
Mafia and The Blind Fortune Teller

Julia Salvatore is a granddaughter of Vito Salvatore, the most notorious mafia in the world, and number one in America. She met Cecilia Montella, the famous blind fortune teller in her neighborhood. Their perspective about family, love, and friendship will tested when they get closed to each other. Could they help themselves not to judge each other’s perspective? [Volume 5: Start Over]

kidd17 · LGBT+
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71 Chs

Chapter 3: I Want You (Part 1)

Julia's POV

Julia walked to her secretary, who was sitting with Mariano in the waiting room. Mariano runs towards her and hugged her as she entered the room.

Mariano pouted his mouth as he looks at Julia. "I'm sorry little prince, I did not pick you up," Julia sat Mariano on the couch as she tidying up his collar.

Mariano hunched as he looks at his step-sister. "We want to have an ice cream, right!?" Julia kneels in front of him. "Did you forget?" Julia shook her head and exhale.

Julia looking at Gianna, who was standing behind the couch. She was the secretary. Rumored, her dad was a hitman. Despite of her reputation among the other applicants. Her intelligence, elegance, beauty, and her respectful manner can make the future Lady Salvatore found it attractive. She hired her several months ago and got a promotion after she fired her former secretary. "Do I have a meeting today?" Julia asked.

Gianna opened her agenda book and she open another page. "At 3 PM you have a meeting with Mr. Tan," she said. Julia wants to postpone their meeting to spending more time with Mariano, but she already promises to her client. Julia takes a deep breath, and she holding Mariano's hand.

Julia smiled at him and stroke his hair. "You ready?" Mariano hunted. "Are you sure you didn't want an ice cream or a Happy Meal?" She asked. Mariano hugged her leg.

"Come on!" Mariano said.

Julia looked at her secretary, and she smiled at her. "Do you…" Mariano pulled her hand because his sister won't stop talking to her secretary.

The duo walked to the cafeteria as they singing cheerfully and followed by her secretary. They want to take a turned, Julia heard someone call her by her full name. "Julia Salvatore!" Julia, who was familiar with the voice, clenched his fist and jaw.

Julia kneel in front of Mariano and she smiled. "I will catch up with you later, okay?" Julia looking at him in the eye. Julia tangled her pinky finger to Mariano's pinky finger. "Pinky swear," she said. Mariano wants to cry, but Julia smiled at him and buttoned his suit and took a deep breath.

Julia loosens her tie as she looks at her Zio and approach him. Her henchmen followed her. "Seize all phones, and lockdown the building." She commands to her henchmen.

Giotto pointing a gun at her. All of her employees running away to save their lives. "Stop where there were you standing!" Julia stops and raised her hands. Julia took a deep breath and brace herself for another wave. She approached him while locked her eye contact with him.

She picked her checkbook and a pen from her suit, then throw it on the floor. "You can write the amount do you like." Julia put her hands inside her pocket and straightened her body.

In a rage, Giotto slapped Julia's face with his handgun. "You don't have the rights to say like that to your Zio!" Closed her eyes to hold her emotion, she puffin' her chest. He wants to slap Julia for the second time, but she holds his hand. "Let me…" unexpectedly, Julia slammed Giotto on the ground and twist his hand.

She picked a handgun in his hand with her handkerchief, then gave it to her henchmen. She looks at surround her sighed. Julia did not expect all the employees watching everything. One of her henchmen approaching her. "Ms. Salvatore?" Julia took a glance at her henchmen.

"Seize all the phone," she took a glance at her uncle, "throw him to the outside of this building and make sure he doesn't come back again." Julia walked to the toilet with her fist and jaw clenching. Her piercing eyes glancing at her trembling employees.

Cecilia put her headset on while she wiped the floor on the toilet. She walked to the sink and punched the mirror until her hand cover in blood. Julia looked at her reflection in the broken mirror. She even 'looks good' in the broken mirror.

"Are you okay!?" Julia looks at her back. Cecilia approached her boss and grabbed Julia's wounded hand. "A-are you okay?" Julia did not answer her question.

Cecilia pulled her hand and washed her hand she can hear Julia's whining sound. "Why did you like to hurt yourself?" And again, Julia did not answer her question. Cecilia took off her cardigan, and she tore her cardigan cloth.

"Y-you…" Cecilia glared at her. Julia can feel something wrong with her heart. She can feel her heart beating faster than usual. She looking at her serious face and her blue eyes.

Cecilia sighed. "Next time, don't do it again, okay? It's not good." Julia only stared at her without saying a word. A janitor treats her wound, and she only knew her several hours ago, but her heart say otherwise.

Cecilia touched her cheek, "Ouch," Julia can feel her the pain. How she can hide this bruise from her brother?

"I-I'm sorry," she said. She tore again her cardigan and walked to the sink. Julia wants to start a conversation with her, but her tongue and brain are reluctant to cooperate with her heart.

"Here," Cecilia puts wet clothes on her bruised cheek.

Julia holds the pain by gripping her suit. "You don't have to, Cecilia. I-It will be fine," she said.

Cecilia giggling at her, then smiled.

On the other side, Rico was searching for Cecilia. "Ex…" Rico clenching his fist and puffin' his chest. Her face turned to red as he saw Julia and Cecilia talking while his crush touched his rival's cheek. He wants to get inside the bathroom, but he stopped by the sign.

"Everything will be okay. I don't know what the problem inside your family was. Please, don't hurt yourself." Cecilia said.

Julia nods. "Thanks, by the way." Julia said. She looking at her torn cardigan and sighed. She took off her suit and wear it to her shoulder.

Julia pulled her closer. Cecilia's her hand lies on her shoulder. They can feel each other's breath and hear their heartbeat.

A banging sound from the door made Julia realized and pushed Cecilia away. She tidying her outfit. Their face turned red, and they walked to the outside of the bathroom walking side-by-side.

Cecilia's POV

Rico put the trashcan to the original place, and he took a deep breath. He clenched his fist as they walked outside from the toilet.

Cecilia took a deep breath. "Dad? Is that you?" Julia cleared her throat and put her wounded hand inside her pocket.

"Um… Cecilia?" Cecilia touched her hand and she can feel an electricity tuned to their hand. They clenching their fist, then chuckling.

Cecilia sighed, then smiling at her. "T-talk to you later," Julia said, then leave them alone.

Cecilia can't stop smiling after their unexpected encounter inside the toilet. Rico puffing his chest, and tries to not looked obvious. He took a glance at her.

Rico fell annoyed whenever she smiled at his rival. "Are you done smiling!?" Cecilia sighed.

Cecilia let go of her hand, then she took a deep breath. "What's wrong with you?" Rico exhales. "am I your daughter, dad!?" Rico feels his heart pounding fast as he sweating.

Cecilia walks down the hallway, and she accidentally bumped into a man and ignores him.

Julia's POV

Julia sat next to Mariano as she brings a tray full of food. "What am I missing here?" Mariano cheered because Julia keeps her promise.

Gianna looked at her hand and cheek. "Are you okay?" She asked. Julia smiled as she opened the box in front of her.

Julia devouring her food as Gianna sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ms. Salvatore?" When she wants to answer Gianna's question, her phone ringing. She picked her phone and sighed. She stood up and followed by Gianna.

"I want you to accompany my brother. I can take care by myself," Julia brinks her unfinished food and she ate it while she walks to the lobby.







Julia took off her glasses, and she stood up and followed by her clients. "We meet another time with a new design." They walked to the lobby as the respective henchmen followed them. Julia took a glance at Cecilia, who was talking to her co-workers.

"Do you have a husband, Ms. Salvatore?" Mr. Tan asked.

Julia shook her head, "we are doing business, Mr. Tan, and my sincerely apologize." They stopped in the lobby. "I'm not into male," Mr. Tan nods.

Juia shakes his hand. She wants to approach Cecilia after this, but she disappears. "See you next week," Julia opened the car door for her client as she smiled at them.

Vito's POV

Vito looked at the frame on his desk and picked the picture. "How's hell, Henry? Are you went to hell or heaven?" He puts again the picture.

Vito looks at the sky and reminiscing his memory with his best friend, Henry. They were brothers, and he forgave Henry. Even when his wife cheated with him, he forgives him, but will Henry forgive him? Vito leaned on the window as he lit his favorite cigarette.

"Don Salvatore," Vito hummed. "Mr. Giotto wants to meet you," Vito put his cigarette on his astray as he hide his gun behind his back.

"Let him in," he said. He waiting for this, the time he will die. Giotto gets into Vito's room and closed the door. He and Vito pointing a gun at each other.

Giotto gets inside "Long time no see, Pa?" Vito loaded his gun and shot him.

He missed. Gitto shot his shoulder twice and he kneel in front of the window. Giotto approached him as he loading his gun and all of Vito's henchmen opened the door and pointing a gun at him.

"I will become the next Don, not Julia!" he claimed. Vito laughed as he put the nozzle on his head and looks at Giotto.

"I will never give a penny to the traitor," Vito said.

Giotto, who was in a rage, pulled the trigger and shoot Vito's chest, but he missed because Vito punching his foot. He pushed Giotto.

"Arg…" Giotto pulled the trigger again, and he shot Vito in his chest. Vito falls to the ground and all of his henchmen rain a bullet to his body. A thunder sound heard as the rainfall to the earth. With his last strength, Vito looks at Giotto and smiled.

"Julia will take over this, Giotto. She deserve… it." Vito said before he was unconscious.