
Chapter 2: Maho Seminary

Tsukiko made her way towards school. This school was not your average school, it was much different from any other institution for learning. In fact, The Maho Seminary, otherwise known as Maho High was an elite school that taught young and aspiring, future magic users. All the sons and daughters of powerful figures in the magic world went there to practice their magic and all the students, when compared to other students in other schools, were significantly stronger in terms of magic and were well versed in the use of various spells and incantations as well as the usage of magical objects. This came as no surprise to the other school seeing as how this was an elite school they were dealing with. Not just anybody could go there and you had to either be from a very well-known and powerful family, or you had to be quite talented yourself. If you possessed neither of these, then studying magic at The Maho Seminary, was nothing more than an illusion. Tsukiko possessed both these things but she was accepted solely because she was extremely talented. So talented that she had often outshone her pairs, though she never bragged about it and maintained a very humble attitude when interacting with them. This caused her to be well-liked by all of her classmates. Even those in other classes always had something good to say about her and her teachers would praise her for her brilliance. Aside from that, another reason why she was well-liked was the fact that she was in a sense "The School Flower" and what a flower she was. She had beautiful, white hair that she often put into two pigtails, her blue eyes were as transparent as glass and seemed to see through people. Strangely, she also had long eyelashes that matched the colour of her hair but when asked about it, she always replied saying with a smile: "I guess that's how I was born". After that, no one asked anymore. 

Tsukiko had finally reached the tall and imposing front gates of Maho Seminary. The gates flung almost immediately and Tsukiko walked inside. The gates used a special kind of magic to function and would only open itself for registered students, staff and teachers but visitors could be let in using a card given to them by the principal. This system was set up mainly to prevent humans from entering and to prevent all forms of accidental entry. 

Tsukiko was of course, a student so she was able to smoothly enter the school premises. She walked for sometime before hearing someone calling her name. "Tsuki!", the person yelled. Tsukiko turned around trying to find the person who was calling her. "Tsuki, I'm up here!, look up!!". Tsukiko finally looked up and lo and behold, her best friend, Miyuki Nakamura, was floating high up in the sky waving and smiling at her. Tsukiko widened her eyes in shock. "Miyuki?!, how did you get up there??". Miyuki grinned at her while taking something out of her shirt pocket. A small vial half full of some unknown, transparent liquid. Waving it around, she yelled excitedly to Tsukiko, "TSUKI!!!, LOOK!!!, IV'E MADE A NEW POTION!!". Tsukiko didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this point. Miyuki was also a very talented student at Maho High and was especially skilled at coming up with new potion recipes and even new and revolutionary ideas for magical equipment. This was of course something that everyone praised her for though they couldn't help to bring up her....habit. She had over time, developed a habit of trying out every single new potion or gadget she'd designed which of course, never ended well. Like how she turned herself into a jellyfish trying to test a new serum or maybe when she accidentally gave herself fire breath after swallowing a pill she intended to be for quick healing. There were many other instances like this and everyone got used to it -apart from Tsukiko.

Tsukiko tried to get Miyuki down and finally managed to do so after 10 minutes. "Miyuki you have to be more careful next time, you could get seriously hurt!". Miyuki just waved her off and changed the topic. "Don't worry about it Tsuki. Oh, by the way, did you hear?, there's a new student coming to Maho High and I hear he's from Korea AND drop-dead gorgeous!". Feeling a bit curious, Tsukiko asked, "Korea?, Is he good at magic?". Miyuki's inner gossip girl unlocked when she heard that. She started going on and on about how is father was the most powerful (and richest) magic practitioner and how he was this and that and she just didn't seem to want to stop talking any time soon. Thankfully, the bell for class began to ring. "Sorry Tsuki", said Miyuki. "I talked your ears off again". "It's okay, I don't mind". Miyuki smiled gratefully and dragged Tsukiko to class. They had serum making class so Miyuki was very excited. Tsukiko simply smiled at her friend's excitement and followed her to class. 

Once they got seated, the teacher walked in with various vials, bottles and just about any and every container one could find. She greeted the class with a smile and started discussing the lesson plans for the day. She was right in the middle of doing so when very abruptly, the teacher seemed to remember something. "Class, before I forget, I have some exciting news to share. We have a new student, all the way from Korea joining us today". She signalled towards someone telling them to come in and introduce themselves. Everyone stared at the door, excitedly waiting for the person to show their face, well, everyone except Tsukiko who was currently searching for her book of spells, she didn't even notice when someone walked in. A boy, around a 190cm with extremely pure, black eyes, beautiful black hair that was long enough to touch his shoulders, straight eyebrows, and a slightly pointed nose had just begun to introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Kim Jae-sung. I hope we can get along". Everyone else responded animatedly, some girls even began whispering amongst themselves about how handsome he was. The teacher, seemingly pleased at how welcoming the class was being. "Thank you Jae-sung, you can take a seat now". He nodded respectfully to the teacher and scanned the room for seats that were available before his eyes finally landed on a seat next to Tsukiko, who was still very much looking for her spell book. He made his way too the seat and when he had finally sat down on it, he turned to Tsukiko. "Hi" , he said. Tsukiko looked up from her bag a bit surprised to see there was someone sitting next to her. Little did she know, that person, would become a person so dear to her, that the thought of being separated would be unbearable.

I saw a friggin cockrooach when i was writing this so i hope you enjoy it ToT / <3.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Marshmallowsancreators' thoughts
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