
Mafia world- Two Worlds Apart

Revenge was her only reason for living. Alice wanted them to feel the same pain she endured. Her heart died along with him the day he died. She would never love another. She was trained to have no compassion and to show no mercy, but what will happen when Alice finds out everything she was told was a lie? What will she do when her whole reason for living changes? Kevin was adopted by the most feared mafia leader. When he came of age he took over from his adoptive father. He kept his promise he made her when they parted. He searched for her as he promised, but what happens when he found her and finds out she is their clans sworn enemy and not the same girl he used to know what will he do?

Voges · Urbain
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25 Chs

Chapter 16

Fifteen Years Ago

Being an orphan, you do not get to decide what happens to you. You do not get to decide where you will go or with whom. One can stay in the orphanage until one turns eighteen and then go out living on your own or, one can get adopted by a family who one did not choose. You do not know what they are like until you're in their home. You must adapt to their surroundings and their rules. Unfortunately, Alice and Kevin were one of those kids.

They found Alice at the steps of the orphanage on a cold night only wrapped in a thin blanket. Luckily one of the caretakers went out for a smoke and found her. Kevin's parents died in a car crash when he was about two years old. No relatives came and claimed him. He use to stand behind the caretakers and watch how they changed, bath, and took care of Alice. He thought this small person was very fascinating. From the first time he laid his eyes on her, he felt protective over her. Time went by and they grew extremely close. Kevin and Alice were inseparable. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. Kevin always thought he would never get adopted because of his age. Who would want a fourteen-year-old? It was extremely rare for a family to adopt a teenager. He always thought Alice would be the one to get adopted and, he would be the one to stay behind and watch her leave with her new family.

On a cold winter morning, the director knocked on Kevin's room,


Kevin was lying on the bed flipping through a book. He looked at the director with confusion.

"Yes, director."

"You have been adopted son, pack your belongings and come meet your new family."

Kevin shot upright. Bewildered at her words.

"Did I hear you correctly? Adopted? Are you sure?"

She smiled at Kevin fully understanding his doubt. She was also shocked when the family asked to adopt a teenager. In her years at the orphanage, she could count on one hand the teenagers that were adopted.

"Yes, Kevin. There is no mistake. This family chose you. They are good people Kevin. Give them a chance." She saw the hesitation in his eyes. "Kevin, this is your second family. No one will ever take the place of your parents. Make them proud and treat these people well. Okay? And do not worry about Alice. She will be fine. This is your chance to get a better life. Don't waste it, Kevin." She looked at his confused expression. "Please don't take too long. Okay? I will be waiting in the lobby with your new family." The director said and walked out of the room.

Kevin's breath quickened when he thought of Alice. Things were not supposed to turn out like this. Alice was supposed to be the one to get a family. She was not supposed to be the one looking at him walking away with his new family. He was her only family here. They were each other's family. How could he just leave her behind? It was like leaving his heart behind. But unfortunately, Kevin knew he had no control over his life until he turned eighteen. He had to go. Even if it was killing him inside, he had to go.

"Kevin?" Alice called out as she stood by the door. Her cheeks were already wet and her eyes puffy from crying.

Kevin's eyes widened when he saw her. He jumped off the bed and ran to her. She ran into his arms. He could feel her body shaking as she cried against him. What could he do? He had no words. He could only hold onto her tightly remembering their last moments together. Alice pulled back and stared into Kevin's eyes. Even though she was only ten she knew they did not get to decide their future. She doesn't know why but she always had this sense that Kevin would get taken away from her, even though he kept telling her she was the one that would get adopted, not him. Somehow, she knew this day would come. But how does one say goodbye?

"Alice don't look at me like that. I will come back for you when I am old enough. Even if you get adopted. I promise to find you no matter where you are. Okay?"

"What could she say? She could not speak. She could not utter a word. Alice could only swallow the sob that wanted to escape. She only nodded. Alice feared the future. She feared what life would be like without Kevin.

Alice sat on his bed and watched him pack his belonging in silence. She watched him pick up his suitcase. He stood in front of her. She looked up at him with tears welling up in her eyes. He leaned down and hugged her tightly, expressing his sadness through the hug. They both did not want to let go. After a minute, Kevin was the first one to break away. He looked down at Alice and brushed a hair behind her ear and kissed her on the forehead.

"This is not a goodbye Alice. We will meet again. I promise. Okay?"

Tears rolled down Alice's cheeks. She just stared through her tears at him. He smiled at her and turned around and left. A sob escaped her lips as she watched him walk out of the door.

"Who do you turn to when the one leaving, was the only person that could make you stop crying and was the only person to ease your heartache? So, I will ask again. Who do you turn to?"

Six months later after Kevin's adoption.

Alice and Sally walked down the hallway seeing the director approaching them.

"Alice." She called out

"Yes, director."

"Go pack your belongings you have been adopted."

Sally jumped up and down ecstatic for Alice.

"Alice. Can you believe you have been adopted?"

Alice glanced at Sally and then examined the director's weird behavior. Why did the director not look happy? Alice could see through the director's forced smile.

"Okay, thank you, director. I will be there in ten minutes."

The director nodded and turned around and left.