
Malzeno/Grand Order

[There's no Monster Hunter tag, unfortunately] Malzeno feared yet revered. Elegant but cunning. Destructive yet tranquil. An Elder Dragon with many tales and none good. The only time it was believed to be "good" was in the fairy tale with its battle with the Archdemon Of The Abyss, which was proven to be more than a fairy tale. In one world, Malzeno survived its encounter with the Hunter, allowing for a unique team. Still, shortly after, Malzeno disappeared from the world, letting the Kingdom it once protected into the hands of its Knights. Malzeno answered the voice from a foreign world entirely, but why him? He was not one of the Black Dragons. He was merely protecting his territory and the humans against the Archdemon. As he transferred over, he was given a Human body while retaining his abilities. Now he fights as a Servant, but thankfully, the one who summoned him was not insufferable. Maybe saving Humanity won't be so bad? [This is a small crossover between Monster Hunter and Fate/Grand Order. This is also a rewrite of my Fate/Demi-Servant Fanfic. I hope that this one is better this time around with the unique crossover. This is not a story to be taken seriously, as I'm writing for my own enjoyment and mental health. However, I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.]

SaurianMp4 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Battle At The Docks

[AN: This was supposed to be uploaded last week, but I got sick again and heavily messed up everything. I also want to thank that one person sending me Powerstones daily despite my lack of uploading. You're a real one. I will have another chapter ready Friday.] 

Let me know if there are any mistakes so I can improve the next chapter!




"If we defeat her here and now, the Singularity will be restored! Don't hesitate, even if she is human, Fujimaru." 

"Archer seems to have many tricks up his sleeve and is close-range oriented too. That means..." As Ritsuka thought of her next course of action, her eyes wandered to Malzeno. 

"Did you find a strategy?" 

"Yeah! Malzeno, handle Captain Drake. Cu, you can fight Archer! Mash, keep guard to ensure Malzeno and Cu aren't harmed by any stray attacks!"

"A concrete plan! I like it," Cu said with a battle-hungry grin. "Hey, Malzeno, let's see who wins first!"

Malzeno craned his head to look look at Cu. "Guess I'll have to end this swiftly."

The cannons increased in numbers, making the Chaldeans take the initiative. 

"Behind me!" Mash called out. Her shield became the barrier to block the bullets from Drake's flintlocks and her culver cannonballs. 

As the dust began accumulating, two whirling blades came the smoke, causing Archer to jump in front of Drake to redirect them. However, at this moment, Malzeno appeared in a black billow to the left of Captain Drake.

"What?" Archer's face paled as he turned quickly and swiftly brought his staff to block the incoming dual blades. 

"Now, Captain!"

"No need to tell me twice!" 

The cannonballs focused on Malzeno, whose skin was covered in deep black scales. A mad grin formed on his face as multiple red energy clusters formed behind him as he jumped back. 

Drake fired her cannons again, but this time, it was met with stalwart resistance from the red balls of energy that caused a cacophony of explosions, causing more smoke to appear. 

Cu used this chance to follow up, jumping over Malzeno and thrusting his spear to target the green-haired Archer. 

Archer's brown staff blocked Cu's Gae Bolg. Despite appearances, this Archer was beginning to remind Cu of the bastard with how this green-haired Archer excelled in close quarters. 

Twirling his spear, Cu slammed the deadly barbed tip into the ground and swung it up, making tons of giant rocks fly at Archer. 

With a delicate smile, Archer countered by shooting blasts of energy from his staff, each like a homing missile. Dust and debris rained across the deforming docks like a heavy downpour. 

Malzeno created a regal silver and gold bow with a red gem in the middle. His free hand created multiple silver arrows, with the tip encased with a sharp ruby color. 

Drake and Malzeno both sported grins as they released their attacks. Black round bullets clashed with dangerous arrows in a dance of destruction. Unfortunately for Malzeno, Drake's Flintlock Pistols were able to keep shooting. 

Malzeno grimaced as he summoned his right wing to intercept the bullets, causing Drake to widen her eyes. 

"What the hell!"

Taking Drake's moment of weakness, Malzeno summoned a spear-like arrow and jumped back as he moved his right wing from his face. 

However, Malzeno aimed his bow behind Drake, who stood frozen as she felt something from behind her. 

"I'm sensing something dangerous…"

The sound of an incoming attack reverberated ferociously. Drake turned her attention away from Malzeno to look behind her, but just as the incoming blast was about to cleave her, a spear-like arrow collided with the attack. 

"Shit!" Drake couldn't help but curse her frustrations, seeing her life flash before her eyes.

A heavy gust pushed her back, and everyone's attention was now on the newcomer in the distance. A hulking mass of pure muscle, with broad shoulders and brown chest hair, made his presence known with one word.


"A NEW SERVANT!" Romani screamed through the transmission. "THEY'RE AIMING FOR CAPTAIN DRAKE!"

However, just as they appeared, they vanished like the wisps of a phantom, leaving everyone on alert. Drake sported a quivering smirk, her breath ragged with fatigue. 

"It disappeared…" 

"What was that?" Ritsuka managed to speak; her heart was racing throughout the whole ordeal. 

Archer sighed. "Don't worry about it. That man knows when to quit."

Archer continued, gazing at his Captain. "Well, Captain, you can still put your bet down, but these guys saved your life."

"…It's settled, we're drinking!"

"Haha! Now you're talking my language," Cu laughed, his laughter echoing. 




Inside the bar, or in this case, the tavern, everyone inside was drinking to their heart's content. Some got into little disputes, while others were sleeping with dazed smiles. 

The atmosphere was calm despite the prior battle. 

"Hooo! This is great!" Cu began to drink like a madman, his face clear of anything resembling a drunkard. 

"I must admit…this is quite good," This was Malzeno's first time drinking rum, and although he wasn't drunk, it still caused his body to shiver. 

"Aye!" Captain Drake plopped herself on Malzeno and Cu's table, her face red due to excessive drinking. 

"So, Captain, how're you feeling?"

"Fuckin' great! Heh, for a guy who uses arrows, I'm impressed you kept up with my bullets."

Malzeno cupped his chin. "That's because I didn't use my guns." 

Drake blinked before her face scrunched. "You were holdin' out on me?" 

"Unless the young lady wants me to go for the kill, I won't use drastic means."

"Aye! He's right," Cu said as he placed his mug down. "You guys were good, but I wanted to fight some more. That bastard messed up the fun!"

"Hahaha! You're right, mate. I can tell it would've taken everything I got to scratch ya'." 

Ritsuka and Mash settled for regular drinks, as they're underage—well, Malzeno forbade them from having alcohol; he was such a dad, as Ritsuka would put it. 

"I just realized that Malzeno didn't tell us the identities of Archer and that unknown Servant," 

Ritsuka didn't know why either, considering he has a skill that reveals the identity of the Servant. This could be something for them to figure out. 

"I'm sure he'll tell us when he's ready," Ritsuka didn't sound so sure of herself, but she needed to trust Malzeno. 




"Anyway, a loss is a loss; here ya go!" Captain Drake opened up her very sizable cleavage in front of the Chaldeans, getting Ritsuka and Mash to blush, while Malzeno and Cu stared dumbly at the Grail exiting her breasts.


"I was not aware that woman could hide stuff with their breasts," Malzeno scratched his head, although he got looks from everyone.

"Should we tell him?" Mash proposed.

"Nah, he'll figure it out eventually," Cu replied with a snort. 

"Anyway, are you sure?" Ritsuka wanted to get on the topic at hand, her face sporting a stern expression. 

"Of course, of course. I lost, and I owe you guys for saving my life!"

"Doctor, are there any changes?" Mash asked Roman, who was on standby. 

"Negative. I can't find any changes. The singularity isn't fixed."

"Hmm, maybe it's not the grail?"

"It certainly is," Archer interjected. "This just means this isn't the Grail you're looking for."

"Does that mean…"

"There are two Grails," Archer emphasized by having two fingers up. "I know this because I'm a Masterless Servant."

"You were summoned by the Grail, possibly to correct the singularity," Ritsuka analyzed with folded arms.

"He isn't lying," Malzeno added, his crimson eyes affixed on Archer, who felt nervous under the gaze. It was like being why by an avian. 

"We'll have to find the other Grail," Cu surmised. "Then we'll be finished here."

"I see, then we'll come along," Drake had a lopsided grin. 

"Are you sure? I thought you liked the ocean?" Mash had a look of surprise on her face, her eyes reflecting a bit of confusion.

"Yeah, that's true…but I'm a pirate. If I stay on shore too long, I'll get rusty. I was planning on setting sail tomorrow."

"I see. You wanted to test us?"

"Nah! It seemed like fun to fight you guys, and it sure was. Now, becoming allies sounds like fun!"

"Well, that's one way to put it…"

"But how does Drake have the Grail?" 

"I'd rather not ask that question; you'll hear it forever," Archer had a single finger over his lips.

"If I had to guess, the one in her possession must've summoned her, albeit she is still a human. When the next one came along, it summoned a few Servants."

"In other words, she saved the singularity."




"We're getting ready to set off, boys!"


The docks were crowded with pirates, all getting aboard Drake's ship.

"Umm, guys…"

Everyone looked at Ritsuka, whose head was facing the sky. 

"Was that red-looking star always there?"

Everyone looked up, seeing a blazing crimson dot high in the sky. However, it was Malzeno whose eyes shrunk to pinpricks.

"Is that..."


Drink Water!

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