
Guess What Happened Today?!?!

The day has gone by so quickly and I haven't seen Mekhi at all. Like a crazy person I've been looking around for him all day maybe he's an upper classman; I haven't considered that at all. The rain has turned to mist as I get into my car to head back to the coffee shop to meet Rylie and Nova. Just like this morning I'm able to park near the front so I grab my bag and wristlet and head inside. I find them at a table near the front window so I go over to meet them.

"Leeenaaa! What's up," Riley says loud enough for those close enough to hear and pulls me into a hug. She releases me just in time to get Nova's hug.

"Hey chica, what's going," Nova says giving me a little squeeze. We all sit and I smile at my two best friends. It's been about a month since I've seen them face to face.

"Nothing much guys. Mom's trying to get me out the house so I called you two," I say feeling a little guilty for neglecting our friendship.

"Hmm, I see. Kudos to ma. So what did you guys want to do," Rylie says looking between us.

"I'm not even sure. I thought karaoke or something, but I got invited to a basketball game Saturday. I'm not even sure I want to go though," I say looking at Rylie and Nova; who are looking at me with big eyes and mouths slightly open.

"Who invited you," Nova musters up the strength to ask.

"Umm some guy named Mekhi, do you guys know him," I ask feeling myself get a little nervous and self-conscious as they're both still staring at me and barely blinking.

"Mekhi Johnson," Rylie asks moving a little closer.

"I don't know. I didn't ask his last name; we just met this morning," I say looking at her and Nova dropping my bag on the floor next to me.

"Tall, handsome, brown skin brother," Rylie asks looking at me.

"Yeah with a PBS, that's him," I reply in a small voice.

"Lena he's a star on the basketball team! How did you not know that," Nova says giggling.

"I don't know, y'all know I don't be keeping up with that stuff," I say a little relieved and anxious because this dude is somebody.

"Wowwww, chicks stay surrounding that guy. How did you not know? And what is PBS," Rylie says giggling as well.

"Panty Busting Smile," I say giggling with them. So that's what it is, he's super popular and a star. I should have guessed that by how handsome he is and being on the basketball team.

"Girrrlll I'mma have to use that. That's funny! PBS," Rylie says laughing slapping her hand on the table.

"Seriously though, how did you meet him? He's two years over us," Nova says patiently ready to listen to my story and Rylie follows suit.

"I met him here at the coffee shop actually; he caught my umbrella when the wind blew it out my hands," I say to them gaining confidence.

"Sooo he caught your umbrella and was like 'Do you wanna come to my game'? Come on girl, details," Rylie says looking for more information.

"Not exactly. He caught my umbrella and we came in and waited in the long line so we made small talk," I say looking at them.

"You made small talk…" Nova says.

"Well to thank him for catching my umbrella I tried to pay for his stuff…" I say getting a little nervous again.

"Aww girl…" Rylie says.

"Shhhhh," Nova hisses to Rylie.

"Well like I said 'I tried', but he ended up paying for my stuff instead. So he suggested we sit somewhere and chat and we did…that's when he invited me to his game. I told him I don't know yet though," I say finishing my story.

"Wow! How did this make you feel Lena? You didn't feel pressured or anything right," Nova says grabbing my hand.

"Actually no. I was confused at first cuz y'all know the whole thing with Jay but, talking to him I realized that I feel like I wasted about a year worrying about that fool. I actually looked him in the face and I'm so attracted to him it scares me," I say opening up to my two best friends. This feels good and cathartic.

"Wow! This is big," Rylie says smiling.

"Right," Nova and I say together and instantly start laughing.

"What am I supposed to do y'all," I ask my friends pleadingly.

"Well…do you like him," Nova asks.

"How is she supposed to know she just met the man," Rylie says taking the words right out of my mouth.

"I don't know. I mean I did just meet him. I don't even remember seeing him before today," I say backing Rylie.

"That's true. I can't believe you haven't seen him around though. I know this had been a rough year, but girl he's gorgeous," Nova says giggling at the end.

"Yeah he is. And you know I normally would have rejected him; something just feels different," I say to my friends.

"You're right something is different. Today you are wearing a color that is not black, grey, or white for starters," Rylie says looking at me.

"And you've pulled all your hair back into a pony tail; unlike before where you had the curly bang going on," Nova says looking at me too.

"I don't know today just feels a little different. I'm okay with it though," I say smiling at my friends.

"Yeah, we are too," Rylie says smiling at us.

"Feels like I'm becoming myself again," I say looking at my friends.

"Nah chica you're becoming a better version of yourself," Nova says smiling at me.

"Yeah, a better version," I say.

"To better versions of us," Rylie says putting her hand out.

"To better versions of us," Nova and I respond placing our hands on top of hers.

"So are we going to the game or what," Nova asks.

"Hmm, we should have breakfast or brunch first. If he's really that popular I don't want to go running because he calls. Let's show up around half time," I say looking at my friends who both have a shocked look on their faces.

"Sounds good to me," Rylie says recovering.

"Yeah me too," Nova agrees.

"Cool, then that's what we'll do. I'm not sure about after the game though, I guess we can cross that bridge when we get there," I respond feeling very confident and in control of myself.

"Alright Lena," Rylie says clapping and smiling.

"You're back mama," Nova says a little emotional.

"Alright guys, don't let me sink again," I say feeling a little emotional looking at Nova.

"We can't promise to not let you sink, we can promise to be there to pick you up though," Rylie says.

"So this guy better not be playing around," Nova says giggling to lighten the mood.

"Well we don't know what he is but, I won't lose myself this time," I say reaffirming myself to myself and my friends.

We spend the rest of the evening doing homework and having girl talk. It's been a while since I have really participated in girl talk and I miss it. I text my mom to let her know I'm going to have dinner at the diner across from the coffee shop with Rylie and Nova. I know she's happy because she tells me to take my time coming home. After two hours of homework we go over to the diner and have dinner. I have a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese and a cola with light ice. Rylie has chicken tenders and Nova has a cheeseburger. We always order the same food when we come here, next time I'll get something different.

When I get home I find my mom in the kitchen having a cup of tea so I join her. I take my boots and rain jacket off at the door, drop my bag on a chair, wash my hands, and grab a mug to fill with water. I sit in the chair across from my mom and drop a tea bag into my mug full of water. My mom is wearing her red bath robe and her hair is wrapped up in a silk scarf. I yawn, stretch, and wrap my hands around the warm mug and relax in my chair.

"It seems as though you've had a busy day," mom says smiling at me and touching my hair.

"Yeah, I did. I'm glad that I called Rylie and Nova and met up with them today," I say to my mom feeling sleep weigh on me.

"I'm glad you did too. Your eyes are glowing with life and happiness," my mom says.

"I didn't realize that they were devoid of life; Nova and Rylie said kind of like the same thing earlier," I respond putting sugar into my tea and taking a sip. Wow, this past year has been crazy and I can barely remember it; I think to myself.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel some kind of way," mom says crinkling her eyes in an apologetic way.

"It's okay mom, I'm glad I'm having this reawakening," I respond to her. My eyes feel so heavy I think I'm going to call it a night soon.

"I'm glad as well. I see that you are barely hanging on, so go ahead and go to bed. I'll clean up here," mom says stroking my face.

"Okay mom. Love you, goodnight," I say pushing my chair back and grabbing my bag off the chair.

"Love you too Lena, goodnight," mom says as she's washing our mugs and spoons.

I drag myself up the stairs to my bedroom and prepare to take a shower. I remove most of my clothes, grab my oversized bath towel, and head into the bathroom in my room. While I run the shower water I take down my pony tail and moisturize my hair and put about eight twists in it; by the time I finish that the water is hot enough for me to get into the shower. While in the shower I reflect on all that happened today from 'breakfast' with Mekhi to having dinner with Nova and Kylie. This reawakening has me wondering how was I able to just live life doing the absolute bare minimum whereas today I feel so full of life. I am liking the person I'm becoming, owning myself and doing what I want to do when I want to do it; shedding my old self and blossoming into someone who is more than enough. With all of this self-love I feel flowing through me I grab my sugar scrub and give myself a good rub down letting all the thoughts of the day run free through my mind. After my shower I decide to use a face mask to continue my routine of cleansing and loving myself ending it all by brushing my teeth and moisturizing my body.

When I leave my bathroom I feel more than refreshed and pull on a night shirt versus my old t shirt and basketball shorts combo. I grab my journal off my desk and decide to read a few past entries, first I flip the pages and find one from about six months ago. I lay on my stomach at the end of my bed and begin reading through the entry I barely recognize myself, everything is so formal and I don't even mention Nova and Rylie. It makes me sad just reading it, my life was dry, dull and simple. I turn to an entry from about three months ago and while there's a little more substance because I talk about my girls, it's only in passing; nothing like how we were tonight. When I'm finished reading I grab my favorite purple pen with the puff on the end and begin my latest entry in my journal. I fill it with as many details as I can remember from this morning; the way Mekhi smiled, how it made me feel; how I felt hanging out with the girls and what we ate for dinner. I just write and write and write until I am certain that I can't write anymore. When I'm finished I have filled four pages with details of the day and my feelings; I want to remember as much as I can. When I check the time I notice that it's almost midnight and my life changing day is coming to an end. I check my hair wrap once more to make sure it's secure, turn off the lights, and crawl into bed to finally get some rest.

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