

Getting to The Z, the tall building which stood the tallest gave off an intimidating feeling, the kind of feeling that screams 'Don't come in here to mess up!'. Although I was extremely nervous, I straightened my back and went inside.

Entering the building, "Having you work with them is their honor." I rechanted the same sentence I have been telling myself since last night.

With a smile plastered on my face to hide the anxiety brewing inside of me, I marched towards the receptionist's desk. "Good morning." I greeted.

A lady whose name tag read Cassandra looked up at me and smiled politely. "Good morning, how may I help you?"

"I have a meeting with Amanda." The email Amanda had sent told me to tell the receptionist I will be meeting with her.

"Oh, hello you must be Miss Chester." I nodded in affirmation and she smiled. "Please do head up to the eighteenth floor. You will find Miss Amanda there."

Nodding, "Thank you." I told her before going toward the elevator. There was a crowd waiting so I just joined them. 'Wow, four working elevators, and there is still this much crowd? Just how many people work here?' I wondered within me as I glanced around. Opposite the elevators was one elevator with a bold 'Private' written above it. The elevator door had just closed when I turned, 'Whoever is inside it must be hella important.' I thought to myself.

Luckily I was able to enter the next available elevator and got to the eighteenth floor quickly.

"Hello." I had stopped the first person I saw after walking out of the elevator.

"Hi." He sounded a little impatient, but I appreciated how he tried to keep a polite expression.

"I am looking for Amanda. I have a meeting with her today at noon..." He mouthed an 'o' as he pointed at a desk for me.

"You see the lady in blue?" I nodded. "Go to her." With that he walked away.

Thinking she must be Amanda, I went to her. "Hi Amanda, I am Zandia Chester, the home decorator." I stretched a hand for a handshake.

"Hello Miss Chester, I am Marrel, please take a seat." I nodded as I mentally scolded myself for making such a mistake.

"I am sorry, I thought you were..." She waved her hands with a small chuckle.

"It is okay. It is an honest and understandable mistake. So you will be meeting with the boss hence this small interruption, I hope you won't mind." Wow okay.

"No, please do your thing." I was curious about what she might be wanting to do.

"It is nothing much actually, I will just be scanning you for any electronic device. The boss as you probably have known prefers to stay off the media. My work is to make sure that stays the same way. We have had some reporters sneak in here in disguise so we can't keep going for remedy control. Okay, with that said, I will need you to look into here." She held an oval shaped object that I looked into. The object blinked green and she dropped it back.

"That was to scan for any electronic lenses in your eyes. Do you mind standing up for a moment please?" I stood and she scanned me. After ascertaining I had no hidden camera on me, she then smiled and walked me to an elevator.

"I will have to walk you up myself." I nodded as the whole act got me amused. If seeing their CEO is this intense, how would visiting a president be? I probably will spend a week getting checked by the security team.

Finally, we arrived the top floor of the building, exiting the elevator, we saw an office where a beautiful older lady sat.

"That's Amanda. Good luck with your meeting. And I forgot to tell you this, you will be leaving your phone in Amanda's office except been told otherwise." With that Marrel walked back into the elevator and left.

"Miss Chester." Amanda acknowledged me as soon as I walked into her office. "Please follow me." She walked out with me following behind her as we passed the long hallway, until we met a door.

"You can't take pictures. I am only letting you take your phone in because I am assuming you might have something in there to help with the meeting." Not still waiting for me to respond, she knocked on the door and when a voice answered, she pushed it open but didn't go inside.

"Have a nice meeting Miss Chester." She turned to me smiling. "Tea or coffee?" She suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Tea, and thank you." I walked in only for my steps to halt. What?!

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked my brain unable to process why the man who had made me screech and scream just two days ago was seated at the CEO's seat.

"Thank you Amanda." He ignored my question and dismissed Amanda who was still waiting by the door.

"So you are Zandia Chester. I should have guessed from your name. Please sit." He sounded so casual like he hadn't... Following the direction of his hand, I walked to take a seat. Did I really sleep with the mysterious CEO of The Z?

'Can this get any weirder?' I slept with the CEO of The Z! I probably should have that framed and kept for bragging rights! Or I could reveal it to the media and become a famous person overnight. Been an influencer seem to pay a lot these days...

"What are you thinking about?" He asked looking curious.

"About how I can suddenly become famous if I told the press about my sleeping with you." I voiced out before I could stop myself and his laughter filled the room. I don't know what he found funny, but I smiled as I watched him laugh. This meeting would probably go well right? At least he isn't being awkward with me.

"Wouldn't that make quite the sensation?" He says as he chuckles even more.

But his next words had me sitting upright, "So do you want to continue with this meeting? Or we should call it a quit?" What no! Why would he even ask me that? Does he intend to not give me the job?!

"Of course not. I mean, we are two adults who consented to whatever happened between us. You know what they say about separating work and lo...fun affairs, well we should do that in this situation. Definitely." He chuckled again as he nodded.

Amanda walked in holding a tray. She placed a tea cup in front of Jake, and placed one in front of me.

"So tell me Zandia, what inspires your designs?" Jake asked as he looked through the catalogue I had brought along.

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