

Zandia's POV

The continuous ringing of my phone woke us up. Clearing my eyes with my palm, I stretched to pick up the phone from the desk. The number was one I didn't recognize.

"Hello." I cleared my throat noticing how hoarse and sleepy it sounded.

"Hello, am I speaking with Miss Chester?" A cheery voice answered and I nodded.

Realizing the other party cannot see me, "Yes, this is she. Who is this?" From the tone, I became excited and prayed that it would be one of the calls I was hoping to receive.

"This is Amanda, I am calling from The Z. Miss Chester, would you be available for a meeting on Friday?" The Z?! I jumped up excited as I did a little dance.

Swallowing the squeal, "Of course. When will be convenient for you?" I asked while Debbs who was now seated stared at me,bbs who was now seated stared at me, although she couldn't hear what the caller was saying, the excitement on her face as she watched me was visible.

"Would noon be alright?" Amanda asked.

"Noon would be perfect." I responded smiling.

"Alright then, I would email you the details." I nodded my head while still dancing. This was just too good to be true.

"Thank you, and have a nice day Amanda." She responded with a thank you and ended the call. As I was certain the call had disconnected, I squealed excitedly. Debbie joined me as we both squealed and danced around the house for a while.

"So which of the companies called back?" Debbs asked after she drank a glass of water to catch her breath.

"The Z." I responded grinning.

"What?!" She squealed. "Oh my God! We are made Zanny." I nodded. We had submitted our portfolios to several places, 'The Z' was the one place we had't planned on submitting.

She grinned, "I guess Frank had a use then." I laughed. Normally I would have frowned at the choice of words she used but he deserved whatever she called him. Just last week, the two had been together, until she caught him lip-locked with a lady he introduced as his high school friend.

"So, what did they say?" I relayed the information to her as she kept on nodding.

"I know it is Tuesday, but who cares? We are going clubbing!!!" She announced while wiggling her ass. "We are going to celebrate this!" She added laughing.

"I don't mean to be a mood dampener but are you sure we should celebrate yet? We haven't even signed the deal?" Decorating homes has always been something I loved, it always fascinated me, so when I got into college it wasn't hard to pick my choice. After graduating, I did get some jobs to do, but nothing major. Still I loved transforming people's homes, and bringing out their desired looks. Debbie being an architect was a major advantage,since she is employed, she tries to refer me to some of her clients. And while some calls me to work with them, others just decline.

When I wanted to start my business, she promised to always help out with any help I might need her help, and she has never gone back on her words.

"They called you! There must have been plenty of applicants but they picked your work! They called you! Own it, your work slayed the rest and emerged a winner! Being called by them for a meeting is already a win, and darling we will be celebrating every damn win we make. Don't worry, I know you are broke, so I got you." She giggled as she made her way to her room.

We both lived in a shared apartment and having her around has been the best thing ever.

"Who knows, you might even get lucky and have your wish coming to pass." She poked her head out through the door as she added causing me to blush.

I truly want to stop being a virgin. I want to experience s*x for myself.

By 7 pm we were both ready to step out of our apartment.

"You are smoking hot babe." Debbie whistled as I laughed. I might have put in a little bit of effort than usual.

Jake's POV

"So I guess Smith's niece isn't our decorator then." Hendery spoke as we both rode the elevator down.

"I guess she wouldn't be. The decorator I picked has a uniqueness to the work they submitted that I loved. If they can pull off a good work for the house, then I will stick with them. Probably for a long time." I shrugged as I took out my phone intending to respond to some pending emails. I plan to go to sleep as soon as I get home.

Snatching the phone from me, "Vivi tasked me to cheer you up. She had been upset when I told her of our discussion earlier. So we are going out for some drinks." He told me.

"I am okay really. You can just head home." Drinks sounds fun, but I would rather go cuddle my pillows and sleep.

"Well I am not planning to sleep on the couch for a week. Either you go with me or I am calling her." I felt a shudder as he threatened to call Vivian. One thing I have come to realize, a pregnant Vivian is scarier than anything.

"Just a few glass." I compromised and he nodded hastily. Driving behind his car, we arrived at a club.

"I thought we were going to a bar." I asked him as we were ushered to the VIP section.

"And listen to people cry over their heartbreak or to listen to the ones who come in to scream and cuss at their bosses? That will only increase your depression. A club on the other hand is what you need." I felt like punching him as he cast his eyes down between my legs. "You need it man."

Sighing, I looked around the club, and at the drink section, she caught my attention. I stared wondering what it is that made her attractive. She isn't exactly what I would refer to as my preference.

"She is beautiful, and I am certain her body will be damn soft. Want to talk to her?" How Hendery got to know I was interested in her was shocking. Or was I that obvious? There are two of them so how did he know it was her?

"No." I responded curtly as I drank my drink.


feeesahcreators' thoughts
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