your age?! You truly speak reckless nonsense!!"

Seeing that these people were completely unreasonable, Li Xianyun turned to Huo Dun and said, "I implore you to trust me, I have no reason to harm him."

Huo Dun also felt conflicted. The Imperial Physicians seemed to have a point, and after all, Li Xianyun was a foreigner and quite young, who would dare entrust Minister Xiao's life to her hands?

Just then, a deep and magnetic voice came.

"How confident are you?"

Li Xianyun looked toward the door and saw a very tall and handsome man approaching.

He wore Khitan attire, with a very burly figure and extraordinary bearing, carrying the aura of someone who was no ordinary person, the wind seeming to trail his steps, revealing his notable status at first glance.

His black hair was neatly tied up, his angular face with sword-sharp eyebrows, deep-set tiger-like eyes, deep eye sockets, a high nose bridge, and although his lips were thin, they were very attractive.

Li Xianyun thought to herself: Thin-lipped people are often heartless.

Seeing Yelu Yan's arrival, everyone hurriedly knelt down and bent their arms in salute, saying, "We pay homage to Khan."

Li Xianyun thought, indeed, this man was not of ordinary status.

Yelu Yan did not speak but fixed his gaze on the beautifully indescribable woman on the bedstead, whose eyes sparkled like autumn waters that one glance could never forget.

Saving someone was urgent, so Li Xianyun did not rise, but said, "Seventy percent."

At her words, veins on Yelu Yan's forehead throbbed as if he faced a difficult decision. After a moment, he parted his attractive thin lips and said, "Give her the silver needle."

The Imperial Physician quickly handed the silver needle back to Li Xianyun and stepped aside.

Li Xianyun glanced at Yelu Yan, took the silver needle, and inserted it into another acupoint on Xiao Dilu's forehead, causing him to vomit another mouthful of thick blood.

After continuing this four or five times, Li Xianyun helped Xiao Dilu to lie back down on the bed.

Xiao Dilu's lips turned rosy, his breathing stabilized and strengthened significantly, a stark contrast to before.

Li Xianyun checked Xiao Dilu's pulse, which was much more steady, and let out a gentle sigh of relief.

She looked up at Yelu Yan who stood by and said, "Do you have paper and pen? I'd like to prescribe a few medicines for him."

Yelu Yan glanced at Huo Dun, who immediately said, "Princess, right this way."

Li Xianyun stood up and followed to the desk, settled down, smoothed out the paper, picked up the pen, and began to write.

Yelu Yan sat on the bedstead, watching his beloved teacher with concern.

An Imperial Physician stepped forward and said, "Khan, may I check Minister Xiao's pulse?"

Yelu Yan responded with a light "hmm."

After taking the pulse, the physician's face lit up with joy and he bent his arm in salute to Yelu Yan, saying, "I report to Khan, Minister Xiao's pulse has significantly steadied."

Yelu Yan looked incredulously at the woman who was writing; Xiao Dilu's condition had been lingering and deteriorating day by day, but to think that this woman could bring about such a miraculous effect with just a few needles.

Once Li Xianyun finished the prescription, she picked it up, blew on it, and approached Yelu Yan, saying, "Khan, the prescription is ready."

As she said so, she handed the prescription to Yelu Yan.

Yelu Yan took one look at it and was shocked. Although she was Han, she wrote a beautiful Khitan script.

This woman had now impressed him twice.

Li Xianyun looked at Yelu Yan with neither servility nor overbearing pride and said, "Khan, have the medicine prepared and brewed according to this prescription, and if Minister Xiao survives the night, his life should be safe."

The people in the room upon hearing this had varying expressions, with some thinking Li Xianyun was simply boasting recklessly; after all, Xiao Dilu had been deteriorating every day. How could his life possibly be saved?

Others wore expressions of surprise.