
Love Transcending Borders

Contemporary Romance
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What is Love Transcending Borders

Lisez le roman Love Transcending Borders écrit par l'auteur Bonginkosi_Ndumiso publié sur WebNovel. ...


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Our past Together

" you really have a perfect life, I wonder if you have ever experienced a problem, you lnow those in most novels like too tragic to believe its real, you're an orphan after all but seeing you now, you're quite alright" Her friend said eating the chocolates that was supposed to be for Mian. "I've experienced enough pain to make me realize that world is really cruel. Enough to lose my first child because I was too depressed after he left me, until now I still blame myself. I tried to live a happy life becaise I don't want my baby's death to go waste, If you think my life is perfect, maybe there's something in your brain" Mian smiled while looking at her friend whose hand was hanging near her open mouth shocked on what she just heard. She had known Mian for a long time and this is the first time Mian had open up to her about her past life. Looking at her friends eyes, Lisa can see that behind those smile hid a deep pain. She goes to Mian and embrace her tight. They stayed like that not speaking a word. They did not notice that thier boss and his assistant was standing at the door and heard their conversation. ******************* " Ah ji.... I am pregnant". Jiro could still hear those soft voice in his mind. Standing infront of the mirror of his office one would think that he's thingking such great problem but in his mind he's was the face of a woman who's smiling sadly. ' I was a fool that time, a big fool. I'm sorry Mian... my Mian" he thought to himself. ******************* "Ms. He if you don't have any place to stay you can stay with me upstairs it has two rooms" Jiro said, looking at the documents in his hand. " It's fine sir, Lisa already offered her apartment fo me to stay until I find a new place to stay" Mian said and her boss a professional smile. " It is more convenient to stay with me... I mean upstairs with me. I'm a man I can help you incase those jerks come after you again. Besides... its not like we were'nt live together before" Mian was burning with rage and wished to just cut his tounge out of his mouth so that he can't speak anymore. They are currently in a meeting together with the directors and its an embarassing topic to begin with. What if the directors would thibk that she He Mian climbed up to this jerks bed to stay in this position. "It's okay sir, I've made up my mind. I managed to survive all theses years without a mans protection. Also past is past and I wish for it to stay in the past" Mian casually replied, feeling the curios gaze of the directors she excused herself to get them tea but before she could walk a few steps Jiro asked " So does that mean Ms. He has been single for 6 years? " Mian stop in her tracks, taking a deep breath to calm herself Mian turns her head, smiled and said " You are right Sir I've been single for a long time now" Jiro just nod his head, rejoicing in his heart that his Mian was still single and maybe still love her. "But I'm not planning on dating, I am fine myself, I don't want to be with those jerks who are only good in bed but does kot know how to take a responsibilty. And besides I don't pick what I just throw, they're garbage, for Me I should not pick them up or else I'll get dirty" Mian said those words looking straight into Jiro's eyes. Secretary Cheng : "......." Directors : "............." 'There is really something between these two they just thought to themselves. Jiro was dumbfounded after hearing her words. after a moment he regains her self and thought to himself 'atleast she thinks I'm hoof in bed, I still have a chance'. He felt proud for his self. ************* Author's Note: This is my first time writing a novel and english is my third language, I am not good at grammars though,so please bare with me and try to read my story and support it. I accept critics and corrections. Thank you love lots ???

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