

Good morning Me no else is here so I'll just go to school ,boom , holy shit what was that!! ,

It's coming from upstairs I wonder if it's my closet again . Wile I walked up stairs I called Anthony ding ding ding, hello said Anthony hey can You come over I have an emergency said

Hannah,but I have school and I love Monday said Anthony, plz look if you do I'll kiss you or if a find a portal I'll let you come with said Hannah, OK! Said Anthony,she waited on the steps outside tell he got there ,30 minutes after she called him he was there,hey Anthony yelled Hannah,oh hey so what's the emergency said Anthony, it's my closet and I think it's haunted or something said Hannah,that's the emergency really it's your closet said Anthony sounding upset,I now I now sounds crazy

But yesterday my closet was locked but now it's unlocked said Hannah,yea You unlocked ,but I'll have a check and try to open it said Anthony,thank you come on this way said Hanna.here it is my closest see try to open it said Hannah *he pulled but like she said it wouldn't open *it won't open did you lock it ,, I told u and no I didn't even touch my closet ,, well let's try to pry it open , Hannah and Anthony went down stair to look for a tool to open it she knew the key wouldn't work because she didn't lock it.when they were down stair they heard the door open so they both ran up stair and they so something walking out of a portal from the closet they screamed and slammed the door but the creature got out they screamed even more and ran into the bathroom shut and locked the door . Hello human are you in there look I'm a lightnobug and my name is nano and Hannah I'm your guardian and I can't leave until you open back up the closet so I'm just going to sit here.hello you still in my room wile she peaked out the bathroom door she saw him sitting on her bed shot the bathroom door back and said to Anthony ok his still out there so I'm going to go out and try to talk to so stay here ,, ok that's a good idea but make sure you bring me with you if you go in the portal ok said Anthony

Ok * she opens the door and walked out ,, um hello nano said Hannah scared , oh hi it's nice to finally meet you even tho I wasn't even supposed to said nano ,what do you mean said Hannah,well when a guardian becomes a guardian he is never supposed to meet the kid it's against the rules said nano , oh ok well if I open the closet will you bring me and my friend Thur the portal ,, um ok ,, yes Anthony you can come out now said Hannah,um ok is it safe to come out said Anthony yes Anthony you can come out said Anthony ,,*he opened the and walked out *um hi ok I'm ready to jump Thur it said Anthony, all right open it Hannah said nano,ok as she opened it she could feel the wind coming out . Wow Anthony and Hannah said and they stepped Thur well welcome to the Netherlands said nano,. In the Netherlands there was a big buildings in front of them that said guardians and all thru the Netherlands there was floating islands everywhere with about 5 houses on each with different animals and creatures living in them , Anthony and Hannah thought it's was so magical they never seen anything like it . Isn't it beautiful said nano, oh my god its amazing I've never seen anything like it i mean how are those islands floating said Anthony,they just are said nano, and behind them the portal closed they cant get out on till nano next check in witch is next week so there stuck there.