
Love and Lies in Carolina

Contemporary Romance
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What is Love and Lies in Carolina

Lisez le roman Love and Lies in Carolina écrit par l'auteur Kelly_Brown_2204 publié sur WebNovel. ...


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The young and just approved bestseller author and journalist Shin Jie Jie is writing Boys Love stories for fun in her free time and puts them online to share with likeminded fangirls. Because it's not her bread and butter, she takes her sweet and leisure time to upload — much to the despair of her fans. Since the propaganda of same-sex relationships is still frowned upon and even prohibited in some areas of life in this country, few authors would dare pursue this genre if they wanted to gain fame or make money. So even if she uses an alias and thus was unknown, her superior style soon stood out and pulled over a steady stream of fans. One of those fans is the much-spoiled young miss of YNG Entertainment, Catherine Yang. As a vivid fan of Shin Jie Jie's online novel, she is waiting night and day for an update - fruitlessly. Flowing into a fit of rage, she attracted the attention of her brother, Michael Yang, who then proceeded to take matters into his own hands. If his sister wants to read, of course, the author has to write! How dare you slack off, rotten author! When Shin Jie Jie logged in the next day, she couldn't believe her eyes. Her novel was on the front page, number one hit! It's glory putting all the other stories miles behind. 'Highest Supported Online Novel of all Time'!!!??? 'Number One Sponsorship'!!!??? 'The Emperor of Heaven has Blessed You'!!!??? WTH??? Who is this Emperor of Heaven? She has never heard of him before? Shin Jie Jie was slapped left and right by all the zeroes behind that unholy sum of 'Blessing'. This so-called Emperor was just a scoundrel! Fans: Mighty author, we await mass releases! A rain of paid chapters! We want the whole book! A spin-off! And a sequel! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1..... Author Jie Jie: "Which rotten child stole their rich parent's credit card! Come out! I swear not to spank you! Come here, let me teach you the value of money!" Big Brother Yang: "Slaves to money should better shut up and work!" Little Sister Yang: "Mighty author, I am your biggest fan! Please marry my brother!" Little does our Main Couple know that enemies will always meet on a narrow path. ------------------ A funny read, a slow romance, a power couple, lot's of sweet moments, pretty much a happy ending. Sprinkled with gayness on top. I wish you a happy time reading! For every Spirit Stone, the author will send you a silent blessing ✨ Chapters are unedited until the end of WPC. After WPC I will edit them, at least for grammatical errors and typos. Any constructive advice is welcome! Cover: The girl is drawn by Dadachyo, an amazing artist! Do check out their work and give them lots of love! As to the guy, I have no idea, do enlighten me, so I can give credit!

MaliciousBurial · Urbain
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17 Chs

Man Of The Night, Gentleman Of The Day

[Mature Content...] Virat had never touched or slept with a woman in his life but upon his friend's sincere request to save a psychologically unstable girl's life, he agreed to act as a male prostitute for one night. Why isn't she opening the door? Should he break into the house to look at what she is doing inside? Just when he was about to push open the door forcefully, it opened from inside and a stunningly attractive and gorgeous girl in her mid-twenties appeared from behind it. She was wearing a dark red-colored mini nighty and he could see her plump and perfect bosoms and fair thighs through it. Her face was flushed and she looked like a ripe tomato inviting him to come and take a bite. Her naturally intoxicating and mesmerizing eyes had the shyness and a tinge of nervousness within them. The words of frustration he wanted to express died in his throat that instant along with his unwillingness. And he fell in love with her at the first sight. "Are you Meera Kulkarni?" He asked her and realized that he had started to feel nervous in front of her. Meera nodded her head, hiding her fear. "Shall I come inside or would you like to do it at the door?" Virat asked her teasingly with a playful smile on his face. Meera shuddered by his blunt question. This male prostitute is terribly shameless! *** "You are living like a dead person! Don't you have physical needs, Meera? Don't you want to get married?" Meera's closest friend and famous German actress Venessa asked her, wondering how could her Indian friend stay away from men for the whole five years. "I do. But I don't want to get involved in any kind of relationship." Meera replied to Venessa like she did every time. "I have only Keshav in my heart. It's impossible for me to love someone again. I get panic attacks whenever any man tries to touch me." **** After her boyfriend- Keshav's death, Meera suffers from depression and often thinks about committing suicide. Fortunately for her, she has true friends who take good care of her. Five years later, even after coming out of the trauma of losing her first love, Meera is afraid of falling in love and going through the same pain of separation again. She thinks her life is meaningless without Keshav and decides to end her life. Unaware of Meera's plan to commit suicide again, her friend Venessa takes Meera to Rome for her further treatment and climate change. Before her death, Meera decides to do everything she never did in her life. She makes a list of her wishes and finds Sex is one of them. Meera finally expresses her desire to have sex with someone she doesn't know and asks Venessa to send the best male prostitute for her. Vanessa agrees and finally finds a suitable man for Meera to spend one night with her. *** She was afraid of men and he despised women... Both of them had their painful pasts. What happens when two broken hearts come together in a weird situation such as a one-night stand? Will they fall in love with each other in the eternal city of Rome? Stay tuned...

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1 Chs


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