

"So I'm supposed to prepare a banquet." Hector chuckled while deciding on what date he should choose.

In the end, he chose to put it on the weekend so he would have enough time to prepare all necessities.

So he told Albert to start with preparations and to send invitations.

Right now he had more important things to do. He still hasn't found beyonder material for advancement. He hoped that it would be available as soon as possible.

And so at noon, he left for the Beyonder gathering led by Eye of Wisdom. He donned an iron mask and hooded robe when he entered.

He witnessed few beyonder weapons being sold. The bastard sword was forged by a person from the sun pathway that had similar properties to his own hammer. Whip with slowing properties and lastly mechanical meat cleaver.

"Does anyone have sequence 9 apprentice potion formula?" Hector asked after a few transactions had been concluded successfully.

And luckily he got a response and was able to purchase it for 250 pounds. Thanks to Eye of Wisdom he was sure that the formula wasn't fake and looked it over.

He didn't ask for the ingredients and as nothing else that was offered interested him he simply remained silent.

After the gathering, he returned to Braveheart's bar and ordered a few pints of a bear to wash his disappointment away.

'What should I do now? I'm not prepared to strike at the Street Rats yet. That will need to wait till I will become sequence 8, so for now, I should lay low... but I'm so bored right now. Maybe I could burn down one of the Street Rats gangsters' homes? No that could make them be more guarded later. You know what? Abyss pathway is about indulging in desires. So I should indulge a little bit." Hector thought as he left Braveheart's bar smiling to look for some company for the night.


The next morning he woke up in an unfamiliar room with a painful headache. Laying next to him he saw an unfamiliar but pretty woman. Hector smiled as he thought that he had a good night but then he could not recall what happened.

'F*ck, F*CK! How many times will I just forget what happened the day before!' He thought as he become irritated at the now familiar occurrence.

But then he heard a commotion next to him and saw that basked was laying next to the bed, in which the baby was sleeping. Then he smelled something familiar, it had a metallic odor. It was coming from under the bed.

He slowly untangled himself from the woman and looked under the bed. Hector nearly jumped when he saw a human head. Normally he would not have that strong reaction but this head was different. It had a horse leg sticking out of its mouth and teeth stabbed into its forehead.

When he saw the head flood of memories overcame him.


Hector was holding a bottle of alcohol as he danced in the street, but then he saw a person that in his eyes looked like a gangster entering some building.

"Well, I guess you are going to die." He said as a matter of fact and went after him, and at that moment he saw a stable with a horse on his right. That made him remember of movie godfather. There was a scene where they put the head of the horse in someone's bed.

"I got an idea" Hector started to chuckle uncontrollably and walked to the horse.


'Ok, but why is there that gangster head with horse leg?' Hector wondered as he tried to stand up and look for his clothes.

"Good morning handsome." He heard and as he turned around he saw that the woman had woken up.

"Ha, Good morning to you too beautiful," Hector spoke with a charming smile, at least he tried to. Not knowing what to do so he continued to look for his clothes.

"I must say it is not often that my clients let me sleep at their home afterward."

'My home?' He became panicked but let no emotions be shown on his face. "There is all type of people."

"Oh, it looks like Johny is still sleeping." When he saw her looking at the baby he felt a heavy weight fall from him. 'Good I didn't steal some child from someone.'

After an awkward conversation, Hector saw her as she left the room with the child. He then could sight with relive as he tried to look for clues to what happened.

Asking her would be an option but he didn't want to make her suspect him especially when he didn't know what had happened.

Fortunately, he was able to find clothes and a revolver but he could not find his hammers and knife.

When he went to the hall and looked around he saw that room next door had a broken handle. And so he went to take a look. There he saw the headless body of a man with a horse head next to it.

And then more memories came to him


When hector walked into the building he followed the man and saw him entering one of the rooms on the second floor. When he confirmed his location Hector went outside to take the head of the horse and when he stood before the gangster room door he thought about how should he enter.

So he put down the head and use a lockpick to unlock the door. There he saw the man laying already in the bed. Hector thought about how long it took him to get the horse head up to the second floor.

But then he stopped thinking and walked to the man and started to bead him with the horse's head as if it was a weapon.

When the gangster was no longer moving he put the head next to him, but then "Wfait now shouldf there be two heads. Where are there two heads? Ah... No matter I just need to get rid of one." Hector drank some more of alcohol as realized and started to beat the gangster's chest with his hammer. When it didn't work he took another hammer and tried again.

"Of course, I need something sharper." And so he went outside and cut a leg from the horse. When he returned he stabbed it in the gangster's mouth and tried to break off his head.

"M I doing somfing frong?" He spoke drunkenly and then he took his knife and started to stab at the gangster's head until it detached from the body.

He was then tired and walked next door to lie down for a little bit. So he put the head under the bed as he lay down.

"Wait! My revolver." He stood up and kicked the door open even when they were already unlocked.

After taking the revolver he realized what he was missing "The prostitute! Of course, how could I forget." And then he left the building to look for one.


After recalling what had happened Hector hurriedly took his belonging and left the building. When he stood outside he saw a big puddle of blood in the stable but no horse.

When he looked back he saw a horse's body hanging from the roof of the next building.

"Y... You know what? I don't even want to know." He said and started to hurriedly walk away.

Hector was able to enter his home silently. But when he entered his room the dogs were wagging their tails when they saw him. When he changed his clothes he decided to lie down for some more.

"I think I will need to take a short rest from East borough for a little bit."

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