
Loving me isn't hard

Vellichxrr · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

《I try,I fail, do you still love me?》 《I try, I fail, do you still love me?》

It's been 2 days since my brother went missing

so I decided that I'll look for him myself, the police department found some clues I asked my mom if I could do it on my own and she had no choice so she accepted, I brang nothing except the clues the police department gave me,a big sharp knife , my phone and my mom ordered me to bring a flashlight so I did I brang a small flashlight with me in my pocket, and heres where my journey begins.

"Bye sweetie, good luck ,stay safe ,ok?"

"Ok bye!" I shout to my mom before running

The police department had polaroids of the places so it made it made it easier, but the only problem I had was that I didn't know where I was going, 7 hours of me running in a street I wasn't familiar of, I found myself infront of a ghost town. The whole town was completely empty, dirty, messy, smelly, and foggy so I knew that my brother was probably here since it was filled with abandoned buildings, I then remembered Mina's brother was also missing so....they must be together in one place.

I then heard a noise it was very silent,I check my watch it was almost sunset , so without wasting any time I ran to the voice as fast as I could trying to run quietly ,

I definitely felt that I wasn't alone, I hid in one of the boxes I saw as I was crawling up here to this place that seems to be the most crooked building , as I hid I heard a man's voice from below..

"Who comes there ? Because your gonna regret it ! " shout the man from below, I didn't know what to do if he found me but I was still lucky that my brother taught me how to defend myself while we were little and I just found out there was no signal so my phone was useless , I sneak out of the box and as I just poke my head out I saw a man and the next thing I knew I was above the ground. The man had carried me and is now taking me to some place which must be the place where my brother is, I tried kicking punching slapping but it was useless he was hard as stone.

We arrived at the basement where they tie me up to a pole, I saw what seems to be mina's brother since he does look very similar to her, he was strapped to a chair, I look around more and finally saw my brother locked up in a rusty cage where he seems unconscious , I was lucky that not even a bruise were on them . I then heard sounds of shoes tapping on the floor, I saw feet walling slowly towards me as I look down to the floor to avoid eye contact, but as soon as I did I felt a hand lifting my chin-to reveal a tall man with jet black hair and is very well dressed with a suit, he smirked as he saw my face.

" I see that we meet again babe~" he said as I don't recall any contact with him.

" Don't babe me " I said scowling at him , trying to wiggle my way out of the rope but it was useless.

" What do you mean? don't you remember me?"

he said calmly as his smirk turned into a pout.

" I don't know who you are and I certainly don't care! Who are you-and why did you take them!and don't you dare pout on me or else I'll beat the living c### out of you in just seconds " I said screaming directly to his face still vigorously angry, as I felt my blood starting to boil .

" Ok ok I'll tell you who I am " he said devastated because I forgot about him but still I don't remember me loving him.

" It's me Jae Hyun Lee, you know your bestfriend since the start of first grade please remember me, please~"

He kept pleading as I can't seem to remember

even a bit as he kept pleading it only made things worse as I got a headache he was pushing me too hard, so I guess he does want me but I don't know him at all, I couldn't hold it anymore so.

"STOP! Your only making it worse for me! Can't you just understand that I don't remember nor know you! and I don't trust you! "

I said harshly meaning everything that I said

" Leave me alone or let me go I have a headache

choose wisely and if ever you let me go forget about me because I don't love you and you should feel that too ! and it's only for the best "

He was shocked and hurt by what I said he was also heartbroken by my actions, he knows it was his fault for dragging you all this way to a ghost town you don't even know of , and so it was the end for him, he..let me, my brother and the boy go..

" Farewell li, it's hard for me to say this but..I'm letting you go...Thank you for everything you have done for me....thank you for being a big part of my life and heart , I will try to forget you as you would like but...I can't promise you that " he said as I could see pain written allover his face, I had hurt him more than he had hurt me, he let me go so easily as I let him down so painfully, but atleast I can finally live in peace...without...him...

He offered me a ride since we didn't know this place, as the ride went on it was dead silent no one even uttered a thing as the air was tense, we arrived at my house our mom hugged us both and to my surprise mina's dad was also there I didn't know why but atleast we don't have to go anywhere else. He (jae hyun) said his last goodbye and left as I went to my room.

- A day after -

It's already been a day and I still kept thinking of him, I try and I fail to forget him even once.

- Jae hyun Pov -

It's already been a day since I let go of li, can't sleep because of her, at the past I always feared losing her but I guess she didn't want me to me in her life anymore...she..forgot about me and left me with a broken heart as I was stupid enough to kidnap her brother and his friend.

I feel so dumb for leaving her before, It's all my fault because I left. And up to this day that very day still haunts me in my dreams and it hurts seeing her this way, I should've treated her better and stayed like she said.

- End of Pov

Li Pov-

I'm taking a walk at the park truing to free my mind and recall the thing that he told me to recall, I really want to remember him but my mind seems to keep forgetting but for some reason even if I forgot about him, theres still taht side of me that makes me think that I've known him for almost all my life as if I knew him more than anyone even himself....

Then I remember something. I stopped for a moment trying to recall what it was, it seemed like a number as if it was a real phone number so, I took my phone out and wrote down that number on my notes.

I didn't know what this meant but I think I'm starting to recall everything right now.

Suddenly I got a phone call from nahee

- On the phone with nahee -


"Hey lili"


" Hey~ also why are you calling?"


" Nothing I'm just bored so can we hang out?"


" Ok I'm gonna call xiwoo"


" Aww, why does he have to come I swear I'm bot gonna enjoy this if you invite him to our hangout "


" He's our friend so I'm inviting him while you will have fun no matter what "


" What if I'm depressed? "


"No your not, let's meet at the mall near xiwoo's house ok byee~"

- Li hangs up -

I called xia woo as I was riding the bus, it didn't take long for me to arrive to the mall since the park was just one bus ride away from the mall and as I was waiting I saw someone very familiar, It looks as if they were making a grand entrance . They came out of the car and there I saw.

" Mina! " I call out her name as she notices she ran up to me and huged me as I hug back.

" Hey I heard you rescued our brothers! your so daring, so brave~" she said amazed as if she had made a discovery no one on this planet had ever made.

" Hey let me introduce you to my friends and we'll have a really enjoyable day right!?"

" I don't see why not " she respond just in time as sav and mushroom stepped foot in the mall as they give a confused face to me and glared at mina and back at me.

" Oh right, guys meet mina I met her when my brother went missing and a coincidence happened her brother was also missing"

I said as they start another arguiment

" Your brother went missing!?" said xia woo.

" Are you even a friend if you don't know her problems? "

" Well I'm sorry but I guess coming to that funeral wasn't worth it ,I didn't want to go but instead I was forced to "

" That was my mother's funeral!"

" You'll never find another boyfriend as great as me "

" You'll never ever get a girlfriend with that attitiude!"

As their bickering went on me and mina just laugh at how they always argue about the very little things of this world, we even called them

"Mr and Mrs" and I was their child, since they acted like a mother and father fighting about what's for their child's future or maybe just dinner.

"Oh your back early, how did it go ?" said my mom as she put down the book she was currently reading before I got home.

" It was great, I got to meet mina and all of us got along together so yeah we have our little group now " I respond noticing the book she was holding.

" Hey what are you reading there? can I see? "

she flinched and hid the book behind her back as soon as I got suspicious she told me to "go to my room and change into something more comfortable " so I did as she told me, I went upstairs to change but as I was about to pick up my outfit my phone buzzed. an unknown number popped out but it was like the exact same number in my head just when I was at the park.

" We meet again chalgeogsuk li or should I say my baby "

The text said it was creepy and corny since I didn't know who is texting me what made my head really hurt is how they got my number, I got frightened as I got goosebumps since I thought my number got leaked.

- A Week Later -

I kept getting texts from that number and along with that dreams about some human that I don't know of we would always play and he'd always leave, I didn't know why but it was creepy.

" Wait really!? how? " exclaimed nahee as I told them what had been going on and as I was frightened they were feeling the same way too, It was crazy that stuff kept happening one by one and also next to each other. but out of everything, I never even dared telling my mom this even if she felt like I was acting all weird all the time she still didn't mind it and thought that everything was fine when it clearly wasn't.

Days went by and it kept going on like a cycle and ket continuing as i got even more frightened it got creepier and creepier ghat it got to the point of being scary, they had so much information about me and up to this day I didn't know who it was .

To be Continued.....

Loving me isn't hard chapter 7 part 1 end