
Lust Infinity

Actuel · 300.7K Affichage
  • 24 Shc
  • 4.8
    11 audimat
  • NO.200+

What is Lust Infinity

Lisez le roman Lust Infinity écrit par l'auteur InfiniteDreams publié sur WebNovel. Synopsis:A young man dies but instead of going to the afterlife he wakes up in a mysterious room and sees a floating window.....Welcome to the Nightmare realm ....Infinite Mysteries, Infinite Dreams.-...


Synopsis: A young man dies but instead of going to the afterlife he wakes up in a mysterious room and sees a floating window. .... Welcome to the Nightmare realm .... Infinite Mysteries, Infinite Dreams. ----------------------- This is a novel of the ‘Infinity’ genre. If you’re not familiar with the genre it consists of travelling to ‘Mission’ scenarios which are usually different worlds and completing objectives while powering up with rewards etc. Unlike other ‘Infinity’ stories there will be NO fanfic or movie elements. Cover isn’t mine. Support me at: https://patreon.com/infinitedreamswn

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I'm not a Princess

Victoria Angelica Klinski, gadis cantik berusia 18 tahun yang sedang mengemban pendidikan di Oxford University dengan jurusan bisnis. Victoria merupakan gadis yang pintar, kehidupannya makin sempurna karna ia lahir sebagai pewaris tunggal perusahaan raksasa di Amerika. Ia bisa mendapatkan apa pun yang ia inginkan dengan jentikan jari. Sangat dimanja oleh sang Ayah membuat banyak orang iri akan kehidupan sempurna gadis cantik itu. Namun kesempurnaan itu harus terenggut karna Victoria mengalami ‘Kecelakaan’ yang mebuat jiwanya terlempar dan memasuki tubuh seorang Putri yang hidup dimasa kerajaan kuno. Banya misteri yang harus dipecahkan Victoria agar ia bisa kembali ketubuh aslinya. Meskipun kehidupan sang Putri juga sangat sempurna, tapi bahaya selalu menyertai dirinya. “i’m not a Princess! Aku Victoria!” *** Athanasia de Arandelle, merupakan gadis yang sangat cantik. Tidak ada satu orang pun yang bisa menandingi kecantikan Athanasia. Ia merupakan calon putri mahkota dari kerajaan Arandelle, namun beberapa hari sebelum penobatannya sebagai seorang putri mahkota Athanasia mengalami ‘Kecelakaan’ yang membuat jiwanya keluar dari tubuhnya. Tidak ada yang tau dimana jiwa sang putri berada. Entah karna sayang atau ingin mempermainkan kehidupan dua gadis cantik itu, dewa membuat tubuh Putri Athanasia diisi oleh jiwa seorang gadis dari masa depan dan membuat jalan cerita gadis tersebut penuh misteri. Dimanakah jiwa Putri Athanasia yang asli berada? Apa ia menjalani kehidupan dimasa depan sebagai Victoria? Dan apakah Victoria mampu menajalani perannya sebagai calon Putri Mahkota di Arandelle? Sebenarnya ‘kecelakaan’ seperti apa yang dialami dua gadis cantik itu sehingga jiwa mereka terlepas dari tubuh mereka? Sejauh apa para dewa memainkan takdir mereka? Temukan semua jawaban dari misteri kehidupan Athanasia dan Vicoria di Novel ini

zaharafth_ · Fantaisie
21 Chs


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I give my novel 5 stars cus if I don't who will? ACTUAL REVIEW: This infintedreams guy is weird(godlike) but the story seems pretty good(divine). The plot seems okay but could be better and its not exactly a hentai like I thought it would be seeing the title. [Lots of action and adventure incoming.] Grammar is pretty good. Not perfect but will definitely satisfy over 90% of the worlds population. There is some semblance of action and the author could do lots to improve fight scenes but since its quite early in the story and most fights are against scrubs its ok for now. Sex scenes are fucking pathetic( I...I'm....... **** I'm not a virgin I swear... Feelsbadman) [Too be honest they are mostly good but can be improved. I've been ehh "researching" so it will improve] Looks like the plot is thought out and the story is quite interesting, lets see how the author does,


When will start writing more chapters? This story are very interesting and funny. I in joy reading this chapters and would like to keep reading them.


Please update and I bet your each chapter have of potential of 5 star . I love this story. Suspense is killing more . Please come out of hiatus.


If you judge the novel by the title the best you expect to find is a **** only fic, but this is fic is a hidden gem. Imagine terror infinity style single player missions in original worlds with actual good plot. Getting laid is generally a side quest that earns bonus points, so what you get is a pretty good adventure fic in a large variety of situations with small side plots to try and get laid. In other words, its pretty much what everyone would do if they enter a a deadly world on a mission and finds themselves with downtim. The mc just gets bonus points for it based on the importance of that person in the scenario he is in. It's a good fic. Try it.


this story has amazing potential to be one of the best novels out there . This is can be a novel about a guy solely focusing on *** abilities in different worlds


Fund this on scribblehub and thought i should support it here as well this is a great novel cant wait to see what happens next.


When are you coming back oh fluffy oh ? When are you coming back oh fluffy oh ? When are you coming back oh fluffy oh ? When are you coming back oh fluffy oh ?




Welll Good overall. More Chapter More Update 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Hope you continue to upload this is a great story so far and has great potential. Hope you don’t give up on it it would be a pity for this story to be discontinued


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating