
magicae et scientia

Since the beginning I have seen monsters! I have seen regular ordinary monsters stealing, killing and lying. But occasionally I've seen other types of monsters too. Monsters from legends, myths, and anything else you can imagine. My mom has told me of strange stories of when I was young. when we first moved to a small town in the northern portion of Minnesota. Stories of shadowy creatures looking through the windows at me. stories of strange people showing up in the medal of the night baring gifts. stories of strange occurrences happing in empty rooms. and other that are much scarier, thing straight from legends and myths.

hagil · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 8 the first of meany 

Few hours later we went to the arena wear the entire thing was filled with voices and sounds of great creatures, but there was nothing nor no one there.

"Wear is everyone"

I asked,

"they're all in hidden rooms behind some of the walls"

a few minutes later there was a dark grudge full presence that swept over the room thin he came in. the arena went completely silent I Colden fell any ripples nor hear any sounds that was once defining.

"Are you ready land walker"

said the ghoul. swimming dawn to us positioning himself a fair distance away

"Ready as I'll ever be. you all should go"

I said to Asterya and here father. Thin the chieftain went to a special horn that was once hidden behind one of the walls. he stood next to the horn that looked like a great seal that I guess was made of the stone of the arena. When he blow the horn it made a great sound that was similar to a fog horn, the battle had begun.

The ghoul started by charging at me with an ornate spear that was definitely will used. He thrusted it at me but he was much slower thin Asterya. I was able to dodge and strike at him with the spear that I trained with. He didn't even try to dodge, the spear just harmlessly bounced off his skin. I tried a few more times, but no where I hit seemed to affect him it just bounced right off of him. Until I got a lucky strike rite to an open wound he had in his gaping chest wound. i drove it in all the way up to the shaft. He seemed to be surprised and annoyed but he still wasn't majorly affected, I would need to try something different. I poled a sword out of a scabbard on my heap that I was given to me by Asterya's father before the match started. the sword was mad of the same material, and had a medium gemstone in it like the spear the ghoul was holding. He glared at my spiting out his hat and scorn at me

"that ancient blade dos not belong to you and my brother is foolish to allow you to have it"

Thin he pulled out my sperm from his chest. and he started too expertly thrust both of them at me. After dodging and deflecting his spears I grabbed the shaft of my spear that he still had in his death grip. I felt a weird tingling feeling in it. it felt cold and grimy like something wrong was on it. I griped harder forking myself too fight not for myself, not for Asterya, or her father but for here uncle. to let him rest once more in peach, I most beat him here. suddenly he let go of the spear and said

"what trike is this"

he said looking at his hand which looked alive for just a moment. I just looked at him thin my weapons. Both the spear and sword changed. they were now clean, smooth, and shiny. It was like I was suddenly holding brand new weapons fresh from the masters Table. were before they were old, full of barnacles and rusty. but now Both of them have small inch to three inch wide gemstones imbedded in them. The spears gemstone was in the spearhead just above the point were the sphere head connects to the shaft. And the sword had its in the same place before in the cross guard. The stone were clean cut gems that were polished to absolute perfection and hade no flaws in them at all. from where the gems were inlaid there were finely carved reliefs were the gemstones were set. Then the spear suddenly started to flow like it was liquid, it formed into another sword just like the other one I had in my right hand. Feeling a strange comforting sensation flowing in the swords. I knew exactly how to defeat him. seemingly feeling the danger he started to strike at me with his spear and short sword he pulled from his waist. He was officially terrified of me and was no longer taking it easy. Both of my swords were humming the same tone. a tone of glory, of power of pride, of hope. my swords song with the pride of the Ariana, of the people of the oasis, of Asterya's foamily, of the tribe. He started to fiercely slash and thrust with both of his weapons one after another. I was easily able to dodge and parry each strike. middle of combat I kept on changing the shape of my weapons to spears, swords, knives, shields, clubs, chains, and anything else that I cold think of. the changes were instinctual without me have to put much into it, it just happened ween I needed it. After a bit I noticed he was pushing himself. after a few clashes I got one good strike in during a especially vicious flurry. heating where his heart should be but it wasn't. He didn't strike me or even tried to kill me he just let me pull my sword out.

"let's finished this"

he said grabbing his sword with both of his hands. He swam start towards me with a spinning attack. I now that I could dodge it but I didn't I mimicked what he did but fused both of my blades together masking a large drill shape spear. After clashing he fell to one knee and said

"I am prod to fall to you. You are much greater thin i cold of guest. now please finished this"

after he said this all the darkness around him faded for a sic. I walked over and pot my hand on him

"now rest great guardian of the clan know that you will never be forgotten"

I said to him. using the power that lay deep in my heart. severing the connection he had with the one who had awakened him from his slumber. Something similar to the healing magic I used before but more advance. I had banishing the dark taint from his body.

"Now you can rest with now rage in your heart",

his body lost all injuries on it and he looked just as he would if he was alive. Thin he just faded like he was never there all that was lift was a faint "thanks". When I stood up a Flory of power and water surrounded me for a second thin defocused around me. Which after the battel was over my weapon which was a ginormous spear split apart to reform back into two bracelets with the gemstones sintered on my back side of my rests. After a will Asterya's hole family swam over to me

"That was awesome"

"you purified his soul"

"that was amazing battle young hero"'

and ect.

"Ok ok please one at a time now pleas"

I said after a bit of chattering from them. A few hours later after a lot of questions and explaining what I could were I could. We swam up to the surface of the oasis so I could go to sleep and, to teal my aunt and mom what happened. A few days later after I rested and healed there was a strange ghostly blue flame dancing around on the sure of the oasis. According to my aunt it was some form of willow-o-wisp which, if I remember right they wear legendary creatures or spirits that lead the leaving to there death and the dead to the after life.

"What do you want o-wisp"

said my ant, a strange creature appeared it was a strange shadowy humanoid that had its face covered by some sort of hood. it was caring a lantern that held the flame.

"we hear, we hear him, his close"

said a strange unworldly voice. which seamed to echo in what was not quit my head. Ween the wisp looked toward me I could see that it hade no features except a mouth.

"What are you looking for o-spirit"

said my ant, how just took a step in front of me and my mother

"his hear, just hear, why are you still hear"

"your hear, your hear with your own strength. but why should we char. why should we not take you like it is ordain"

"your hear, your here, to serve, too serve, ho... ho.... ho... him, maybe him, maybe in deed"

"he is great, he is lord, the lord ho is mortal ho is immortal, ho is mortal, we shall leave we shall, for now"

thin the spirit left just leaving a faint blue glow.

"Well that was weird, they don't normally come this far south"

said my aunt almost to her self.

"What did it wont"

I ask,

"I'm not sure they are said to be shepherds of the spirits. According to the stories, I think. its my first time seeing one"

explained my aunt.

A few months later after the wisp enchanter nothing out of "normal" has happened. I continued learning spells from my aunt and now starting combat lessons in water and on land with the chieftain and Asterya. also I'm learning some lessons of tattoos and some off there "magic" that I can do with it, which isn't much from Asterya's grandmother and Asterya.

"A tattoo shows the owners past and future, and can change many times thought-out their life"

" no no no thrust than party, no do it again. thrust!"

"every spell has a different nature which you must now"

etc. etc. the few days that I have a break i hang out with Asterya and practice some spells, spare or teach hear how some of our technology works like paper or, a phone, a computer, and other electronics. She was vary interested in all this "new" technology that us humans have crated for our ourselves especially because noun of it was powered by magic.

A few weeks later Asterya walked into the living room from the oasis with the rest of her family.

" hallow young sere I have a small request to ask you. I now that you and my doter have dean seeing each other for a will"

at this from the chief Asterya blushed and tried to protest but couldn't say anything. The chief continued with a slit smile

"as I said I now for some time that you have ben showing my doter some of your strange tools "

"ok sear do you what me stop showing hear this stuff" I asked a bit depressed and annoyed interrupting hem a bit.

"No the exact opposite. I want you to show my doter your world" after he said this both me and Asterya wear completely flabbergasted.