
Maine Island Club : The Adventurous Madame

"I will be there on your graduation day." "As long as I am here, no one is going to hurt. I'm your protector remember?" "I will not let a tear fall in your eyes." "I will never leave you." "I'm doing this for you, for us. Three years is not that long. I will be back before you know it." "I promise." Lance gave a lot of promises. Some were just too good to be true but Lisa just loved him that much to trust him like that. But those promises were broken. One... by... one... He left. He promised to come back after three years. But seven years had long been gone but he's nowhere of sight. Until a day came that he just showed up in their house like a mushroom. Thanks though to her father who excitedly invited him. Is he back for good? Is he not going to leave again? Lisa was excited upon seeing him like she could just easily forgive and forget everything that happened. But the past events kept replaying in her mind that she just wanted to burst in anger. Why did he have to show up again at this point of time that she was already okay? But maybe, she might just need to follow her best friend's advice - Show him that he doesn't mean anything to you anymore. And she just did what she was told. After all, he was just a mere visitor. Maybe a few hours of his presence won't kill her. And she only needs to avoid him and make sure they won't cross their paths ever again. She was already okay without him after all. Or that's only what she thought? Because little did Lisa know that Lance would temporarily be living in their house for three months? And he'll be working im Stellar (their family legacy) from then on! Will Lisa still be able to avoid him? And how will she fulfill her father's ultimate wish for a grandchild? While living in the same house, needing to cooperate for fixing the chaos in the company and collaborating on the project of the century, "Maine Island Club", who is gonna win? The one chasing for escape? Or the one chasing for genuine forgiveness?

yiekook · Général
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11 Chs

Cali's Party (1)

At night...

Lisa and Lance both got ready for Cali's birthday party. Since Lance was a 'newbie', Lisa had to come to Cali's house with him. They met at the doorstep.

Lisa looked at Lance from head to toe. "Is that what you're wearing? It's a pool party."

"I know. But I won't swim. How about you?"

"Nah! You know how much I hate water. And it's as much as you love water. Do you remember when I was drowned --" Lisa could not continue as she noticed the loving gaze from Lance. She also noticed she was blabbering too much.

She composed herself. "Ahem! We should go."

They arrived to Cali's place just in time. The table was set and the barbecues were almost finished. The music was blasting.

"Lance and Lisa!!! Yey! We're already complete! Come on and let's start the party!" Cali greeted the two.

Lisa grinned and said, "Alrighty!"

"Hey! We just met today and this was even your birthday so I thought of giving you something. Here. Happy birthday!" Lance said while giving Cali a long paper bag with a bottle in it.

"Really? Thank you so much! You don't have to do this you know. Woah!" Cali gasped as he took out the bottle from the paper bag. "Oh my G! As in oh my G! This is a limited edition wine! There were just 10 bottles of this in the world! I cannot! I just cannot accept this! It's precious!" Cali exclaimed but in a tiny voice making him sound more girly.

"It's okay. It is actually my way of saying 'Thank you'."

Everyone stared at Lance, puzzled by his words.

"Thank you for being there for Lisa."

Everyone gazed at Lisa.

"Huh? Ahem! Hahaha.. Don't mind him. He might have drunk some before going here so he spouted some nonsense words. Ahehehe.." Lisa felt awkward as everyone continued to stare at her.

"Guys! Who want some beers?" Sofia came out with two plastic bags on her hands filled with beers. She frowned seeing the situation. "Hey! What happened?"

Only then did they snapped out. Lisa looked back to see Sofia wearing a sexy one-piece bikini with a "micro-mini shorts".

"Did I miss something already?"

"No. You're just in time!" Cali answered. He looked around to check that all of them were in the pool area and no one was inside the house. "Okay! Let the party begi-"

"Not yet my dear! Before we all get drunk, let's sing a song first." Lisa interrupted Cali's excitement.

"What are you up to this time? You know I hate formalities!" Cali said while pouting. Lisa just grinned.

"Happy Birthday to you..."

Everyone sang the birthday song while taking out the box that covered the cake on the table. A descent tall cake it was. Cali was about to cry to see the design of the cake. It had pictures of him and some were him with his family and friends. He suddenly missed his family in the province.

"Happy Birthday to yooooouuuu!"

Their song ended. Cali closed his eyes and made a wish before blowing the candles.

"Happy Birthday Cali!!!" everyone exclaimed as Cali finished blowing the candles.

"Thank you everyone. You know I'm not a man of words. You already know how grateful I am to have a bunch of friends like all of you. I love you guys! Group huuuuug!"

And they had a group hug, including Lance. It was a long hug that it was late for Lance and Lisa to realize they were in the middle of the hug.

In a quite awkward position.