
Prologue (1/2)

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have" -Grey (Fairy Tail)

Max Dwayne hoisted his heavy bookbag onto his shoulders, stumbling a few times as the weight threw him off balance.

The bell signaling the end of the school day was like music to the ears of everyone else as waved of students exited their classrooms, chatting gappily with their friends. Some had after school activities, while others simply began to head to the buses or other means of transportation.

As usual, Max was the only one left in the classroom as he wasn't exactly the quickest person in the world. His black bangs fell over bright golden colored eyes as he walked over to the classroom door.

"Oh, hey runt, there you are," a voice said as the door was pulled open. "We were actually looking for you. We're in need of someone to f*ck around with until our rides get here."

Max backed up as quickly as he could, his eyes flashing with a hint of fear before quickly vanishing. His gaze drifted over the three tall ghetto looking young men that had just entered inside the classroom.

All three of them were mexicans with a small symbol of a dove located on their left shoulders. They each had stained yellow teeth, baggy clothes, nasty hair, and constantly smelled like weed. To put it short, they were by far the nastiest guys that Max ever had the displeasure of meeting.

Ever since the start of Max's school year, these three bullies had set their sights on him, picking on him relentlessly whenever the chance arose. It was still unclear if they simply wanted to relieve their own boredom or they were simply mad because their d*ck size was only 2 inches.

Max looked up at the three of them and smiled, refusing to give them the pleasure of showing fear. Though he was undoubtedly among the weakest in his school, he had his pride and his dignity, something he refused to give up.

"Whats up three muskyteers?" Max asked with fake bravado. "Run out of little kids to steal money from? Or maybe you ran out of toothpaste? It would explain your ugly yellow teeth!!"

The one in front, the one Max had personally dubbed "El Chapo" responded with a vicious kick, slamming the tip of his shoe into Max's Solar Plexus. It could be said that El Chapo had a terrible temper when it came to people badmouthing him in front of others.

Max, who had been prepared for the kick, tightened his stomach muscles as best he could before the kick made contact. Though it did lessen the blow to a considerable degree, he still felt the wind being knocked out of him as he stumbled backwards.

"Never know when to shut up kid do you?" El Chapo asked as he walked forward. "Though your the weakest runt I've ever met, you sure got the biggest mouth on you." He stepped forward and delivered another kick, driving it into Max's side.

Max felt something warm rush up his throat as he slammed into the wall. Blood pooled from the corner of his lip as he smiled, struggling to catch his breath, already tired from the two kicks he had gotten.

"Is that all you got you damn Pablo Escobar wannabe? I've taken tougher beatings then that from a group of cheerleaders, so don't get cocky." Max smirked and spit up blood, making sure to aim it at El Chapo's shoe.

The three guys glared at him with looks of fury as Max stared back, blood streaming from his mouth and his golden eyes free of fear.

/// Hi guys, its your boy Red Pinetree with a prologue.....wanna see what you think of my writing style and if you like the Main Character or not....

Now Max isn't going to be OP straight from the beginning and to be honest he gets his ass kicked a lot.....and I mean A LOT!!! But its through these challenges that he gets stronger, although his tongue will probably always be his strongest weapon.

Also, because this represents his rise from the bottom to the top, every chapter will include a quote from an anime. I try my best to relate the quote to the chapter, but sometimes its difficult to find one so you just have to bear with me.

Make sure to add this to your library, drop a comment, send a powerstone, or write a revie if you like the story

Red Pines Out!!!!