

"I thought we were past this Zanny?" Debbie glared as she asked me, her expression showed her anger.

"We are, I was just being curious." I can't help but be curious, there must be a reason why no one is approaching me right? I need to know so I can maybe fix it! Was it my physical appearance? Was my makeup bad? Was it the way I carried myself? Or do I just give off a negative energy? I had questions, and there was no one to ask but her.

"Well it doesn't seem that way to me. You are still stuck with your stupidity. What exactly does loving yourself mean to you? I am curious so do tell." Isn't she being too dramatic about this?

"Can you not make this sound like a big deal? I really asked because I was curious." She snickered but said nothing. She only stared at me, the kind of stare that makes you want to be vulnerable. "I just wanted to know why people are not willing to approach me." I added with a shrug.

"Well right now, I am glad no one is approaching you. Truly." I glared at her. "Take a look at yourself Zanny, you don't even see your worth, you don't realize just how lucky people are to have your annoying head in their lives. Heck, you are so annoying. And you are yet to answer my question, what does loving yourself mean to you?" She asked again and I wondered why she was not dropping it.

"Is it meant to have any other meaning?" I asked and she shook her head while muttering things I didn't hear.

"You are a lost case Zanny." Debbie said with a sigh as she laid back turning her back to me. I knew I had truly annoyed her.

"Come on Debbs, don't be like that." I poked her legs but she only pulled it away ignoring me.

"You know I am trying, don't you? I am truly trying to love and accept myself for everything that I am, but it does get hard periodically. I am only human, and when people tend to stay away from me, I can't help but be curious about why." I explained. She has to be the only one aside from my family who stayed. For some weird reason, I always lose my friends. Even while I stayed friends with them, I couldn't help but feel like I was forcing the friendship with them.

Growing up the way I did left a mark inside of me, I have a loving family but then, I was raised in an environment that didn't help me while growing up. My mom usually hears people telling her she should have been a model, she has got the body for one. My big sister looks exactly like my mom, slim, beautiful, tall, with curves in the right places. She took my dad's eye color which only made her already beautiful features even more beautiful. Those blue eyes made her stand out wherever she went. And then there is me, the total opposite of them.

"Of course people stay away because they are not good for you. I tell you this every damn time but something thick must be stuck in your ears as you can't seem to be able to get that into your annoying brain, skull, head or whatever the fuck it needs to enter." She glared angrily at me. "You are beautiful Zanny, and if you look into the mirror without any initial prejudice about yourself, you would have seen just how amazingly good-looking you are, you are thick, and damn will people not pay to have a body like yours?" I blushed, like a little girl, I always feel giddy, and blush when I get compliments.

"Bu..." She glared at me for interrupting her.

"Have you not heard of the phrase 'Beautiful ladies tend to stay single unlike the less pretty ladies?' Men tend to assume a beautiful lady like yourself would definitely be snatched up already, and have you seen your skin?! It deceives people, no one will believe you have just 1700 bucks as your total life savings, because your skin is just too damn good to be a poor girl's skin. So tell me if you were those guys, would you approach you?" She raised both brows and continued, "Well I will answer that, you wouldn't. The truth is, when the right guy comes around, he won't be intimidated by the thought of you being in a relationship already or whatever the fuck goes through their head. He will definitely come to you, at you, and damn it, in you." She finished and I nodded laughing. The laughter ends just as it started because she glared at me.

"No one is ugly, that's the truth. Every human, male or female out there has a unique charm, and everyone has someone who will love them unconditionally. Haven't you seen couples and wondered, how? Well love they say is mysterious." Her words got me smiling. Debbs can be the best being ever even when angry and there are times she makes me wonder why I am friends with her. Especially when she is drunk.

"And I am not broke." I scoffed. At least I have no debts to worry about, and my house rent has been paid fully for the year. How am I broke?" I snickered.

"Yes, you are." She countered in a bored tone.


What does loving yourself mean to you?

feeesahcreators' thoughts
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