
LOTR: Elf of Middle Earth

A man dies, and just like every other lucky guy, gets reincarnated by his own choosing. What will he do as a Dùnedaín of middle earth? only time will tell.

Duckman · Livres et littérature
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The Void, that was all that there was.

In the endless waste, there was no war, no pain, only, emptiness.

Truly a strange place to find yourself, where no earth lay beneath your feet, or were the sky does not streak for miles and miles, where woodlands do not dot the land, with bears, wolves and other critters roam, It was, in fact, empty. So empty in fact, that even I do not exist to a point, more of a disembodied soul, floating in the nonexistent wind.

The void did not matter, nor did I, only the fact I died. Not from anything Important, at least if you asked me. For you see, I had uncovered something quite saddening. I found Bill Clinton's Search History.

It was an accident, I was called in to repair the computer, it's not my fault I saw it all! I mean, there are millions out there with A foot fetish, why should it matter, you might ask? Well, I got curious and I saw a few emails that may or may not involve a few kidnappings.

Suddenly, out of a void an elderly man appeared. His long hair and beard reached the ground, with white cloth as elegant as the clouds. His eyes were pure white, and seemed to glow. Was this God? Perhaps it was. Perhaps I am hallucinating, or perhaps, just perhaps I see him.

"You do, my Child." He said, peering to where I was, but was not. "Normally, after death you would simply go to heaven, to be with family, or Hell, to pay for your crimes. However I cannot do that for you. For you see, your soul has been marked. If I tried to keep you here, I would merely destroy this universe." He said, as I nodded but not nodded.

"I see... do I... simply not exist any longer? What is to become of me?" I asked, as the gods face lit up. "Why yes, I will be sending you to a world of a friend of mine. You know of it as the world of The Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit, or perhaps the Silmarillion?" He said, as I nodded. I loved Tolkien's work after all.

"However, I shall not send you there without anything! You shall be reborn in any age you wish, as a child or as a fully grown man! Then I shall grant you four wishes of your own choosing. Choose wisely." He said, as I began to think.

I do not want to die again, never again. "I wish to be reborn as an adult Ñoldor Elf, a day before the plot of The Hobbit begins. I want dark hair and blue eyes and a height of six foot seven." I ask, as he nods, "It shall be done." He motions for me to continue. " For my first wish, I wish for the sword Balmung from FATE" I ask, as he looks long and hard in thought. "I cannot grant that, It would be too disastrous, I am sorry to say, ask again." hmmm, what to do, what to do. "Fine, I was a blank version of Balmung from FATE, however I want the sword to be coated in Basilisk Venom... from the Harry Potter universe." I ask, as he nods. "It shall be done."

Hmm, what could I ask for my second wish... It would be lonely living forever, and I cannot stop myself from falling in love with someone with a more mortal body. "I wish to be able to manipulate the bodies of others. If I want to cure someone or make them Immortal I can do so." I ask, as he again, thinks hard on this. "Fine, however you it will be considered a magic, and as such would deplete your Magical Reserves. You will not be allowed to bring harm, or make more than 10 people Immortal, though it will be genetic." I nod, as that was all I wished for.

"For my third wish, I wish for the left hand of god, or Gandálfr." I ask as he nods. "Done." hmmm, that means I have one final wish, What should I ask for? knowledge on Economics? a pouch of infinite gold? Or I could do something quite basic, but effective... think of ALL those I could heal...

"Before I ask, may I know of the different magics that exist in the Tolkien-verse?" I ask as god nods. "Many of the magics haven't been discovered, only the Elemental, and healing magics are completely known, with some magics of splattered around. However, The Magical System of the world is simply Will magic. If you've enough mana, you may simply will it into existence. Many of those who live within believe they must follow set spells however, they are merely worlds, though the words do aid in the conjuring of these magics." does that answer your question?" he asks, as I nod. "Why yes, it does. for my final wish, I wish for a ring of Infinite Mana, or... whatever is the magical power of the world." God nodded, and acquiesced.

"Go now, you shall find yourself within the Shire. The memories and Languages of the world shall be known to you. Now go, your adventure awaits.

I imagine him looking like this as well as wearing this armor.


not only that but he will have the sword Balmung, anyways till next time.

Duckmancreators' thoughts