
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

Issei awoke to see the light seep into his room.

"Shit I hate the mornings" was the first thought that came to his mind.

He heard Madara called out to him.

"Hey Issei, there someone at the door for you"!

Issei got up with a jump, Madara never called him by his birth name, instead called him Izuna or child.

He didn't need to get dressed he had slept in his school cloths.

"If this a joke you're pulling Madara, it is not funny".

Issei yelled this as he left his room, Madara replied "Have I ever pulled a prank since you've known me, ever, ever"?

Madara himself was walking back to the living room leaving a rather good looking black haired stern young woman in the doorway.

Issei had no idea who she was, he let Madara know that.

"Madara, I think there has been a mix up, I have no set eyes on her before".

Madara in passing said "I know, she said as much".

"Then who is she and why have you left her at the door".

Madara replied "She said she didn't need to come in, she is also your Student Council President or something like that".

Issie had no idea why she was her, walking to the door and picking up his bag he asked.

"Err, should close the door so you can stare at it instead me"?

She shook her head "Do have any idea what time it is"? Issei looked around him and said "As you can see there is no clock in this house".

An object hit his chest, grabbed it, it was round and made ticking noise.

"I took the liberty to purchase you one, care to check the time".

He looked down at the clock in dread, it was midday.

Looking up sheepishly he said "I take it you came to get me"?

She nodded "Of course you are a scholarship student, care to tell me what time went to bed".

Madara voice carried threw the hallway. "He went to bed around five in the evening, was fast asleep three minutes later".

She looked at Issei in disbelief "You sleep in when you go to sleep early"?

Issei knew there was no right answer to that one.

"So, you want to move, so I can get out the door"?

She complied and he stepped out side and began to walk to school.

She was walking beside him and lecturing him along the way.

His mind was on other matter, that caused him to only hear some of the words that she was saying.

"I mean, you are a bright student, some say the brightest, it is not proper for you to behave in such a way".

Issei knew that the school must have standards, he also knew she was right in what she said.

"The old ass must have made sure I slept late".

He could just envision Madara casting a Genjutsuon him while he slept.

"You have a duty as an ace student to set an example for your younger peers".

What was next, 'Uncle Ben's talk on responsibility.

"As a result, I will come to your house everyday at seven in the morning to take you to school".

Issei nodded and said "Yeah do as you see, what"!

"Wait run that last bit by me again"?

She looked at him and said "So you were only half hearing what I was saying after all".

In his mind Issei said "Shit, she is rather smart, well she is Student Council President after all".Issei instead "Sorry I am still a little drowsy, I ask your forgiveness".

She nodded her head then said "That is understandable, what is not, is why your father did not wake you up".

To this Issei said "He is not my father, he has never called me son and when he called me this morning it was the first time in a while that he was ever said my name".

She raised her eyebrow and asked "What does he call you then".

Issei sighed as they reached the school gates "He calls me Izuna".

"What's that"? He looked at her "That's the name he gave me".

She handed him a slip that would explain his absence to his teacher and said.

"I am Sona Sitri by the way, I look forward to seeing your progress in our Academy".

Taking the slip from her Issei said "My thanks, but you really don't need to do this everyday".

She shook her head "Oh I will until you can come to class on time".

Madara had taught him better to argue with a determined woman.

Before he left she said "Oh by the way I will send for you at lunch time do come". Issei nodded and then left.

Issei was about to two classrooms down from his own when a blonde good look young man barred his path.

"Oh you must be Issei, could you come with me".

Issei looked at him and said "I need to get to my class before I get into more trouble sorry".

With this he lightly stepped past the blonde with little to no effort and made his way to his class.

Showing the note to the teacher he sat down and let the rest of the lesson pass by.

Though most of his attention was focused at the outside window, he did manage to make some smart remarks and get the answer to random question right when asked.

It came to his attention that this was a very bad move. Not because it pissed of the teachers to no end.

But his peers would be whispering about him being a computer or being so smart that he need not look at someone to know there name.

They did not know that he could hear them, they did not know that he really wanted to tell them to shut up.

As lunch came a girl named Tsubaki came to the classroom looking for him on behalf of the Student Council President.

He knew he did agree to go see her so he followed this girl to uphold his word.

At that moment the blonde named Yuuto Kiba was reporting to the red haired Rias.

"Buchou, he was faster than I had anticipated also he seemed like he was not even trying".

Rias looked at him and saw no lie in his eyes. She silently cursed "Dammit Sona has got to him first".

At this her raven haired friend Akeno said "Ara, Ara, not all hope is lost Rias-sama, we can still go and introduce ourselves to his guardian".

Rias shook her head "No, Sona has this round, but we won't loose the next, I can tell you that".

She did not know how but she had to find a way to at least meet him to find out what sort of person he was.

At least when he was not acting.

Back with Issei, he was sitting down in an elaborate room with Sona. A chess board was in front of them.

Issei being who he was had to ask "You called me out here for a game"?

She nodded and said "Yes, your test results showed that you have great problem solving skills".

What she did not mention was that they beat even her high score.

"Ah, I see so you want to test them for yourself do you"?

It was a stupid question, Issei knew it and that is why he asked it.

"I do" she replied and took a seat in front of the board.

Issei sat down but thought "What would Madara do"?

It came to him, Madara would just use the Sharingan on her and leave.

Sighing he thought "Why do I even use that guy as a role model"?

It was a good question, but not one he needed to answer right now.

He looked down at the chess board, he knew he could win.

But did he want to was another question, actually he did want to win.

Madara had taught him to "If you can win, then win, if you can't, find a way".

As he moved his first piece all he could think of was "I hope she does not end up hating me for this"?

About five minutes later Sona was just staring at the endgame board. She had no idea that he was this skilled in chess as well.

Any trap, fork or pincer she had tried had failed. On the other hand, all his traps seemed to be so well placed she could not avoid them.

She now looked up at Issei's eyes, she could see that he had not taken this game too seriously.

"Just how smart are you"? It was this that made Issei flinch.

"She figured out I was not really taking the game as seriously as I was acting".

"What brought this one"? Issei said as he raised and eyebrow. Sona in reply said "You may have acted serious with me, but you weren't so interested in you victory".

Issei knew he had messed up and messed up big with that.

"Was it that obvious"?

Sona shook her head and said "If it were anyone else, you could have fooled them, but I know when an opponent is taking joy it their victory".

It was yet another remark that he would have to remember in future.

"So she does not like losing, well I do not blame her no one does".

Looking around he said "If this was all I will return to my classroom, thanks for the game".

He said this with a smile and left, he did not know that Sona was still thinking about him.

"He is rather smart, I hear that he also out did Rias's knight after I left him, who is he"?

Her rival come best friend was having the similar thoughts at that moment.

"To think that Sona would be bold enough to invite him, she must have taken an interest in him as well".

This was not good for her, she had now lost her only advantage.

She looked out the window and saw him walking to the main building.

She did not know, but he felt the sting of a stair and looked up to see her.

"Oh great what next some kid with spiky hair is going to ask me to duel him in a card game".

It just hit him as he was now entering the main building "Isn't that part of school out of bounds at lunch".

The rest of the day seemed to pass slowly as if it was building up to something.

Issei did not forget that he had a date after school.

"I wonder how that is going to go down".

Actually what was all he thought about for the rest of the day.

It was not soon enough when the day ended and he began to walk out of school.

Issei half expected her not to show, but was proven wrong when he saw her waiting for him.

"Ah, you, you're here" she said blushing.

Issei adopted the nice guy mask and said "Well yes I am". He smiled and the began to walk off.

"So where do you want to go to first"?

He asked her this as they were walking away from the school.

"W-Well I wanted to go get some ice cream"?

Issei checked how much money he had in his wallet and said.

"Sure but don't go getting anything that is too expensive".

She smiled her face full of joy at his words.

Making their way to a certain store they both stood in line and picked the ice cream they wanted.

"Um, can I have the um, the dark chocolate duo".

Issei looked at her "Not so much into sweet stuff".

"Yes can I also have the cherry red spill". Issei said this handing over the cash as he took the two ice creams.

"Um, thank you Issei-Kun". She smiled as she took a lick of her ice cream, Issei noted that the sour flavour did not seem to stop her.

Issei himself devoured his ice cream and then looked at Yuma who was just about half way through hers.

"You sure eat fast Issei-kun". Issei just said "I know I do".

He looked at her as she finished eating her ice cream and wiping her face.

Issei smiled and had to think "I would not mind doing this again".

From there they went to a shop and browsed for books and other items that they desired.

Issei picked up a visual novel that he like called 'Clannad' while Yuma picked up a hand bag.

They both laughed when they saw what the other was getting and paid for it at the counter.

Laughing together they went to the arcade next and decided to play games together.

At first they played PvP, but Yuma did not seem very good at this so they decided to play on a team against bots.

Issei would have come to this arcade in his free time.

So some of the workers who knew him, were surprised to see he had someone with him.

Many of them made love heart symbols at Issei or gave him a wink that he would rather not know about.

Yuma herself seemed to be enjoying the arcade, it forced the thought.

"Has she never been to the arcade before"?

Issei did not bother to have that answered, in the first time in a long time he was having fun like a normal person.

"If Madara could see me, he would sigh and close his eyes then walk away".

He was right about that Madara would do that if he had been watching.

But as he he thought about this, Madara was playing shogi against a summon.

Seeing that Yuma was slowly growing tired of the arcade he asked.

"So where do you want to go to next, but it might have to be the last place for today".

She smiled at him and said "Can you take me to the park, I would like to walk at dusk with you".

Issei said "Sure thing", so they began to leave the arcade, much to the disappointment of the workers.

As they were making their way to the park Issei just had to ask.

"So what type of parent's do you have, if you don't mind me asking you"?

She smiled and shook he head "I don't, my mother is an alright woman and I would do anything to gain my fathers approval".

Saying that Issei had to think "Daddy complex".

She looked at him and pouted "No, it is not like that, I don't see you like him".

Issei was able to sigh in relief.

"Well sorry about thinking that".

She shook her head and said "It's alright, to me it does not hold to much annoyance".

Issei took a mental note, her tone and manner seemed to change with her last few words.

"Sorry, I must have come out wrong, can I ask what were your parent's like".

At this Issei sighed and said "I really can't remember, there is like mental block, I can remember them dying but that is all".

As they continued to walk they drew closer to the park. "Oh I am sorry for bringing up such things then".

Issei looked at her and shook his head "No worries, I can't let the past define me in the future now". She smiled at this as he smiled back at her.

"So, you are the type of person who looks forward now"?

Issei shook his head again and said "No I just can't look that far back".

To this Yuma replied with an "Oh".

Then she fell silent again.

Issei smiled as he looked up at the moon, he had really enjoyed his time here with Yuma.

Looking at her as they entered the park Issei for the first time saw that she really was beautiful.

He was glad to have accepted going out with her.

"Say Yuma this was really fun, could we maybe do this again in the future some time"?

Yuma did not reply but she looked up at the sky and asked "Do you like me Issei-kun"?

Issei did not know what had brought this one so he said "Well from what I know of you, yes I like you, you are a nice girl".

She smiled and turned to him and said "What is it that you like most about me"?

Issei did not have to think long about it.

"Well I guess it is you, the way you walk, speak, play, read, I like it all why"?

She looked at him and said "I really thought you would say my body".

To this Issei had to reply "I was thought to look for more than that".

She looked at him and asked "By who"? To this he said "The man who has raised me".

She looked at him quizzically and asked "Who is he would he, your uncle"?

To this Issei shook his head "We are related, but not that way, why do you want to know about him".

She now stepped up to the fountain that was in front of them in the park.

The moon light seemed to shine within the water like silver.

"Issei-kun I have to ask you, will you do anything for".

To this all he could reply was "Yes, why do you ask".

To this she said "Oh I just wished to know that is all".

Okay that was a little weird but the rest of the date had been nice.

"Say Issei could you do one more thing for me tonight"?

Issei raised his eyebrow and asked "What is that"?

She turned and smiled at him he shadow facing the moon, her face looked as if it was shining on its own.

"Dear Issei, if you could do so, could you please die for me"?

Issei had no idea where that one came from but, he suddenly felt a massive about of blood lust and killing intent.

Leaping back from her he saw her clothing transform into something far more seductive.

He also saw she had grown a pair of black wings.

He only noticed it now but there was a hole in his side.

"Shit" he said as he fell to the ground.

He had let his guard down the entire date and was now paying the price.

But then again, his entire torso was not made up of human cells.

He managed to get back to his feet and said.

"So it was all building up to this"?

His tone was filled with anger and rage at the betrayal he felt.

Yuma now looked at him in shock, he should have died from that attack or been left dying at least.

He was so furious that his Sharingan was not active.

Yuma had no idea why his eyes turned red and was about to form another spear of light to throw at him.

Seeing that she was about to attack, Issei made four hand signs and said Great Fire Destruction Jutsu.

Saying this as he blew out, a massive wave of flame appeared from his mouth directed at Yuma!

She managed to avoid it barely nearly burning her wings. In the same instant Issei jumped up.

His eyes locked with her and in an instant she was trapped in his Tsukuyomi.

Yuma found herself in some sort of red world. She was strapped to a table and Issei was standing above her.

He was holding a thin sword, his eyes looked menacing.

She was about to ask him for mercy but he spoke first.

"I will slice you with the sword for ninety six hours".

Placing the sword on horizontally on her arm he slowly cut her open.

She screamed in pain and he began to repeat the process it.

She screamed unable to speak unable to cry for mercy, she only knew pain.

Issei continued to do this to her until she fainted.

Slowly she opened her eyes to and turned her head. She saw herself, no a body of her self, cut up and left bleeding on another table.

Only her face on the other body was intact.

A pain came into her neck and she tried to scream but could not. Issei was now slicing this body of hers up, but there was something wrong there were two Issei's.

"We will slice you with our swords for ninety six hours".

The pain she felt was beyond anything she had known.

It was as if the blades were cutting both her body and her spirit.

Issei was looming over her, he bent down and whispered into her ear "I wonder which will die first your body or your spirit"?

He then again took his sword and began to slice her, this time it was her wing that he was carving up.

She now began to scream in pain, she could see the whit sun mid the sky of red rising, it had only been one day.

She now felt the pain of both bodies and fainted again, Issei continued to mercilessly slice her body.

But was always leaving the head in tact.

He would keep his word and continue this for ninety six hours.

She now awoke again, but this time she could see countless cut up bodies of her each with an Issei standing above them.

Issei was looming over her again and said "Two suns have set are you ready"?

At this all the Issei's there were turned in a horrifying unison and turned to her face her.

All of them stepped forward with their blades and slowly placed it gently upon he body. The all in a vicious slice, they all cut her open.

"If you wished to kill me you should have said so from the start".

All of them said this as one as they continued to slice her.

She fainted for the third time.

When she woke up Issei was looming over her again, the last sun was setting.

In her mind she had a hope that this nightmare would be over.

"I have to give you my congratulations".

She looked up at him hopefully as he said "You have exactly ninety five hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds to go".

Her eyes widened she had no idea how little time could have passed, it had been four days.

"Tsukuyomi, I control time and space here".

She now noticed that uncountable blades were above her.

"You brought this on yourself, you thought I was just a normal pathetic person, you were wrong".

"I know who you are, Raynare, your other bodies told me everything".

In her mind she thought "If he knows then why does he continue with this"?

"I can also hear your thoughts in this world". He said this as he put his face above hers.

"You ruined my first happy memory in a long time, of course I am going to vent my anger upon you".

She now had nothing to cling to, she was here in his world now, she had no defence against him.

"You caused me a great deal of pain on a trust level, I will make you pay for this".

The last thing she saw was thousands of swords descending upon her.

She screamed and screamed as they made contact with her body.

Issei saw that she was broken and dispelled his Tsukuyomi.

A whole second was all it had taken him to break her and steal the information from her mind.

He was still in a very bad mood.

His Sharingan still active showed him that there were two people watching him turning in their direction he said.

"Come one now if you value your lives, or you will meet the same end as she did".

Now all he did was wait for them to respond to him.

Well this was Chapter 3 let me know if I should change something I have a ton of chapters ready if you guys like this I will mass release.

4000 Words

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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