
love is no more

this is a story of an scientist creating something he doesnt want to ares is an scientist that proved that the dreams we see are conected to other dimensions or timelines, as he gets an idea of one of his dreams his idea is far from reality but somehow works. the experiment backlashes at ares and he creates something he shouldnt have, his creation is unbarable to human minds, as they explore it they come along life lessons, pyscological updates and existencial crisis he never should created it and now should destroy his own creation. side note: this book you are looking at right now is under developement and the first chaper is merely the start point for you to decide if its interesting or not. feel free to check my other book and keep in mind they are under developement and fastly written, there is only story and there exists severly writing errors.

dubheasa · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
1 Chs

draft 1

ı dont know where ı am staring

ı am infact staring at someting, or is it just an illusion?

how long did ı stare at the wall blankly? 

where was ı ..?

ı blink as ı hear my assistant calling me

"ares are you alright? you been staring there for minutes."

"yes, ı am alright."

ı blink few more times as my mind opens again.

ı had fazed off again and it had been happening more these times lately, and my small time memory losses are becoming more apparent

ı must take my medicines, a scientist cannot lose to dementia. ı am inches away from finishing the prototype-364, it had became the peak of intrest these days as the goverment had started to support my experiment

ı almost achieved creating an energy-sartic reactor and succesfully applied non magnetic thing magnetic force.

this could be an life changing project, it could deflect bullets, it could make you float in the air without floor complexities, and maybe even apply forces to the physics itself? altough that seemed like a distant dream, ı knew ı could achieve it

the force itself had already extended to the energy values!

it could repel electricity , sound, kinetic energy and the various shit that take a lot of my brain.

the way ı found it was... a bit non realistic, as ı saw the prototypes, finished product in my dreams.

well, it had been already proved that dreams do connect with the 4 dimensions of time and change of probabilities

it does sound unrealistic but this didnt happen only to me, people saw things that could change their lives... or possibly traumatize them for life.

ı had heard cases like someone dreaming about getting cremated when alive, and he remembered the pain somehow. not only that, ı had experimented with a person that said to lived an whole life in their dreams as they had two childeren and an beatifull wife.

when we searched their neoroligical time and records, the 'dream' they said could be found there.

the experiments whole personality changed as they acted much mature and old

he gained talents that he never had, as what he gained was advanced mechanics.. and playing an trumpet.

yes, playing a trumpet. they even shown us how to play it and played an 'unknown' song we never heard as it probably never existed.

human brain is scary. being able to create memories like this, should be theoracially impossible, even if you could do it, gaining knowledge without even studying is not just 'in theory' its just not possible. like you cant create something from nothing. just, just in ı dont know how much gazzillion years would it take to spot on swing your hand in the dark and get this.

okay maybe its possible in theory actually..

fuck ı dont know what to think.. where was ı?

oh yeah prototype-364 came as an invention from my dream.

this should be the proof right?

ı smirk as ı look to the mackine behind the watch wall

this is my creation. even tough the idea may not be mine ı brought it into this world and ı can definetly call it my child.

its exciting, we had connected the machine with fusion reactors, ofcourse away from the prototype so the fusion reactors doesnt freak out.

the prototypes forcefield does have a backlash altough. it causes a bit of headache 

not because of radiation, its because of the immensely change of the atmospheric pressure.

its not atmospheric pressure, we use it so people dont get confused. you see as we develop my precious child the goverment is backing us, and 'somehow accidentally' they leaked some information and this project became the topic of the world, and we had to announce it so that we dont cross with some useless and time wasting situations

ofcourse we announced that ı was the inventor

what am ı to give it away? an pushover? no way in hell, and they need me to create this thing, ı am invincible!

the reason ı am not dying of 'car crash' is that we could exploit this to expand our world into the outside, we can build rockets that move without any fuel,

ofcourse they didnt let me use them on cars.. psht fucking goverment, ı had to come up with an excuse that its too big to for a car.

ı had high hopes for that what an loss.

oh and also, this machine doesnt only 'repel' the outside force of thy energy, it keeps the compoments, energy or any element molecules inside the diameter of the max capacity of the machines reach

that could lead us to colonize other planets, the headache might be a bit of problem but we will fix that later

as ı was saying, we can colonize other planets. and the current world "earth" is getting drained to the core. so much that we would probably go extinct in around ten years of lack of materials 

we already started using the core of the earth, ı know this is the most stupid idea.

instead of fucking stopping using electricity and shit they chose to listen to their addicted brains

they wouldnt announce untill the last day and simply run away with the highest tech things they can do, live in the void witout an world because the ship would run out of the fuel

unfortunately they couldnt find out how to travel at the lightspeed, as it is impossible

but my machine here .. can breake the laws. alteast the laws we had put

with this logic we can branch out to the lightspeed travel as this machine currently brakes the laws of physics as we know it

oh those poor worlds that will get colonized, or maybe the inhabitants

but, as an scientist ı must know the beyond!

this is an win, win situation, ı will explore the outside and my fame and wealt will be immesurable and the people wont die!

why does the rich people and gowerment care about the workers and other people you say?

well duh more worker exist the less work they have to do. and they will be able to manuplate them outside the world also

who wouldnt want billions of people willing to work their bodies to death for you?

if we say it in much simple and kinder way its that because the goverment walues people that help them grow, and the people is anyone that can work. (including children that will be able to work in the future, investment!)

ı sigh

"professor ares."

someone calls me from behind, an familiar voice, 

its my assistant elisabeth

we rescued elisabeth from freezing to death and discovered that she was pretty good with money and calculations, with her chill personality and looks in mind ı took a liking to her and took her in as she didnt have any place to stay

we became pretty close and became companions for life.

now she is assisting with my work and experiments

well ofcourse relationships in work is not adressed out and completely ignored.

"yes elisabeth what is the matter?"

elisabeth turns some pages that she is holding and gives them to me

"we have some bad news and good news."

"well well lets see.."

ı talk as ı flip trough pages and my eyes widen

the good news is, that this will be able to operate anywhere as we had been conducting experiments to see that colonizing other planets could be possible, and the experiment shows that in an air tight void the dome of energy can actually hold the air inside

the bad news is

this machine can create ripples trough reality as the space forces it.




how did they find this out? according to our theories and knowledge we cant fully comprehed the fabric of reality, we know its density and expand but the actual structure is far off... 

dont tell me...

ı look at elisabeth

"to get in conclusion of something like this..."

elisabeth doesnt answer as an bead of sweat forms in her forehead and she slowly nods

ı am scared.

"oh great god."

this is merely and view, written fasty and no corrections, just for you to see the start.

dubheasacreators' thoughts