
Ch.3 Surprise!



"W...who are you!"

"I'm your father!"

"Its your birthday!"

Itsuki ends up being there for Asuna's birthday. Asuna turns on the lights and adores the wonderful people there to celebrate her birthday.

"Time to open presents y'all!"

Asuna walks up to the window which has the presents under it. She unraveled the colorful paper off the first present.


"It's the necklace I wanted! Who is this from?"

"Your dad."

"Thank you so much!"

The next present was two tickets to a band called "Hallow" Friend. Then, she got a bunch of other stuff. After that they all ate cake. Everybody left and Asuna was worn out so she went to bed. The next morning Asuna is up and ready. As always she, Gets dressed, Dashes through the hall into the kitchen, Gets breakfast, and rides to school. She obviously saw Itsuki at his favorite spot. This time she asked

"Need a ride?"

"But it's literally a few feet away!"

"I know, I was just asking."

"But ok."

Itsuki hopped on the back of Asuna's bike and she rode to the school


"Who' s that?"

"I don't know?

They both see a boy with Blond hair but they can't see him fully yet. There are a bunch of girls surrounding him, so she guesses they like him? Itsuki stares at him in jealousy. Asuna stops her bike there and they both get off as she pushes it aside. They both start to walk over and get a better look. The new boy is rubbing his head like he's nervous. Itsuki grabs Asuna's hand

"W...what are you doing?"


Itsuki let's go of her hand

"Your making this cheesey."


"It's fine."

They got a closer look and his eye's are very dark brown. Itsuki looks, angry? Does he like Asuna?