
CH 2: Gang war P1

*click clack* The sounds of spoons and forks hitting the plates sounded as the family of four sat around the table and enjoyed their food.

"So how was your day today at work, George?" Helen asked as she glanced at her husband, catching Gwen's attention as she smiled :"yeah, dad, has Necro Frost taken out some other bad guys?"

George swallowed his spaghetti as Ali also glanced at him :"yeah, he has, and that's why we have to capture him as soon as possible."

Ali sighed, not minding it that much as Gwen tilted her head at him :"but why? Isn't he a good guy who helps the police and the people?"

George sighed lightly as he smiled at his daughter :"yes, Gwen, I get that he wants to use his... gifts for good and help others.

But he doesn't help people, he assaults them. He's violent and dangerous. Each one of his victims have had multiple broken bones and stab wounds.

There have also been cases of his victims being completely frozen and nearly killed if they weren't treated quickly.

So no, he might be going after thugs and thieves, but he isn't a good guy. He's violent, blood thirsty and maybe even crazy. And it's our job to take these kinds of guys off the streets."

Gwen sighed and pouted as she played around with her food. Seeing how bad the atmosphere had become, Helen smiled at Ali :"baby, you said that you were planning on going to the Stark Expo tomorrow, right?"

Ali nodded with a smile as he chewed his food and swallowed it :"yeah, mom, I am. It's been around for quite a while now, so I thought I might as well check it out."

George drank some of his water before he put his glass on the table and looked at Ali :"you should be careful then.

It's all over the news how Tony Stark has been acting out of his mind lately. I don't want you to put yourself in danger, son."

Ali chuckled as he nonchalantly waved his hand :"don't worry, even if something does happen, you know that I can take care of myself. But thanks for worrying about me, I will be sure to be careful, dad."

George nodded with a smile as Gwen smiled at Ali :"brother, can I come along with you to the Stark Expo?"

But immediately after her voice fell, George's disagreement sounded :"no way, dear. You're not going."

Helen also agreed with him as she looked at her daughter with a slightly stern gaze :"that's right, baby, I'm already regretting that I allowed your brother to go. There's no way that I'm letting you go as well."

Gwen sighed as her shoulders slumped :"how boring..." Ali chuckled as he winked at her :"don't worry, Gwen, after Stark gets his head together, I will definitely take you to see Stark Expo."

Gwen finally smiled as she looked at her older brother :"really?! Do you promise?" Ali spread his hands with a smug smirk :"have I ever gone back on my word?"

And Gwen's smile fell as she looked at him with a blank expression :"yes. Yes, you do. You do it quite a lot in fact."

George snickered as Ali twitched :"Come on now, that's not fair. When have I gone back on my word then?"

The blank expression stayed on Gwen's face as she stared at Ali :"just yesterday, you said that you would go to the movies with me and mom, but you suddenly called and said that you had something important."

Ali's face twitched as he chuckled :"b-but that was just one time, no? I've kept my words other times!"

But the blank expression didn't leave Gwen's face :"a few days ago, you agreed that you would come with me to go to my friend's house so we could play.

Then you called and said that you couldn't come because you were hanging out with your own friends. Bianca was really sad that you didn't come, you know?"

George chuckled as he looked at his playfully depressed son with a smirk :"seems like even kids can't help but crush on you when they see you, huh?"

Ali sighed before he shrugged with a smirk :"I can't help it that I'm so charming, can I? I make princes in stories look like homeless people."

George rolled his eyes as he chuckled :"show off. But you should spend some time with Gwen from time to time too. Don't want her friends to think that her big brother doesn't love her."

Ali nodded as he winked at his sister :"yup, we will definitely have fun together. I will buy a few games so we can play together. Oh, I will also fetch some movies so we can watch them on movie nights."

Gwen nodded with a huge smile on her face :"I'm counting on your words then! Don't you dare forget or make excuses, otherwise..."

Ali chuckled as he waved his hands while his sister glared at him :"don't worry, I won't. Besides, what am I gonna do at night?"


'This, apparently.' Ali thought as he checked to see if everyone was asleep before he locked his door and turned to his wall.

He had said that locking <as in completely> the door gives him a sense of comfort and security, so his parents didn't care about it much.

Unfortunately, Ali didn't have a costume yet, so he just made do with a pair of black pants and a hooded, armless black trench coat with a black and red masquerade.

Ali walked towards his wall and window. However, he didn't open the window, he just focused, made himself invisible so that nobody could see him, and passed through the wall!

He seriously loved this ability of Necrofriggians, Intangibility. Just phase through whatever you want.

Heck, he could even freeze whatever he passed through if he wanted too! That ability was way too sweet!

<Guys, change of plan, they aren't living in an apartment like in The Amazing Spider Man movie, they're living in a normal house instead. I have reasons for this, which I know you will like>

As he looked around at the dark and quiet streets while his head and face was covered by the hood, he unfolded his wings while still being invisible!

Amazingly, his trenchcoat wasn't harmed at all even though such huge wings were unfolded from his back, they actually passed through the trenchcoat without ripping it!

All these years, Ali's body hadn't just fooled around, it had also trained and practiced on how to use Ali's abilities.

Now, Ali was really proficient in his Intangibility. If he wanted to, he could turn just a certain body part intangible instead of the whole body.

And well, this really came in handy when he wanted to release his wings and bring them out of his body without ripping his clothes.

Ali spread his wings before flapping them gently and taking out into the sky! The comfortable wind that blew and gently massaged his face felt amazing as he flew while still being invisible.

Thankfully, Necrofriggians were immune to cold, so he wasn't uncomfortable at all while flying like a bird.

Ali couldn't help but smile before he started to roll in the sky like a top as he flew horizontally in the sky!

After getting away from his house, he finally made himself visible and his beautiful wings were visible to the world as flew happily and calmly.

Some people wanted to call him Butterfly, but they stopped after Ali's cruelty spread around and they just stuck with the name that he called himself, Necro Frost.

Ali would just nonchalantly fly around and stop any crime by giving the criminals the Batman treatment, but not tonight.

Tonight, he had a small mission. On last night's patrol, he managed to get some useful information from a suspicious guy.


"You better make some good use of that tongue and talk before I decide to rip it off, buddy." Ali said as he slammed a rather buff guy to the wall while holding him up by his collar.

The poor guy, wearing a yellow bandana, looked around in fear as he saw some of his buddies and some other people laying down, unconscious, and with several broken bones :"a-alright! Alright, dude, alright!

W-what do you wanna know, huh? J-just tell me what you wanna know and I will tell you whatever I know, dude, I promise! Please just don't hurt me, dude, I beg of you!!"

Ali chuckled darkly and sadistically as he tilted his head in amusement :"Well, that will depend on if your answers are satisfactory or not. Then tell me, who are you and what the hell are you doing here, DUDE?"

The dude shivered and gulped with his hands up beside him in surrender :"m-my name i-is Jeremy and I'm-"

However, Ali slammed him into the wall again with a snarl :"I didn't ask for who YOU are, dumbass. I asked who are you PEOPLE and why have you been messing around in the neighborhood?"

The dude shivered, nearly about to cry as he groaned in pain before he nodded :"w-we're the Yellow Bandana gang and those guys in red jackets are from the Red Jacket gang!

We're rivaling gangs who have a nasty history that has gotten nastier lately! Whenever we see each other, a fight breaks out!"

Ali couldn't help but roll his eyes at the dude :"Yellow Bandana and Red Jacket? Are you serious? Even my naming sense isn't that bad, and that's saying a lot."

The shivering dude gulped as he panted :"l-look, dude, I'm just a nobody! I'm not even an important member, I'm just a thug! P-please, just let me go and I promise you won't see me around here again!"

A dark chuckle escaped Ali's lips as he tilted his head before he raised his empty hand and made an ice blade :"I said that your fate will depend on whether I like your answer or not, right? And unfortunately for you, I don't like it."

The poor dude was seriously about to wet himself as he looked at the razer sharp ice dagger in Ali's hand :"w-wait!

I-I know! I know someone t-that you will definitely like and appreciate! A-a meeting! There is going to be a gang meeting tomorrow in **** park <I don't know much about New York> and there will be a gang war!"

Ali raised an eyebrow, but the poor thug obviously couldn't see it with Ali's hood in the way :"a gang "war"? Bitch please, it's a cat fight at most."

But the Yellow Bandana member shakily but hurriedly shook his head :"N-no! Not this one! T-the gangs have got their hands on quite a bit of weaponry!

I-I'm not talking about small guns like pistols! I'm talking about shotguns, rifles, and all kinds of big guns!

I even saw a few AK-47s with my own eyes! I-if that kind of war breaks out, a lot of people will probably die before the police get there!"

Ali sighed in annoyance as he made the ice dagger disappear before he brought his hand to his covered face and rubbed his forehead :"small time gangs have big guns, so fucking annoying. Oh well, more fun for me I guess."

Ali glanced at the thug before he gently lowed him and put him on the ground before he raised his other hand to his collar as well and fixed it along with his slightly messed up banana with a smile :"since I said that your fate depends on whether I will like your answer or not, I will stick to my words.

And luckily for you, I liked your answer. So you can keep your tongue and everything else to yourself, buddy!"

The slightly taller thug gave a shaky smile as he gulped :"y-yeah, thanks man. I-I will just take my leave and fuck off!"

Ali chuckled as he winked at him :"Now now, I can't do that. I don't know if you will tell your buddies about me or not. I want to surprise them, so I can't let you go, can I? But as an apology, you can have this knuckle sandwich!"

Before the thug could say anything, Ali clenched his fist and threw a punch right at his face, which broke his nose and a few teeth before he passed out.

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