
Golden Potato

It's a Wednesday morning. A little cold and windy too.

Two boys are on walking together. Both of them quite good looking. It hasn't been long since they met but they are already very good friends. They are best friends actually.

The two are very close. They love each others' company. Some people actually think they are gay. But they say they are both totally straight. It's Bromance and nothing really gay about it.

"Say Hari, why are we even going to class?", One of the boys asked. "I am hungry. Let's just go out. Let's eat Aloo(Potato) Paratha. I don't even understand what's happening in the class. What's the point in going?"

"So I was thinking that poem. That nursery rhyme was a big lie." Said Hari. " You must have read it too Ginnu, haven't you?? That one with the vegetables. All the vegetables convincing us to eat them. In that poem the potato said if you eat me you will get fat like me. You eat potatoes all the time, Ginnu. How come you don't get fat?"

"I am just blessed maybe." They reached the Dhaba and found it closed. "WHY?, WHY is this happening to me." Ginnu was devastated. He just wanted some paratha.

"Bad luck. Maybe God wants us to attend the classes. Let's go" Said Hari. While they were heading back, Hari started picking up trash lying on the road side. "Hey, Hari, you don't have to do this. We don't have time for it. Besides we didn't throw this trash over here. Come on leave it." Hari didn't listen. He picked up some trash and thee it in the bin and went for a second round.

"Guess I will help too." Both boys picking up trash. Looking like responsible citizens. "Yes we ARE responsible citizens unlike these bad people littering here and there, polluting my motherland."said Hari. "Hey this packet is very heavy. What's in it?"

Hari looked inside the packet and found something glittery inside. "Oh, what's this? Looks like a potato." Said Ginnu. It was indeed a potato. But it was no ordinary potato. It had some metallic feel to it and the moment Ginnu touched it, shivers went down his spine and his hand felt numb. It seemed to be oozing out a frightening energy or maybe it was just an illusion? "Is this actually gold?" Asked Hari. "Why would anyone leave gold in a packet of chips on the side of the road?"

"Ok. How do we find out?" Asked Ginnu. Hari thought for a bit and started tossing the potato in his hands. And then he said, "Judging by its weight and size it must be gold as its pretty heavy for its size. As we know that gold is a very dense and heavy metal, more than twice as dense as Iron. I am almost sure that its gold but if you want exact information, you are lucky as we have Chemistry lab next.

"Okay let's go." The boys had never been that excited to go to college before. "Hey Golden potato kind of reminds of that cartoonist from Mumbai. You know he used to make cartoon strips for newspaper. One of his created cartoons was about turning potato to gold. Do you know what I am talking about Hari?"

"Yes. I do remember. He was a very great cartoonist. His cartoons were the funniest. Too bad he died in an explosion. I was a huge fan." Talking about this great cartoonist, the boys had reached the Chemistry Laboratory.

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