1 Chapter 1

No matter how tightly I closed my eyes, it would not take away from the immense pain I felt internally and externally from being a punching bag.




Each punch sent out shockwaves throughout my body as I laid still on the floor, curling my limbs inwards.

There was no point in resisting.

I would just be sent back into the Chambers.

"That's enough training today."


There was a sudden wave of relief that washed over me as the man who abused me stood up, dusting his hands while giving me a swift kick to the head.

I whimpered in pain but I knew that was the loudest I could be. A slave like me had no right to protest.

Although I couldn't see that man, I knew he stared down at me with indifferent eyes, as if I was no different from an ant.

I heard a light scoff before the sound of footsteps resonated throughout the room in a receding manner.

He was gone.

I sat up and leaned my back against the stone-cold walls and brought my fingers to my face, dragging the blood down my face.

These bruised, crooked, and bloodied fingers.

This was my life, wasn't it?


There was truly no point in going on. 'Why do I go on?' is what I ask myself sometimes.

But I knew now that it was over.

There was no will to live, for there was no possibility of living.

I was actually, relieved.

...Relieved to see the gruesome innards that flowed out of me, signifying my incoming death.

It was surprising, seeing that long piece of meat that seemed to snake for meters.

The pain had only mattered at the beginning when they began the cutting of my flesh.

And as I thought of that, my mind began to cloud, my eyes glazing over.

I could no longer remain conscious, I could no longer 'live.'


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