
Is she dead


Waking to the sound of birds and sunshine  just like every other day .I got ready to hit the weights and as I passed by our fan's room was tempted to check on her but I didn't. I wasn't going to interrupt her nap.

So I headed to our home  gym , I'm probably the one who uses it the most ,the rest of the members are just too lazy.Its probably why I have to best body,I work hard for it.

Anyway  I did my work out routine and by the time I left the gym Ji-hoon was already in the kitchen making breakfast as always. Sung-Ho was just sitting there watching him  slave off as always too.Phoenix was nowhere to be seen and Alex was probably still sleeping  .

I'm usually the one who wakes him  so I went and did just that.As we we're passing by  Yoonah' s room we just knocked but there was no answer so we just went to the kitchen and told Ji-hoon just that.

He  assumed that maybe she was sleeping in and  it could've been true it was only 8 a.m . So we had our breakfast and in the middle of it Phoenix showed up , grabbed a plate and went off to eat in his room AS USUAL.

Time went by and she still hadn't woken up it was now 10a.m . We then suddenly heard a scream coming from her room and we immediately rushed there. The weird thing was she was not in her bed she was on the sofa.

She laid there like sleeping beauty not moving an inch, to be honest it kinda freaked me out.Alex poked her but she didn't move.We all just stood there not knowing what to do.It was different from waking up Alex I couldn't just jump on her .

That's when she said "Then you wouldn't have saved me "as if she was reciting the script of some drama in her dreams.Sung-Ho just laughed saying that she talks in her sleep.Ji-hoon was quick to join in saying it's cute.

That's when Phoenix joined us ,he was kinda lost about what was happening so I briefed him and he was totaly amused.He brought his phone out and wanted to get it on camera.We kinda shamelessly cheered him on.

That's when she started whispering something and he went in closer to hear what she was saying and what he heard certainly startled him as he dropped his phone on her face.Luckily she wasn't hurt it only moved her hair.

When he was grabbing his phone that's when it happened ,something we definitely didn't see coming , she KISSED him.Like full on lip on lip kiss,not French just a peck.We just stood there in a state of  OMG .Gosh I had never seen Phoenix that dumbfound. He froze up and just screamed like some little girl in a horror movie.

Yoonah was suddenly  woken up by his scream and in the confusion they bumped each other's heads.She then passed out and Phoenix was bruised but okay.

So there we were ,speechless with a girl laying unconscious in front of us.The question on everyone's mind was "Is she dead?".

We had cheered him on so we were just as good as accomplices. Heck ,I'm too good looking  for prison!Atleast my muscles could protect me.

Sung-ho  checked if she was breathing and she was .What a relief that was to us, but still we had one major problem she was unconscious. What were we going to do?

Calling Mr Hwang was definitely not  an option. He would've murded us with his bare hands.I mean, he had left us with the fan for less that 24hrs and we had already done this to her.I could already see the headlines ,we would be in a lot of trouble.

Sung-Ho had an idea.He said he'd seen it done in the movies alot .We were desperate and ready to try anything so we went with his idea .

It was pretty simple.We just had to pour some water on her.I carried her and put her in the tub.Sung-Ho got the water ready and he threw it at  her.She immediately woke up gasping for air,he really had done it.When she was getting up from the tub she slipped but Ji-hoon was quick to save her.

Min Yoonah  POV

So I was laying unconscious, listening to peaceful music from the heavens which were about to take me in. Then suddenly a cold splash brought me back to life.The first person I saw was precious Sung-Ho as he smiled  cheerfully shouting  "it worked!"  as if he had just invented the smartphone.

My vision was still a bit blurry but I still  tried getting up from what seemed to be a tub.I then slipped just to be saved by the blue haired angel and he whispered "Not this time".I got a bit lost in his pure eyes which seemed to be hiding alot of pain.

I don't know if I was just being a bit over analytic or maybe it was just the the bump to my head that was having an after effect. He then just lifted me up from the tub back into my room .Alex handed me a towel and they left me to get dressed.They could tell that I had alot of questions but it seemed like they were avoiding them.

I quickly cleaned up and headed to lounge where they were and asked them what had happened. I told them  that I only remembered bumping heads with Phoenix  then waking up in a tub drenched in cold water.

This is the story they told me .So I had been sleeping for hours and they kinda got worried about me .They came in to check on me but I wasn't waking up.Phoenix tried checking if I was breathing but then that's when I woke up and bumped heads with him knocking myself out.

I felt kinda embarrassed about the whole situation. Well I do sleep really still ,I don't  know why .I also am not a morning person,without the alarm or my mom I usually wake up at around 12p.m.I explained all this to the boys and they seemed really receptive .Min even volunteered to wake me up after he wakes up Alex.

I was really glad that they only saw how I slept.I don't even know how embarrassed I would be if they had  found out that I sometimes speak in my dreams.Then they would've really thought  I'm a weirdo.

Ji-hoon then asked me why I was sleeping on the sofa not on the bed and I immediately told him without hesitation. I flat out said that their poster was giving me the creeps. They all kinda laughed it off. It turns out that they had actually had a debate on whether to put it or not.

They gladly said they'd remove it and shortly after Phoenix walked into the room.I quickly rushed to him and begged him for forgiveness.He just said it was cool  but I could sense he was cold towards me.

I then reached for his face ,I felt bed.I examined his forehead  but then he just stared at me. He then awkwardly pushed me away like he was scared of me or something .I could see that I had messed up BIG TIME.

I tried apologizing once more but he just stormed off. That's when Mr Hwang arrived by the gate and buzzed in.The boys were frantic. They asked me not to tell him what had happened. They looked really adorable  worried .

You could see by the fear in their eyes that they were really scared of Mr Hwang. I totally agreed to play along ,I even suggested putting some make up on the bruise.

After a couple minutes of stalling Mr Hwang  finally made it into the house .The first thing he said was "I'm glad you're still alive" teasingly then he  laughed.Everyone joined into the laughter but it was evident that we were nervous wrecks.

He then asked if we were ready and everyone seemed a bit confused. Ji- hoon then remembered   and as he smacked his head said "Ahhh,the press conference.I totally forgot ."

Mr Hwang looked at him worried.Ji-hoon never forgot a thing in his life,he was always  efficient. Its one of the many reasons why he's the leader of EVIF.

The whole morning drama had thrown him off.Mr Hwang then reexamined the group and immediately asked "Where is Phoenix?".

We hadn't seen him since he'd stormed off.As Alex was about to make up a lie we heard a voice behind us say "I'm here". Everyone instantly turned back and to the members relief he was covering up his forehead with the beanie he was now wearing.

Mr Hwang then ordered the boys to go get ready and they did as told. Its was now just me and Mr Hwang in the room.I just kept on awkwardly smiling  at him as I had nothing to say.He  then broke the silence and said"Why are you just standing around ,you also have to get ready"

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