

With a drizzle of passion and a dash of lust to create a sultry emulsion, Diana Rodriguez, A chef and Restaurateur, owning four five-star restaurants around the world, decides to open a new restaurant in hometown, Wrightwood. One problem. The land belongs to her old friend turned foe, Damian Hernandez. A content, straightforward, sexy realtor who refuses to sell her the land. New found Seduction arises as they're both driven into world's they were unaware of. Will he agree to sell her the land or make an even bigger decision?.

Amaka_Osuegbu · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

Chapter 13.

The skies were blue. The vista soothed me. I was flying directly to Spain.

I was of Spanish roots, although I grew up in Wrightwood. When I was little, I'd always look forward to our lengthy family holidays in Spain. I learned the language and became very articulate in it too. I was taught never to forget where I came from. And thus, it came to be the destination for my first hotel.

I had hotels in Spain, Canada, the United Kingdom, and France, but I always felt a deeper connection to the one in Spain. It was like my first child.

Then Trevor came to mind. What would the people say about me? Why would they think of me after hearing such news? The paparazzi would be waiting. Would they think I ran away from Wrightwood?

I needed to clear my head. I didn't feel calm at all. I decided that it didn't matter. I had my obligations to fulfill and I was going to do just that.

The thought of Damian brought a smile to my face. I never thought I'd like him as much as I did, or miss him as much as I do. I still didn't know what to make of our kind of relationship but I knew how I felt. And I was going to leave it there until I knew what to do with the feeling.

My Private Jet landed, but I couldn't come out. It was precisely as I had predicted. I envisioned a few shutterbugs but they came in folds this time. Even news reporters were present. The entire scene was crammed.

The bodyguards came up to me and vowed to guide me through the crowd. I agreed, and mustering up all the courage I could, I stepped out of the jet.

It seemed as though the size increased when I saw them in person. I heard all sorts of questions at once. It felt like my ears were going to burst.

One of the guards pushed a reporter aside and his camera fell, causing great damage to it. The reporter wouldn't have it and he threw a punch at the guard. The guard retaliated and it turned into a huge fight. Other guards had to intervene. Some people fled for safety. Others joined the fight as various weapons were let loose.

Everything was happening all too fast and the next thing I saw was a gun directed towards me. I opened my mouth in shock. No one else seemed to notice the gun. I was scared and I couldn't move. They were everywhere. I couldn't breathe properly. I was about to faint. It was too much to take in.

Suddenly I felt someone carry me. I wanted to look at the person's face. Before I could, my eyes closed and I couldn't feel a thing anymore.

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar setting. Everything was vague and my mind was foggy. I was alone in the room. I took in deep breaths and opened my eyes again. This time, someone came in.

I was too feeble to be amazed at his presence. It was Fernando.

"Oh thank Goodness you're awake". He said as he ran up to the bed where I lay.

"Where am I?". I said weakly.

"You're at a hospital Diana. A bodyguard brought you here. You had been asleep for quite a long time now. Roberto's slowly losing it. You know he has a fear of losing people".

"Where is he?".

"He's at the doctor's office. He's trying to get him to calm down".

"How and when did you guys get here? I'm still in Spain right?". I asked as I looked around.

"Yes you are. We got a call from one of the guards and we flew here instantly. You did sleep for a long time though".

"How did I get here?". I asked and suddenly, tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't recall a thing, so I couldn't understand the tears.

"During the fight, the guard that rescued you said he saw a gun pointed at you and that you were about to faint when he swooped in to rescue you. Afterward, you were brought to the hospital when you wouldn't wake up".

The tears rolled freely down my cheeks now. I remembered. I remembered everything.

"Stop crying, Diana". Fernando pleaded.

"Haven't I been through enough already?". I muttered to him in tears.

"Everything will be okay Diana. It's just...who could be behind this?".

The door opened and Roberto walked in. He looked downcast.

He walked up to me.

"I'm relieved you're awake...". He paused as he looked at me again.

"Why are you crying?".

I couldn't utter a word. I just looked at them as tears continued flowing.

The doctor came in shortly after.

"Señorita Rodríguez. Glad to see you're awake". He stated with a smile. I cleaned my eyes instantly and smiled back at him.

He was an aged man whose receding hairline showed years of hard work. He still had a certain charm to him. And a wonderfully bright smile.

"Buenas noticias. You're perfectly fine. But due to the shock, you'll just need lots of rest and medications that's all". He stated.

"Muchas gracias doctor". Fernando greeted.

" Lo apreciamos. We appreciate it". Roberto added.

"Está bien. But you'll need to stop yourself from taking part in strenuous activities for a while".

"But I'm a Chef, Doctor. It's part of my job to take part in such activities".

"You need rest, Diana. Physically and emotionally. Put your health first. I'll be going now. You'll be discharged by midnight. You can choose to stay till morning or leave then. Que se recupere pronto señorita Rodriguez".

I was disgruntled. I needed to go to the restaurant. I was going to find a way.

"Don't even think of going to that restaurant?". Roberto warned with a frown.

"I wasn't". I replied.

"Where's Treasure?". I Inquired in fear.

"She's safely at your penthouse with the guards". Fernando answered.

"Thank God". I sighed.

I wanted to be discharged by midnight but the guys wouldn't let me. I had to wait till the next morning. I was driven to my penthouse where I met Treasure. I later found out that the news of my slumping was all over the internet. It was the most trending topic. No surprise there.

Fernando and Roberto refused to leave and offered to keep watch on me.

I couldn't take it anymore and the next day I snuck out.

"Wake up Roberto. Why did you sleep? You were supposed to be watching her!". Fernando yelled.

"Why did I sleep? Why did you sleep?".Roberto yelled back.

"There's no use arguing because she's not here anymore".

"That girl! I'm gonna kill her". Roberto yelled as he grabbed his car keys.

I looked at the restaurant and I was pleased. It was a restaurant that showcased the true Spanish culture and colors. The colors, Red and yellow were symbols of our bullfighting heritage.

It was a big building. It housed a large hall for events.

The annual Spanish event, hosted by my restaurant was important. Celebrities and dignitaries all came from different countries to attend. The dress code was always formal but it had a traditional theme to it.

Paella is our most famous dish. Genuine paella derives from the province around Valencia, and comes in two varieties: Paella Valenciana, with rabbit and chicken; and seafood paella.

It was a staple food that was always served at the event.

The flamenco music and dance was also a must for our event.

I walked into the restaurant and went to the hall. It was obvious that they had been preparing. I was proud.

The workers were happy to see me. And so was Mr. Carlos. He gave me a detailed update about everything and I was pleased that they had gone so far. He was still speaking when I heard someone enter the hall.

"Welcome back Diana".

I turned.
