
Managing a sex dungeon on an empty island

When he woke up, he found himself on top of an empty island, with nothing around but the ocean, and on top of it, nothing, not even a tree. Despite the abundance of water, he couldn't drink any as it was part of the sea and he would only die faster by doing so, but fortunately for him, he wasn't entirely miserable. [ The Dungeon Manager can't die if the dungeon is still existing. ] " Then, what is the dungeon ? " [ This island. ] Led by the system that was bound to him, he would then start to upgrade the island, or the dungeon, to his liking, hoping that one day, someone would reach it.. But for now, he'll have to fill his lack of social needs by communicating with monsters.

Undead_World · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

7 - Jealousy and superiority ( 2 )

" I guessed that this would happen, but still.. "

Eight hours later, as the monsters he bought reached their maturity under the afternoon sun, the small princess that had calmed down after receiving his full attention despite their new presences, was now showing signs of getting sad again.

It wasn't his fault, he couldn't help it.

Seeing the slimes hatch normally this time, those five Slime Women really had extravagant advantages that he had to look at, his pride as a man being at stake if he couldn't even watch such huge weapons, but the one to his side, started pouting.

That's right, maybe because she had learned a lot of things by being to his side, and especially showing such strong reactions to her newly found feelings, but now, she could smile and pout, and while both were cute, one was hurting him deeply.

" ... Will you really pout me just because I looked a little ? "

In fact, it wasn't just a little, as he was almost drooling when looking at both fronts and backs of the new monsters that wouldn't approach them, apparently keeping proper distances with the Princess of their race, and now, he regretted to have rinced his eyes.

" System, any help here ? "

[ Those are trivial matters. The Dungeon System believe that the Dungeon Manager will be able to resolve them. ]

And eventually, he was even betrayed by his only assistant.

" Kuhk- I'll remember it.. ! "

Swearing into his mind, and out loud, that he would get his revenge one way or another, he then focused his eyes back onto the smaller monster.

That's right, despite the fact that she could stand up properly unlike them, her stature was still slightly smaller than them, explained by how one was a young teenager and the others were completely grown mature women, with their body transforming back into slime below their thighs.

" Celeste, I can't promise that I won't be a beast towards others, but I can tell you that you'll always have a special place in my heart !.. "

Ending up confessing in desperation, it was too sad that she couldn't understand a word of what he said besides for her name, but maybe because of him being so desperate, she finally showed a change in her behavior.

Or more like, in her actions, as the next thing she did was to point towards his crotch, before pointing to herself with her small hand, not as in asking him to do it with her, as she was still pouting, but as if warning him that he wouldn't be allowed to touch them at all.

" ... That's.. "

Wanting to complain about such an order at first, when he saw her serious eyes, as if reprimanding him, he couldn't help but weight the pros and cons of it.

On one side, were five busty women, waiting for him to play with them, and on the other, the princess of those, that could probably order them around and tell them to not approach him.. that's right, from the start, he didn't had a choice in the first place.

" .. Alright, I get it, I won't play with them. "

But looking at her and seeing her still pouting, he guessed that she didn't understood, so in the end, he pointed at his own manhood before pointing at her just like she did, and it was then that she somewhat calmed down and immediately jumped on him.

Not that she actually jumped, he hadn't teached her about it after all, but she opened her arms and quickly hugged him, showing that despite the fact that she was mad, she actually missed him and was hurt by the sudden distance between them.

" Here here, you're a good girl.. just a bit jealous and possessive, but still a good girl. "

Lifting his hand slightly, he put it on top of her head and patted her a few times, trying to ease up her emotions, and a bit after, she was back to smiling at him, which definitely filled his heart with a sweet feeling.

Yet, he had almost forgot about something, and then he had to ask her about it, though with words it wouldn't work, so instead, he used his hand to point at two things.

One was the core inside of her, and the second was the group of five monsters to his left side, asking her, about how he could feed them if he couldn't do anything to them, especially as he didn't wished to use points for now, not that he had any left either.

And to his surprise, she actually understood such a complicated question, but instead of finding a miracle solution, like sharing her own life energy with them, she just opened her smiling mouth and pointed towards it before pointing back at them.

" .... It's not like I'm not okay, but.. "

He thought that there was surely a better idea to it, but with no choice on the matter as she would start to pout again if he showed hesitation any longer, he ended up sighing and patting her head.

" Alright, I'll trust you for now, but let's do that a bit later. "

It wasn't that he was still exhausted about the previous night, but he didn't wished to go back at it right now, especially as he still had many things to do, and even the last eight hours were also busy with the same thing, being teaching.

" Let's see.. Hands, feet, eyes, nose, mouth.. "

Staring at her as he repeated the same things he had started teaching her, being the main body parts, he first saw her lifting her hands to him, and then she pointed down towards her two feet, then her eyes, nose and mouth accordingly.

" ... Neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, boobs, waist, thighs, knees, ass, back.. "

The list, however, kept going, as she would slowly point towards every parts of her body, and even turning around to show her back to him, though she didn't removed the vest he gave to her, fortunately for his mental health, but it wouldn't last long, as the next and last two were said.

" .. Pussy, asshole... "

Since it was that kind of Dungeon from the start, he took the opportunity and teached her about it, and seeing her leaning forward, lifting the vest from her butt and exposing her holes, she then pointed at them one after the other.

" Hum- that's right, you're a good girl ! "

Clearing his throat to wash the embarrassment of such a thing away, when she heard the word good girl, she then straightened herself and smiled innocently as she waited, and he patted her head accordingly to what he had teached her.

... Maybe he had too much time in his hands.

" .. Anyways, what should I teach you now ? "

He couldn't teach her about things that didn't existed on the island, as she wouldn't get the concepts of it from just words alone, and it wasn't as if there was much else to teach without exemples, so in the end, he decided to keep the basic training going, though in another manner..

" Right, we'll go through ' sit , paw, lay down and get up ' I guess, maybe I'll be able to teach her other things before nighttime. "

With a newfound conviction, the one to teach her about the most basic actions first, and slowly develop it into something more complicated, or at least, until she could understand what he was saying.

But while he started teaching her, the other Slime Women, which stared at them from a bit further, couldn't help but start to think for themselves.

It wasn't that monsters thinking was a rare sight, as depending on the monsters, some were even able to speak properly and hold conversations, but for slime, despite for the strong evolutions, the more basic ones didn't possessed such capabilities.

Yet, at that moment, looking at their own Princess, the one which showed her core so openly towards their natural predator, even if they knew that they couldn't attack him somehow, they would have never expected for a member of royalty to be repeating the actions of another race so obediently.

And while of course, they noticed that the man never had any bad intentions towards them, as he didn't attacked nor raised his arms in defense, they were still somewhat surprised by what they were seeing.

Feelings weren't hard to develop for those newborns, as they would be curious about everything surrounding them, but the ability to think by themselves was, and with their limited knowledge, since they couldn't understand what was happening, they started thinking, and slowly, they would repeat the actions of the man among themselves.

Words that couldn't be understand filled their minds for the first time, and to them, were associated different actions that the man first demonstrated, and that their princess followed, before he would say those words and have the princess repeat them by herself, only for them to understand the meaning and do it just after.