
Chapter 12: My name is Uzumaki Naruto

"The plant creatures have proven to be a valuable weapon. One we can utilize in the future," smiles Vandal Savage.

Out of the shadows steps Raj ah Ghul. "More importantly, the League believes that the Injustice League was the secret society behind the Cobra-Venom. Our presence is once again safely hidden in the shadows," states Raj ah Ghul.

Lex Luthor is next to emerge from the shadows. "True, but we have a bigger issue to deal with." The screens in front of them change until a child is on it. A familiar child with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. "He is proving to be a far greater threat than we had originally assumed. The team of young heroes is a nuisance, but this one has the potential to ruin all our plans."

"Perhaps I should arrange to meet him," smirks Queen Bee.

"Your ability to enthrall is strong, but if it fails to work for any reason we risk exposing too much of ourselves," states Vandal. "No, the best course of action is elimination. The time for recruitment has passed." Silently, the others agree. "When the time is right we shall eliminate all the children that dare stand against our Light."

October 6th; Tokyo

Naruto stands on the ledge of the roof staring down at the people down below. It has been three days since the fight with the Injustice League. He woke up a day ago having suffered a major case of chakra exhaustion. He can't remember the last time he fought at full strength. Wotan and Black Adam pushed him to the limit. Those two were powerhouses on par with Kage level ninja. And he would have been killed if he kept holding back. Kurama's words gave him the strength to stop hiding and reveal his true power. Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, and several members of the Justice League saw his Sharingan. No one has talked to him about it but he knows that in time it will be brought up. He is sure that Batman is investigating any possible explanation for his eyes to go from ocean blue to crimson red.

Kurama was right, he was hiding. This entire time he claimed to have no fear. He went on every mission and fought crime in Tokyo without showing any weakness. It was all a façade. The truth was that he was scared that once the team and the people of Tokyo learned about his true power that everyone would fear him. Like in Konoha, he would be ostracized and have no place to go. Once again he would be alone in the world. Loneliness is a pain that is greater than many realize. One might say he was never alone since there was a demon inside of him, but he wasn't friends with Kurama at first. It took several years on the run for him and Kurama to build a friendship. During that time he was on his own. Eating out of garbage cans and curled up in a ball during cold nights. Constantly dodging ninja from Konoha trying to kill him. As well as many other dangers that exist in the Elemental Nations. All those memories led him to finding the true reason that he joined the team. He joined the team to find a place where he belonged. He wanted to be around others like him so that maybe he wouldn't have to live in a new world and suffer the same fate of loneliness. That is the reason he had forgave them so quickly. The idea of being alone again scared him. Or it had scared him. If the team betrayed him again, he would not be so forgiving.

There is one problem, he may have revealed his true abilities to the enemy and to several of his teammates, but he was still hiding. Others are walking around in broad daylight while he hides in the shadows. A hero with no identity. Everyone on the team and almost everyone on the League has a life in the real world. Even if it is under the guise of a false persona, they are interacting with the world. Forming bonds with others. He is not. The reason that he is not is because he is hiding. Still afraid that this world…no the people of Tokyo and Japan will reject him once they learn more about him.

"I refuse to have a weak container!"

Ocean blue eyes harden. It is time to stop hiding. If the world won't accept him then that is too bad. He refuses to hide in the shadows. Time for him to walk in the light as well.


Ayame was chatting with her friends as the group makes their way towards school. Laughter comes from the group of girls. She brushed a strand of black hair out of her eyes. Curiously, she noticed one of her friends has stopped walking. "Hana?" The other turns to see Hana staring across the street. "What are you looking at?"

"It…it is him!"

Maya looks at Ayame and Kasumi. Both girls shrug not knowing what Hana is talking about. The three girls look across the street to see people walking about. "Who are you talking about?" asks Ayame curiously.

Hana is unable to form words so points across the street. Following the girl's finger, the other three girls look to see Hana pointing at a handsome boy with golden blonde hair. He wears a black flak vest over a dark orange t-shirt, fingerless iron clad gloves, black pants that are wrapped up at the shins, and black open toe ninja sandals. On the back of the black vest is an orange spiral. "Cute, but weird sense of style," says Ayame.

"He looks familiar," frowns Maya.

"Yeah, I have definitely seen him," agrees Kasumi.

"Really?" blinks Ayame. "I don't recognize him at all."

"Shinobi!" shouts Hana. Hana fumbles with her binder pulling out a picture. All the girls peer over Hana's shoulder to take a good look at the picture. The three recognize the picture. It is one that almost every girl and many boys carry around. On the picture is a familiar blond making a ram seal.

Kasumi's eyes widen. "No way, it is him!" Hana's earlier shout of Shinobi draws the attention of others. People begin to look over at the boy with the sword on his back. Whispers break out. Soon people are grabbing their phones hoping to take a picture before the mysterious hero vanishes.

Naruto pauses on the sidewalk to stare into a store that sells strange cards with monsters on them. The ninja gains a curious look. There are many people in the store of all ages buying the strange cards. He notices a couple cards cases with images of various heroes and villains. One of the cards even has a picture of him. This world is a strange one. Turning, he continues to walk down the road ignoring the people staring and taking pictures of him. Last time he walked the streets was with Megan. He wore a hoodie to hide his identity. This time around he is not trying to hide. Instead, he is walking among the people. It is strange to have people parting like water around a rock to let him through. Almost makes him feel like a royal ass.

"Hey Shinobi!"

A young man runs at Naruto with a pipe in hand. "I am going to kick your ass. I'll make you pay for sending my brother to jail!" roars the teen with one too many piercings. The pipe is swung at Naruto's face. Naruto catches the pipe. Fear fills the thug. The ninja uses his superior strength to swing the thug face first into the side of a building. With a thud the thug drops to the ground. Naruto drops the pipe on the thug's body and continues to walk. If there were any doubts about his identity, those doubts have been put to rest.

A voice calls out to Naruto or shinobi. "Shinobi-sama!" An elder gentleman comes walking towards Naruto. Naruto turns to face the old man. Others watch as the old man comes face to face with the mysterious young hero. "Forgive me for bothering you. I wanted to thank you for saving the life of my son and his family. I am eternally grateful," the old man bows deeply.

Naruto shifts nervously not used to such kindness. "You are welcome." The old man smiles widely.

"If there is anything I could ever do for you Shinobi-sama…"

"Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto."

Turning around, the ninja walks away intent on exploring the city.

Mount Justice

Canary slams Kaldur to the ground. A frown forms on her face. "Want to tell me what is on your mind? You have been distracted all week." She offers her hand to the young hero. Kaldur takes the offered hand. He stands up with a light groan.

"I can't get my mind off the fight with the Injustice League," admits Kaldur. Canary keeps a calm expression silently urging him to continue to speak. Artemis and Robin stop sparring with each other to listen in. Kaldur takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "I do not believe that I am best suited to the lead the team."

A frown forms on Robin's face. "We accomplished the mission…"

"Yes, but not in the most effective manner. I have gone over the mission in my head many times. I know I made the right decision in sending you, Naruto, and Megan to take out the central control system. However, after that I didn't come up with a plan to escape or take down the members that made up the Injustice League."

Artemis speaks up. "Those guys were powerhouses. Hard to come up with a plan to take them down."

Kaldur glances at Canary. "Powerhouses or not…I did not keep a calm and focused mind." The protégé of Aquaman gains a guilty expression. "If not for Naruto the entire team would have been killed." Robin and Artemis don't say a word. There is nothing to be said. "In all that fighting, he analyzed the situation and came up with a plan. He was able to assign each of us to a member of the Injustice League that gave us an advantage in battle. Superboy was assigned to take down the Joker due to his invulnerability making it impossible for the Joker to win in a straight up fight. Robin was assigned to fight Atomic Skull due to both having long-range capabilities. Atomic Skull possesses weak close combat skills giving Robin an advantage. Miss Martian used her telekinetic powers and camouflage abilities to hold Poison Ivy at bay until Superboy could help. And I teamed up with Wolf to take on Ultra Humanite. Naruto regrouped us so that we stood a chance at surviving."

Canary reaches out placing a hand on Kaldur's shoulder. "You did your best."

"My best almost caused the death of the entire team." A sigh escapes Kaldur. "I never looked too much into the matter. In my own way, I kept relying on Naruto as a safety net. He has proven time and time again to be the strongest member on the team. When I was out of commission during the Biayla mission he rallied everyone together to save Superboy. Even on our first mission, Naruto kept focused on the task defeating Cobra and Sportsmaster while obtaining the Cobra-Venom samples that we were tasked with finding information on. I didn't have that safety net during the mission to India. The team, I, was still shaken from Red Tornado's apparent betrayal and it caused a rift in the team. We failed to keep hidden and Captain Marvel was captured."

"You shouldn't compare yourself to Naruto," says Robin. "He is a powerhouse that even Superboy can't compete with."

"True, but he is also keeps a clear mind during every mission. It is not his powers that make him so strong it is his dedication and forethought. The ability to stay calm while coming up with multiple strategies to overcome any unexpected obstacles. A talent that you possess as well my friend," states Kaldur. "In all honesty, if you were older and didn't act so rash on the first mission, I would have voted for you to be team leader." Robin smiles at the praise.

"A sign of a good leader is knowing one's strength and weaknesses. I have had the same feelings of doubt many times," smiles Canary. "Batman is the greatest detective in the world, Superman and Captain Marvel are so strong I rarely believe it even with my own eyes, and standing amongst heroines like Wonder Woman and Hawkwoman is not something I take lightly. When I first joined the League I doubted there was much I could do to help. What could I accomplish that someone like Superman couldn't? But I kept faith in my own talents and I remembered that everyone needs help even members of the Justice League. Don't forget that this team was created not to keep you all under our thumb, but to do what we can't. Or do you think people like Captain Atom and Red Tornado would be any good at stealth missions?" Artemis and Robin smirk imagining those two undercover. Captain Atom is living energy and Red Tornado is bright red that looks like a giant target at night. "Knowing your weaknesses will provide you with a way to grow. And on the next mission you will do better."

Kaldur nods in understanding. "I believe I get what you are getting at. Thank you."


In a cloud of smoke, Naruto appeared a couple blocks away from his last position. Reporters and paparazzi were annoying. Ever since word got out that he was walking in the city among everyone else it has been open season for reporters. Every single one of them trying to kill the other to get a story from him. Fortunately, he was a master of the Shunshin no Jutsu. He would let them get within a couple feet of him before vanishing. The reporters and paparazzi would have to get back in their cars searching for him all over again. Once they found him, he would vanish again. A game of cat and mouse that he had been playing for the past three hours. It was amusing to say the least. Annoying, but amusing at the same time.

Beside the reporters and paparazzi most people tended to keep their distance out of awe, respect, and some out of fear. Hundreds maybe even thousands of pictures of him were taken. He is sure that almost everyone in Japan knows his name now. Being called Shinobi or Ninja-man was almost as annoying as the paparazzi. Uzumaki Naruto is his name and he wears it proudly. And if someone suddenly starts calling him Fishcake Man he is going to punch them in the face.

Naruto pauses at a small convenient store. He pushes open the doors and heads inside. Ignoring the looks of the clerk, he heads over to the candy area. The ninja picks out a several boxes of different flavored pocky. His eyes fall upon a conical straw hat that reminds him of the ones that members of Akatsuki used to wear. He always thought that the hats were pretty cool. Kurama thought it made them look like old men. Shrugging, he grabs the hat and puts it on. It fits nicely. He walks over to the counter placing the items on it. The clerk stares at him not making a move to ring him up. "I would like to buy these," says Naruto.

"R-right!" The clerk rings him up. Naruto places the money on the counter. Once he is given the change, he puts the hat back on and puts the pocky in his pouch. He leaves the shop to continue his trip in Tokyo.


"I don't see the problem."

Batman glances at Diana with a hint of annoyance. She smiles at Batman's stare. "Unlike others in the League I have no secret identity. I never chose the name Wonder Woman, it was a name bestowed upon me by man's world," smiles Diana.

The Dark Knight stares at the screen where multiple news stations in Japan are providing a constant coverage on Naruto. Naruto is walking around in broad daylight not trying to hide his presence. The internet is buzzing as well as new pictures pour in of the mysterious child hero. Batman is even more annoyed to know that Naruto released his true name instead of letting people call him Shinobi. "Now his enemies know his name and where he resides," states Batman.

"And? My enemies know where to find me and I welcome them to challenge me any time they desire," smirks Diana. "This is the path that he has chosen. The Justice League exists to protect others not make decisions for them."

Batman knows that she speaks the truth. The Justice League is not an organization to force its ideal upon others. Still, Naruto's exposure will bring upon new enemies and obstacles that the child may not be ready to face. His enemies will use this situation to learn more about the child in an attempt to find a weakness. He hopes that Naruto is ready for the dangers that lie ahead in taking this path.

Tokyo – Nighttime

Naruto enters his apartment. Today was a good day. He spent the entire day walking around Tokyo seeing new things and meeting new people. Most of the people that he met were part of the older generation. Only the adults had the courage to approach him. And almost all of them wanted to show gratitude for saving their lives or the lives of people they knew. Some even attempted to give him gifts and presents. A few tried to attack him to get revenge for family and friends that were criminals that he took down. Those people that attacked him ended up unconscious with minor injuries. The people his age tended to keep a distance preferring to point, whisper, and take pictures. All in all it was a good day and he planned to have many more. Eventually people would get used to his presence and it wouldn't be a big deal. Kurama was right it was better to live a life without fear. No more hiding in the shadows for him.

Sphere rolls over to Naruto in excitement. Naruto smiles reaching out to pat Sphere. He walks towards his room ready to get some sleep. Pausing, he takes a look at the calendar. The ninja walks over to the calendar to double check the date. Four more days until his birthday. Sphere releases a strange sound. He pats Sphere. "It is nothing," states Naruto. "I am going to get some rest. Tomorrow we can go to the cave." The ninja heads to his room without another word.

October 10th – Mount Justice

"Recognized B06, Uzumaki Naruto."

In a flash of light Naruto appears in the cave. Naruto looks ahead to see Canary overseeing a training exercise. Megan is sparing with Aqualad and Artemis is sparring with Robin. Wally is lounging around eating grapes. Superboy is waiting patiently for his turn to spar the winner. "You are late," says Canary.

"Sorry," replies Naruto.

Canary raises an eyebrow. "Do you want to talk about it?" Naruto glances at Canary. He turns away preferring to watch the ongoing spars. A sigh escapes the woman. She shakes her head at the behavior. Hitting a few buttons, she ends the sparring simulation making everyone come to a stop. "Good work today. You all have shown great improvement," praises Canary.

Artemis smirks gesturing to the one member of the team lounging around. "All of use except Kid Malinger."

"Hey! Arm broken against the Injustice League here!" Kid waves his broken arm. Artemis rolls her eyes.

"I have really enjoyed being your…den mother the past week," smiles Canary.

The computer interrupts further speech. "Recognized 12, Zatara." Zatara appears inside the cave in a flash of light. He pulls open a keyboard and begins to type. "Access granted, A01, Zatanna." Another flash of light appears this time a cute girl around thirteen years old enters into the cave. She has shoulder length black hair, bright baby blue eyes, and a pretty face. Zatanna is a petite girl with a lithe form and developing curves. The girl is wearing a school girl uniform that makes her appear on the innocent side.

"Everyone this is my daughter, Zatanna. Zatanna this is the team," introduces Zatara.

Megan always eager to meet a new person flies over to the younger girl. "Hi, my name is…"

"Robin!" Robin interrupts Megan getting in front of the Martian girl. He chuckles nervously realizing the confusion. "I mean, I am Robin. This is Miss M, Artemis, Wally, Kaldur, Superboy, and Naruto." Amusement appears on Artemis, Superboy, and Wally's face. It is easy for everyone to see that Robin is attracted to Zatanna.

Zatanna gives a small smile. "Hey, nice to meet you all." Her eyes drift past Robin to look at the rest of the team. She glances at Naruto who is looking off into space.

"So are you joining the team?" asks Robin excitedly.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. I brought her here to observe though I am sorry that she missed the training. It is something she could benefit from," says Zatara.

Megan opens up a mental link with her teammates. 'Anyone get the feeling that we are still on probation with Zatara?'

'Not just Zatara, what is Marvel still doing here?' says Superboy.

'That is because we like having Marvel around,' argues Wally.

Artemis glares at Wally. 'You like him because he waits on you hand and foot.'

'And your point is?'

Zatanna notices that the team is shifting eyes between each other. 'It almost makes you nostalgic for Red Tornado's guidance,' says Aqualad.

'Yeah, at least he trusted us,' agrees Robin.

Superboy motions angrily. 'But we shouldn't have trusted him. He almost got M…all of us killed!'

"Are you guys having a psychic conversation?" The team turns to look at Zatanna. Zatara and Canary also stop talking to look at the team. "If you are, I can't decide if that is really cool or extremely rude," says Zatanna.

Superboy speaks up not afraid to voice his opinion. "Alright fine, we were talking about Tornado. It has been weeks since he disappeared and no one has told us anything about him."

"The League is searching for Tornado along with the other androids and their creator T.O. Morrow. Batman has made it our highest priority," states Canary.

Robin steps forward pointing out the obvious. "But you all have found none of the above!"

"No, but Tornado is Justice League. The team is not to pursue this."

Zatara tries to diffuse the situation. "Why don't you all give Zatanna…" His eyes drift around trying to find his wayward daughter. "A tour of the cave?" Everyone starts to look around. Naruto is staring straight at the girl who is on the ground next to Wolf. She is petting the genetically enhanced animal.

Marvel enters the room carrying a plate of nachos. Wolf smells the nachos and runs over towards Captain Marvel. "A tour? Cool!" grins Marvel.

"Actually, I was hoping you could take Wolf out. He needs to be taken for a walk. We will meet you out there in a bit," says Superboy.

"Sure! Come on boy!" Marvel flies out of the cave still holding the plate of nachos. Wolf chases after the super powered human.

"My nachos," pouts Wally. Artemis rolls her eyes pushing Wally along. The team walks towards the kitchen. Zatanna catches up to the group wearing a new outfit. A spaghetti strap purple tank top, white capris, and white sneakers.

Robin's eyes widen upon seeing her change of clothes. "What? When did you…"

Zatanna interrupts Boy Wonder. "We are not really going on a tour are we?"

"No, we are hunting down that robot," states Superboy looking at Kaldur.

A nod comes from the team leader. "Yes…we are," agrees Aqualad.

Artemis looks over at Zatanna. "What about new girl?"

"She won't tell," defends Robin. "Right?"

"I can't," smirks Zatanna. "Not if you kidnap me."

"Oh she is going to fit in great," smirks Artemis.

Megan notices Naruto walking away. "Naruto, where are you going?" The rest of the team and Zatanna look over at Naruto.

"We were told to leave the matter alone. This is not our mission," replies Naruto.

Superboy punches a fist into his palm. "He almost killed us. We have more right than them to get answers."

Naruto glances at Superboy. "We risk life and death on every mission we go on. If you weren't prepared to die at any time than you shouldn't be on this team."

"He does make a good point," says Zatanna.

"That may be true…"

Aqualad never gets a chance to argue his point. Naruto walks away without another word. A frown forms on his face. There is something else bothering Naruto and it is not disobeying the League's orders.


Canary gets an alert that the bio-ship has left the cave. She opens up a communication with the ship wanting to know what the team is up to. "Miss Martian, the Bio-ship was not cleared for launch," says Canary.

"We are kidnapping Zatanna! To show her around…Happy Harbor."

"Roger that, have fun."

Zatara frowns as Canary ends the transmission. "I did not give her…"

"Relax Giovanni, they are good kids. You can trust them," reassures Canary.


Zatanna turns around in her chair to look at the team. "So, what is the deal with Naruto? He doesn't seem much like a team player, really cute though."

Aqualad decides to answer that question. "Naruto…has a hard time interacting with others."

"Dude seriously needs to lighten up," says Kid.

"Don't take it personally. Naruto is a great person and he is someone that we can rely on to always have our backs," smiles Megan. "He has saved us many times."

"The silent broody type huh? I like that type," smiles Zatanna.

A certain Boy Wonder starts to gain a jealous look on his face. He decides to change the subject. "Batman has looked in every logical spot to find Red Tornado. So we need a completely illogical plan. A truly stupid idea," Robin and the rest of the team turn to face Kid.

Kid decides to ignore the looks. "It just so happens…"

Mount Justice

Canary entered the hangar to find Naruto lying on the small pond of water staring up at the ceiling. She wasn't surprised to see him. The reason she came to the hangar was to find out why Naruto didn't join the others in showing Zatanna around Happy Harbor. He has been acting strange all day. Well, strange for him at the least.

"You know, I am here to listen if you want to talk," says Canary.

Naruto doesn't even bother to sit up. "There is nothing to talk about."

She raises an eyebrow. "Is that so? You know how you are able to tell when people are lying? Well I can tell that you are lying." Canary takes a seat on the floor. "Believe it or not, talking helps more than people realize."

The ninja continues to stare at the ceiling. Slowly, he sits up and begins to stand. Canary has to admit that the way he stands on water as if it is solid ground does bring a certain religious figure to mind. Even more so when he walks across the water with apparent boredom before taking a seat next to her. "I don't like this day," starts Naruto. "I never have."


"October 10th."

Realization forms in her eyes. A sad smile forms on her face. "Is today the day your parents died?"

"Never knew my parents," he answers. "I know nothing about them so I am not sure if today is the day they died. The reason I do not like this day is because it is my birthday."

"Why is the day you were born so bad?" Canary places a hand on his shoulder. Naruto glances at her hand not comfortable with the physical contact. She gently removes it. "I happen to think that this day is quite special for that reason. If you weren't born I wouldn't have the pleasure of knowing you. I am sure the team would agree as well. Some of them might not be alive right now if you weren't born. The same can be said for hundreds if not thousands of people in Japan."

A curious look appears in the ninja's eyes. "So other people being happy I am alive should make me happy?"

Canary smirks, "I would hope so. Doesn't it make you feel a little good that there are people out there that are happy you exist?"

"I suppose it does a little bit," admits Naruto.

"The life of a hero is a bit of a lonely one. We are out there trying to make the world a better place for others, but don't really have our own place in the world except among others fighting in the same cause," says Canary. "Well, I suppose there are heroes with secret identities who are able to blend into society, but I have never been one for masks." Naruto agrees with her wholeheartedly. He learned that during the past couple days when he traveled in Tokyo without trying to hide. As he walked amongst the people he realized that as much as he desired to walk among everyone else as an equal, it would most likely never happen. The truth is that he is different from the rest of the world. It makes him wonder if it is possible for him to ever change his fate and find acceptance among others or is he destined to be alone in the world. "So, how come you dislike your birthday?"

"I hail from a village of ninja," starts Naruto. "On the day I was born an ancient powerful being was sealed inside me. A being that had tried to destroy the village. I was to be its container. It was sealed in me the day I was born by the village's hero. The village was saved, but the hero died and all that was left was me with the being trapped inside me." Canary listens closely as he reveals his past. "Everyone in the village knew that inside me was a monster that killed their friends and family. Even though we were two separate entities, the villagers could not distinguish me from the being inside me. I bore the hatred of the entire village. Throughout the year I would endure the hatred of the village, but on October 10th it would be the worse. The village would throw a celebration for the defeat of the being. I learned to avoid others on this day."


Naruto glances at Canary. "Grudges are pointless. I hold no hatred for the village, but I care nothing for it either. I ran away at six and never looked back."

Canary gains a pained expression. It hurts her to know that a child suffered so much. And for something that was never his fault. "This being…"

"Is no longer inside me. It turns out that it was not as evil as everyone believed. In fact, it was being used by another that wished to control its power. We became friends and I set it free. It was the least I could do for all the times that it would look out for me," finishes Naruto.

"When you think about it that way, perhaps you should really like this day." Naruto looks at Canary curiously. "It is the day you gained a friend," smiles Canary.

The ninja's eyes widen. "I…I never thought of it like that." Naruto gains a contemplative look. Suddenly, the tiniest of smiles forms on his face. "Perhaps this day isn't so bad after all." He stares out over the water feeling much better. Soon he turns to look at Canary. "Thank you, you were right senpai, it did help to talk."

"Senpai huh? Don't you mean sensei?" teases Canary.

"No, you really haven't taught me anything except for talking helps."

"I am going to let that slide since you were all broody a second ago."

Naruto gains a slight tick. "I don't brood."

Canary smirks, "you were brooding so much it gave Batman a run for his money."

"The team went after Red Tornado." Canary's eyes widen. Naruto gains a look of superiority. "Have fun explaining that to Zatara. He seems very overprotective of his daughter." She levels a glare at her fellow blond. Oh she is going to get him back for this one. Him and the entire team. It does make her smile inwardly that she is finally having a real conversation and he is even joking with her. Slowly, he is starting to open up. And when he finally does break through that shell, she worries for all the women in the world because he is going to be a real heartbreaker.

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