
Mama's favorites

Aurorarihana · Urbain
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

On this night, the streets, are illuminated by Street lights, and the skies, are beautified by the stars and moon. I tiredly walked home, feeling exhausted, while cursing my CEO.

On getting home, the first thing I did was shower, then end up in bed.

I was dreaming of marrying a rich billionaire when I jumped out of bed remembering that I forgot to set the alarm, rushing to the toilet

and getting into the shower, picked up my bag, and ran out to hail a taxi, I was frustratingly packing my hair and walking to the coffee shop when I bumped into something hard.

"Hey, WATCH it". I glared up at the face looking down but it turned to a blush when I realized how handsome the muscular man is, the cold arrogant fool just gave me a cold look before getting into his Audi which also made me humph and walk away. He is hot though.

I hailed and taxi and rode to the office, already waiting for another exhausting day. Brewing a coffee and pouring it in a little flask, I arranged it in a tray and left it on the CEO's table.

"Good morning Miss Williams". My "favorite" CEO decided to arrive, just when I was about to run out of his office.

Putting up a smile, I replied "Good morning sir".

Nodding his head as acknowledgment, he walked toward his chair and then sat on it. "Amelia, I need you to cancel any schedule for this morning, then organize a meeting for 9 this morning and tell Emma to prepare a presentation".

"But, sir we are supposed to have a meeting with P.K Corp, how do you expect to just cancel".

"Amelia, who is the boss?".

"You sir".

"Then do as I wish".

"Okay". Saying that I left the office not caring anymore, in an hour I got everything prepared and we were walking towards the meeting venue.

It seems my boss threw the small fish for the shark, because damn this is Carson Corp.

Getting to the room, my eyes made contact with the man sitting at the head of the table and I froze as I recognized him as the same person I bumped into this morning, he squinted his eyes and gave me a smirk before tearing his gaze from mine. I think he caught me blushing.

"Amelia, let's begin".

I immediately shook all thoughts out of my head when I heard my boss calling.

I hadn't even begun the presentation when Mr cold arrogant fool stood from his seat aggressively "This is just a waste of my time".

"But sir, I haven't even started yet, please give me some of your time, just listen". I pleaded even though I was not supposed to, but then you know what they say, the poor always feel made inferior.

But with all my efforts he just glared and walked out. Okay, this guy is really rude.

I was about to go after him when I received a slap on my face making me stagger backward.

"This is just an appetizer, I will make sure you get tired of this world by the time we get to the office".

"So you think this is my fault? Weren't you the one who asked your office slut to prepare a presentation". I fired back angrily.

"How DARE you, meet me when we get back, I will make sure you regret it". He growled before leaving with the rest of our team.

I walked out of the meeting room straight to the gate without acknowledging anyone's presence and hailed a taxi. Getting to the company, I knew what was gonna happen but with little hope of being saved. I breath in and out then walked into his office.

"You are fired". Mr Dominic growled at me, and I froze. I was expecting a ton of slaps as usual but got another result way worse. If I leave here where would I go?

I swallowed hard and went on my knees to plead only to receive a hard kick on my stomach. And it wasn't easy, it hurt hard.

"Get out". He dragged me and kicked me out very harshly.

I picked myself up, then cleared my office of my things, and walked out of the company very angrily. When I got to the streets I realized that I didn't have a way to feed anymore but then reminded myself that tears weren't an option. I sat on a street bench to cool my hot head, before finally continuing my journey home after hours of sitting with a sad smile.

"Aunty, please help us, we are going to be kidnapped if you don't help us, it's already dark we do not know what to do anymore Aunty".

I looked down at the small boy who was holding his little sister while tugging at my pants, they were both covered in dirt. I looked from a distance and realized that they were not lying, so I hurriedly picked them up, quickly hailed a taxi, and rode home.

When we went to my apartment, I took off their school uniform and bath for them, then I handed them my shirt, placed them in the living room, and made them hot chocolate before going to wash their uniform.

They haven't said anything since I brought them in.

"Introduce yourselves cutie". I smiled at the two.

"I am Aiden".

"I am Sophie".

"Wow, you have beautiful names, anyway let's skip that, where do you live, where are your parents?"

"I think Dad forgot to pick us up".

"No Sophie, I think he came to find us after we left the kidnappers. Dad is looking for us".

"Okay then, police station first thing tomorrow morning. We need to find your dad". I carried them off the sofa and walked towards the bedroom, then lay them down to sleep. I read them a bedtime story and when they dozed off I kissed their temples and covered them with a blanket.

I left for my room and tucked myself in bed, sleep did not come easily as I was deep in thought about what was gonna happen if I didn't get another job by tomorrow.

"Aunty!". I was dozing off when I heard a soft voice scream which made me rush to the other room I tucked the cuties.

"What's wrong?".

"Sophie won't stop shaking".

I looked towards the bed. Realizing it was true, I carried her into my arms and sat on the bed, His lips moved as if she was saying something.

"Mom, mom, mo...m".

I could barely hear it but I still did, I pet her on her back giving her little kisses on her temple before her brother sleepily walked to the bed and rested his head on my legs while yawning.

I smiled at the thought while wishing they were mine, they looked cute and comfortable. I gently brushed my hand into Aiden's hair and kept on patting gently on Sophie's back before resting my head on the headboard to get a little comfortable, I was busy looking at the two cute sleeping expressions and did not even realize when I dozed off.

I woke up very early, did my morning planks and push-ups, and then did my skincare routine before waking the kids up and giving them a nice bath.

"So what would you kids like to eat?".

"Good morning Aunty". They both said in sync, even after the shower they still looked sleepy.

"I like pancakes".

"But Sophie I don't want that, I want pasta and chicken".


"Okay, we can make both cuties, it isn't gonna take time if you assist me".

I walked towards the kitchen and they happily followed, I got the ingredients out and set them on the kitchen table. We sang as we cooked together. It is really fun having kids around.

"Food is ready my babies".

I tickled them jokingly and they giggled hard, they looked so adorable that I kissed them on their fluffy soft cheeks.

"Mom feed me".

Hearing Sophie calling me mom made me freeze for a while but then I kissed her nose and put her on my lap as she giggled.

"Me too, me too". Aiden quickly jumped on the free space of my lap, and I shook my head at their antics.

"Okay, okay, I will feed you".

"Would you become our mommy?".

Aiden's puppy eyes nearly made me give in but I knew better so I just kissed their heir and escaped the question.

We were cleaning the table when we heard a loud knock on the door, I opened the door only to be forced back in with muscular men.

"Where are young master and young mistress?".

I turned to look at the kids who were stuck to me with puppy eyes begging not to let go.

"Aiden, Sophie! I will deal with you two when we get home".

The kids jumped after hearing that voice, trying to hide their presence they hid behind my back.