
CHAPTER 8 Elena is released but not freed

  Elena paced around in the cell room, she had no idea how long she had stayed here because there was no window down here in the basement but she knew it was a new day. She had eventually slept off the previous night, after waiting for long hours, hoping that someone would come to set her free.

  She wondered what these vile men wanted with her, she had no business with them and neither did her father. This was an entirely different gang, so what did they want with her?

  Then she heard footsteps approaching the cell and she sighed in relief. Finally someone was coming to her rescue; at least that is what she thought.

  She looked out of the metal bars and saw legs coming down the stairs, she recognized the person immediately. Well, he had saved her from the bad guys just to lock her up here, what was his problem with her clothing? How was she supposed to be comfortable bathing in a strange man’s bathroom and changing into clothes she had no idea where they were brought from.