
Chapter one

Joseph's pov

What do I do? Where do I go from here? I asked myself that question for the thousandth time. I was beginning to reconsider my decision to leave home

Was I too rash in making this choice? Should I have gone to a country I was at least familiar with? I asked myself as I looked around the almost empty bus I was in. I was in the country Toronto. Which was one of the few countries that my dad hadn't built a branch in yet

Thinking of my dad's company made me remember Sarah and the injustice we had done to her. How could we have just sold her off! Thinking about it made me renew my vow not to go back even if had to die of starvation here, I won't go back!

I'll just have to-. I started thinking but my thoughts were interrupted by a loud whisper beside me. I turned my head to the side to see who it was

"Good day Sirs and Maams. I'm here to give a short presentation on the company's finances and how it'd benefit you to invest. From our sales record, you can see how well we've been doing for the past years. And also from the stock market value chart, you can see increase in- No that's not it what was it the lecturer said again?" So she was a student. I wasn't really surprised because she didn't look older than twenty.

I concluded in my mind that she was probably just having a normal student's project defence and not actually going to speak for a real company. I turned away from the girl and tried to continue with my remuneration

What the heck shoul-

"From the increase in stock market..." She interrupted my thought process again. Her whispered practice was beginning to piss me off.

I look at her quickly but she was still focused on a tiny jotter that she held in her hand. I turned away, and once again tried to think

What should I do-

"Good day Sirs and ma'ams..." She went on again

What shou-

"From the increase in the stock markets-" she continued but this time I was the one to interrupt

"Young Lady the stock market isn't increasing!" I snapped at her. she looked at me with wide eyes shock "Infact it has been rapidly decreasing for the past five months! And you'd know that if you did proper research like a good student! Also you don't start a presentation with good day Sirs and ma'ams! Are you in preschool?! The formal way is Hello! And then say your name! In fact..." I yelled before aggressively snatching away the little book she had in her hand

I read through the chicken scratch she called an handwriting, stored the important informations in my head, and cancelled out every thing she'd written. Then I turned to a fresh page and began writing a much better presentation with the data I gathered from her sorry excuse for a presentation.

It took me two minutes to write it because the information she'd been writing on was a piece of cake for me. I was used to handling bigger cases. I handed over to her my finished work as soon as I was done

She looked at me in shock. Then looked through her jotter before raising up her head to look at me again. Only this time her mouth was wide open. Probably out of gratitude.

"You don't have to say thank you. I gladly helped to get you to shut up" I said

"Thank you?" She asked looking at me like I was crazy

"Yeah obviously. What else would you do? I just saved you from embarrassing yourself with that crap you called a presentation" I replied. I mean, I was basically her hero

"My presentation, crap. Thank you?" She repeated again

"Look I just saved your ass little girl. So yeah you should thank me" I replied again

"Little girl? Crappy presentation? Thank you?" She repeated yet again! Her eyes were getting wider by the minute

"Is this repetition going to be like a thing?" I asked getting irritated with the trend of her repeating everything I said

"Are you crazy? How dare you erase all my hard work!" She suddenly burst out while springing up from her seat and looking down at me

"No but are you? How can you call that nonsense hard work? It looked like it was written by a child in grade two!" I replied with a scoff. Her hands were in tight fists and were also vibrating vigorously like she was trying really hard not to punch me in the face.

I really couldn't understand why she was so angry. I helped her. And it's not really my fault if I prodded into her business, it was hers for interrupting my thoughts.

But can't even lie. Even as mad the she was, this little girl still looked beautiful. I smiled a bit at the thought as I remembered my younger sister Sarah but then I the smile dropped immediately

"A child in grade two? It took me days to write that, I even had to call me former professor for advice and you just cancelled it all in five seconds" She yelled. At this point the few people on the bus were already watching us with rapt attention but remained silent

"Young girl, calm down" I talked to the spitting mad lady with the voice I used for my niece, hope. Hope was my twin sister's daughter but that was besides the point. I reached out to grab her shoulders and try get her sitted again

She immediately swatted my arms away and maintained the outraged look on her face. But she sat anyway since the bus was moving. I was about to speak but she started before I did

"I'll have you know mister that I'm currently twenty three years of age. So I'm a fully grown woman" she said point her index finger at me

I looked her up and down before I spoke

"Not from what I see" I replied looking pointedly at her chest area. Now that I looked at her carefully, she did look a bit mature. But she still looked like she needed another dose of the thing called puberty

"What?" She said, immediately bringing her hands to cover her chest

"Don't worry I don't assault women. And even if I did, you'd still have nothing to fear because I don't find you attractive in the tiniest bit" I lifted my hand and used my index finger and thumb to describe the phrase "tiniest bit"

"How dare you!" She exclaimed

"Girl, what the hell do you want? For me to be attracted to you?" I let out gagging sound " that'd be like me being attracted to someone younger than my baby sister. So stop dreaming"


Brenda's pov

His words made me feel weird because for some odd reason, I wanted him to be attracted to me!

Few moments ago I would have never imagined that I would be in a public transport, arguing with the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. But here I am doing just now

I knew that something was up with today when my car refused to turn on this morning and all the other cars we had were being used and I couldn't access the ones being kept in the storage. Coupled with our personal driver's number being unreachable and me not being able to find a single uber ride that could take me to my meeting venue. And finally having no other choice but to walk to the nearest bus stop to catch the bus

And now here I was shouting in a bus, with people watching, at a the most annoying, cocky and yet undeniably attractive man on earth. Just looking him made me weak in the knees and also made me want to punch his perfect face! Ugh!

How the hell could he compare me to his younger sister. I'm a fully grown woman! I know I'm not the most endowed female. Alright, I wasn't endowed at all but still, that didn't give him the right to say it to my face.

I opened my mouth to give an appropriate retort but I heard my bus stop being called making me to stop talk. I mean, was I really doing this? Arguing with a psycho in a public bus?

I took in a calming breath stood up, turned to the him and said "You're an asshole and I hope to never see you again!" I spoke through gritted teeth before turning around and storming out of the bus.

I heard his annoying "Same here, little girl" even as I came off the bus. I could literally hear him smirk as he said it. I didn't turn around but I couldn't stop my mind from imagining it on his unrealistically handsome face. Ugh! With his attitude,he didn't deserve such looks

I hurried into the company, met the secretary who directed me to the room where the meeting was taking place. I took calming breath before entering.

With my previous presentation being canceled, I had no choice but to grudgingly use the one that the psycho had written down. Surprisingly, after the presentation, I was given the deal. I managed to stay calm during the contract signing until I got out of the building and was a few blocks away

It was then I let out a loud girly scream and twirled around. Passersby looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't care because I could finally prove to my dad that I was no a little girl and I could come into the family business

After my squealing and twirling, I put a call through to my dad.

"Dad, I got the deal!" I said immediately he picked up the call. I still had a bright smile on my face as I spoke to him

"Really? I'm so proud of you!" He replied sounding genuinely excited

"Me too, I'm so happy" I bounced on my foot as I spoke to him

"I wish I could hug you right now but unfortunately, I'm miles away on a business trip. So I'll save the hug till when I get back home this weekend" my dad said

"Okay dad, I'll be waiting anxiously for it"

"I've got to go now, still in a meeting. I'll call you later. Bye, I love you baby" he said quickly

"Love you too dad. Bye" I said and hung up the call

When the call was over, I booked a ride home. During the ride home, I grudgingly had to admit that I got that psycho even though he called my own hand written presentation a freaking grade two work!

My conscience bugged me that he deserved a thank you but I eased that conscience by whispering to myself

"I'm sure I'll never see him again, so there's no way I can do that" Then I shoved all thought of that handsome rude psycho out of my mind.

Here's chapter one. Love y'all. Please add to library.

Godson_Lovelycreators' thoughts