
Lost Son Of Thor and Storm

In a moment of passion Storm and Thor create a child but they decided that this child was unwanted and abandoned the infant in a dimension that held beings across the multiverse that were killed and suppressed their powers. The baby would either have to grow up fast to survive of die.

SirZurone · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Dungeon Dimension

The figure came out revealing Doctor Strange as Thor introduced him.

"This sorcerer will be assisting us only sons imprisonment"

"Hello, I am here to help you deal with your cosmic problem" Doctor Strange told Xavier.

The mutants all looked surprised and confused as Xavier asked Thor some questions.

"What do you mean by 'Imprisonment' we agreed on banishment" He emphasised the word imprisonment as he looked into Thor's eyes.

"We should take this somewhere more secure than this" Doctor Strange grabbed Thor's shoulder as he motioned to some workers cleaning up some mess near them.

"Yes let's bring this in and I am sure you can provide a place secure and away from sporting ears."

Xavier looked suspiciously at Thor and Strange but still played along.

"Of course, let's come in and talk"

(Scene change)

A room that is empty other than a Light on the roof and an armoured door.

Raiden is shackled to the wall by power dampeners on his wrists and neck, as he stirs on and wakes up he looks around at the plain white room and it's getting up but is pulled back by the shackles.

"Where am I? The last thing I remember was my no was Thor telling me he wouldn't help me"

Raiden shook his head to try and forget that.

"Then I just blanked and woke up here"

He stands up and tries pulling the chains but they won't budge as he was about to try harder the door opened behind him, he looked towards the door quickly and breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Rogue.

"Rogue! What's happening? What am I chained up and I can't feel my power?"

"I am sorry Raiden but the council has decided you are too dangerous and they won't even consider training you" Rogue clenched her fist tightly but breathed out to calm down and continued.

"I don't know what they have planned but it has something to do with your banishment and as they have brought Doctor Stange in and with his magic, it could be anything"

"What-t why? I haven't done anything wrong and I am training on controlling my power I swear, I mean look"

Raiden cupped his hands and tried concentrating but was shocked immediately and fell to the floor.

"Are you okay Raiden" Rogue desperately asked.

"I am alright I can barely feel it, but it felt as if my power was being drained"

"You're wearing power dampeners and shockers but it's okay if you don't try and use your power" she answered him.

"Can you help me?" Raiden said while looking into her eyes.

Rogue swayed her head side to side making Raiden look downcasted at her answer but Rogue grabbed his head by the sides and made him look at her.

"Look at me, you will get through this and when you do find me I will help you no matter what"

Rogue turned around and tried walking out but Raiden called out for her but she kept walking.

"Wait don't leave me, please! I'm scared please" Raiden begged

The door closed and he fell to his knees, Rogue walked down the corridor but slowed down and leaned on the wall amd slid down it and cried.

Raiden wiped his tears amd looked at his shackles and wrapped them around his wrists and pulled as hardest as he can, his muscles popped out as the shackles began to become strained against the wall.

"Come on!" Raiden pulled one more huge time and ripped it out of the wall and then tiredly walked over to the door and tried opening it but it was locked.

Raiden looked towards his hands are started to use his power but immediately felt the dampeners activate but Raiden kept pushing even though he started to get a nosebleed but he screamed in struggle and pointed his hands forward and shouted.

"Haaa!" Lightning shot out his hands blowing the door off its hinges and bending it as it hit the wall leaving a dent.

Raiden fell completely out of exhaustion and began to crawl through the door but when he looked down one corridor he saw some people come toward him.

"No no no" he tried to get away but was picked up and brought to a room with a huge circular ring I. the middle with everyone there.

Xavier looked at Raiden and saw how tired he was and his writs and neck were bright red.

"What happened to him?" He asked the people carrying him which were Cypher's wife Bei and Apocalypse, after Bei tried to drop him to the ground Apocalypse caught him and laid him down nicely.

"He ripped the shackles off the wall then overpowered the dampeners to destroy his cell door," Apocalypse told everyone.

"We caught him as soon as he did it and was crawling out" Bei added.

"pstt What did she say?" Cypher whispered to Kitty but she just ignored him.

Thor looked at Raiden and spoke.

"How ready at the preparations sorcerer?" Thor asked Doctor Strange.

"Nearly remember we need the input of everyone to activate it but are you sure about doing this to your son, we both know what kind of place that is" Doctor Strange offered Thor.

Xavier turned around to look at everyone and began telling them what they talked about alone in the room before anyone came in.


"So tell me Thor and Strange what are you planning?" He eyed them with suspicion same with Magneto beside him.

"Simply sir we plan to use a dimension that I use to banish defeated foes that could endanger the planet, I call it the Dungeon dimension, I plan to squash two birds with one stone" Doctor Strange informed the mutants.

"What do you mean two birds one stone?" Magneto chimed in

"I wish to seal this dimension because of the amount of danger it holds so I believe with the help of Magik and Blink and Thor with the Bifrost I could seal the dimension closed and can only be opened if all Four of us do it together."

Xavier opened his mouth in slight shock at that type of dimension exists.

"Of course, I will be getting the help of Heimdall to seal it with me if needed"

"That's great Thor can you get him to please" Doctor Strange asked.

Thor closed his eyes and then shouted

"Heimdall come to me!"

The sound of the Bifrost was heard and a scream of fright from some mutants outside.

"He has arrived" Thor told them.

"Thor, what is it you need now?" Heimdall said while walking in

"Easy old friend I need your help sealing a realm closed while sending someone in it to trap them, but for now when he gets here you will watch him"

(Flashback end)

"This is inhumane! He is one of us and one of you!" Rogue shouted at both Heimdall and Thor.

"He's one of us?" Heimdall looked at Thor

"He's my son Heimdall but he is also the host to you know what"

Heimdall narrowed his eyes at Thor and then towards Raiden.

"What's the boy's name?" he asked Thor

"Raiden, Raiden Munroe Thorson" Thor said with a tiny bit of energy.

"I will take care of him until the banishment and I will be leaving for a bit with him don't be alarmed"

Heimdall walked towards Raiden and picked him up princess style and walked out, the Bifrost transported them to another place as everyone else got to work.

(Scene change)

"Wake up boy" Heimdall's voice was heard by Raiden as he shot up in instinct.

"Who are you?" Raiden asked the tall man in front of him.

"Heimdall and we have to talk about some things and maybe I can reveal a bit more about yourself."

Raiden nodded and looked at the place he was at and noticed it was a golden sphere with two opening doors amd when he look at one he was amazed, he walked towards it and was in shock at how beautiful it was, buildings made of gold litter the city making the sunlight dazzle on its surface added with the rainbow bridge leading to it.

"Where are we?" Raiden said aloud

"Asgard, your true home, a home that will help you learn as much as you can in a short amount of time" Heimdall said confusing Raiden.

"Your basic powers are amazing but there are a lot more powers that you haven't tapped into yet, and Asgard will teach magic beyond your belief." Heimdall stretched his arm to Raiden offering it.

"Do you want to experience more power than ever before?"

Raiden looked at his hand and thought should he trust him because everyone he has trusted has left him even Rogue.

The memory of her walking away not helping him as he screamed for her made a tear fall but he quickly wiped it away.

"I ask not for your friendship but for your attention" he realises the internal debate inside him and clears anything up.

"Yes, I accept your offer Heimdall"

Raiden grabs his hand and grips it not knowing if what he is doing is right only doing what he wants to do in that moment.


Hey I hope you enjoy the route I am taking on exploring what powers he actually got from Thor and Storm and potential.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SirZuronecreators' thoughts