

The Motherland was rich and powerful as the slave trade boomed across the Continent, it was because of the slaves that the people on the motherland thrived, in success comes the breeze, the wave of change as parliament comes to an agreement that slavery was a thing of the past. Within an instant the change caused disunity and a loss of profit as the stocks came crashing down. Slavery was to be illegal and all slaves were to be set free. Many slave owners felt appalled by such a decision, but only one brave fool stood above the crowd, Mr Ludso defied his King.

Our story begins with the rise of a new King who elevated himself above all others, having stolen his slaves and took his family away from the motherland who stood his empire in opposition to his own people, although his slaves were obedient as his family loved him. The loyalty of his subjects was evident however King Ludso's suspicion caused his paranoia to consume him, in rage and hate he murdered in cold blood his oldest slave Driddon, the father of all his slaves. The moment the crime had been dealt was the moment his fears and suspicions were realised. King Ludso's newly colonised empire was shattered on the Island. King Ludso's guilty conscience condemned him daily til one day his own bereaved heart could no longer cope with the crime he had committed the death of his slave Driddon, who over the years had become like a friend, the pain of his death was beyond what he could have ever imagined. The day he killed him, was the day he pierced his own heart, eventually the King Ludso of the Island died, leaving the Island to his son, a new Era.

The Tyranny of the new King lead to war between the families, the war ended with the death of the King and two kingdoms on the Island, Ludso in the North and Driddon in the south, to this day the two kingdoms are arch enemies, but our tale is one of peace, for there are many who are in search of it in both kingdoms. It is up to the people to make their stand, to bring the Island into a bond of harmony, only then will the bloodshed end.

Upon the moment we wait for things to change in our life so we can feel useful, or we wait for things to happen to get our blood boiling with excitement. Often though it is the little things that go unnoticed that give our lives stability and meaning. Hope and joy. When we take time to enjoy the ones in our life, the little moments to stop and breath in the scenery, then we will be able to get through the day refreshed despite living in a harsh world filled with anger and hate. Time is something that will never end, the clock will continue to tick by, it just is all in how we use it. This was Meghan's philosophy, she wanted to love the world and everyone in it, believing that there is a good side to everyone that lived and breathed, it was her duty to give the people that crossed her path reason to keep on going, she was the spark of hope and joy.

Not only does the light breeze gently pull at Meghan's hair but the sight across the bridge was breathtaking. It were these moments that she enjoyed the most, driving over the bridge to West Ludso which connected her life with his. Meghan enjoyed the quiet low economic life in town, although she didn't have much to offer the material world, but what she did have made up for the loss, for the town had each other to fill the gap. Whatever they lacked the other had, with love, trust and a strong will to please each other, they got by through the ups and downs. As a community they stood strong when trial came, they stood their ground against that crime. They helped each other stand firm and tall. On their own they might appear weak, but when they branched together they were tough; trouble makers and the new comers quickly came to terms with 'we don't take any absurdity actions or nonsense from anyone let alone strangers in our town'. When ones try, the warning stands, "you had better watch your back, because we are watching and we will come after you, and we will make you pay!"

Over the years the town had many wannabe's try and fail to cause harm and disunity amongst the town but they have and will always lose, the West Driddon family will always stand victorious over their oppressors or junkies. They are there for each other as a family during the down moments, they hold hands drawing the darkness of losing a loved one, through terminal sicknesses and through mental illness which plague the world, they are the shoulder to cry on to comfort each other just like a family would. When one is lost, they all suffer through the pain together, and as one they see the light, sometimes they have to help dig to find it, but no matter how long the longest tunnel seems, there is always a light at the end of it, no matter how dim and tiny it shines, it's still there. And together they delight to share in the happiness, to make new memories of another day, whether it is because of a new marriage or an older one, a baby born, or even the simple things such as a house warming, a bbq out the front, playing games on the field or courts, the general catch up which fill the town with laughter, joy and hope. No matter what happened that hope would always remain and would linger on through the Driddon family, they are the light in a dark world and nobody will ever know, all because they are and would always be there for each other, no matter the time, they had each other's backs, always. That is what Meghan values the most, and she was was determined not to let anything or anyone change that.

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