
A Dragon's Tale

Wind whipped through the tall skyscrapers of Olympus City. Bringing with it a fierce and relentless blizzard. The cold cuts through the body like knives. Normal people would stay indoors where it's warm and safe. For Silver Wolventon, home is an abandoned shopping mall. He was wading through the snow drifts, his bulky figure shivered in the cold. Silver's whole body wrapped up looking like a homeless mummy. He had a huge hiker's backpack on his back. Making Silver look bigger than he is. He was almost home a few more steps. 

"Finally, I have come home. I spent a week in prison while they tried to stick me with false charges. I need to find a way to get out-of the city and somewhere warm. I hate being here during the winter." Silver said. His whole body felt so stiff and it was hard to move. He made it to the entrance. The playboard was loose enough to shove aside to get into the facility. Silver got right next to it and pushed it to the side and slipped in. He walked through and slid the plywood back into place. It was much warmer in the place than outside. Thanks to a pit in the middle of the mall. A roaring swirl of brimstone and fire. The doorway to hell. Silver could still hear the screams of the damned and sinners being tortured from deep within. He felt right at home. Stared into the vortex for a second. The voice of someone familiar beckoned him to come closer. To give in to the call of his former master. He steeled his nerves and hurried to his campsite near the Shop and Drop. 

Silver, the Drexionian, finally shed his outer layers to reveal his true form—a towering figure with dragon-like features. His tail swayed freely, and he exhaled a contented sigh, feeling relieved and happy to be back home. The camp he returned to consisted of a large cot with an old and worn-out sleeping bag, providing him a place to rest. There was a simple folding table with a single chair, serving as his workspace or dining area. The space was adorned with various decorations hanging from the ceiling, adding a touch of personality and warmth to his humble abode.

Silver's left leg throbbed with a dull ache as he finally settled down after a long day of adventuring. The journey to and from Celestial Academy, his trusted source for valuable resources, had taken its toll on his body. All the students have gone home for the winter season. The staff have thrown out a lot of stuff. He dragged all his spoils of his finds to the cot about two duffle bags. 

"I got really lucky that the students moved out the day before so I got so many good things." Silver said happily. With a sense of relief, Silver shared his fortune, grateful that the students had vacated Celestial Academy the day before. His haul of valuable items and supplies had exceeded his expectations, and he couldn't help but feel lucky. Sitting down on the creaking cot, he decided to give his left leg a break. Rolling up his pant leg, he revealed a prosthetic limb underneath. Taking hold of the prosthetic, he twisted it gently to the left and then to the right, listening to the familiar clicks that signified its detachment. As he removed the artificial limb, the throbbing pain in his leg began to subside, providing him with a much-needed respite.

Silver dragged one of the duffle bags towards him. He unzipped the bag. He took out a brand new sleeping bag, pillows of different shapes, and a very expensive yoga mat. Silver got off the cot to make his bed with the new bedding. He sat back down on the soft bedding. 

Silver began to unpack the rest of his goodies. He picked up a package of food. Silver drooled over the contents. He happened to cross Happy's Pizzeria and Grill. Which is one of the best restaurants in town. One of the employees was giving out food packages to the needy and homeless. It's not often for someone to offer such kindness towards the ones less fortunate. Silver approached the employee, a young woman with a warm smile, and gratefully accepted one of the food packages. It contained a variety of delicious items, including a mouth-watering slice of pizza, a generous serving of pasta, and a side of fresh salad. The aroma filled the air, making Silver's stomach growl in anticipation.

As he sat on the cot in his humble camp, Silver unwrapped the package and savored every bite of the delectable meal. The flavors exploded in his mouth, bringing a sense of comfort and nourishment. He couldn't help but appreciate the act of kindness from the restaurant and the employee who went out of their way to provide food for those in need.

In that moment, Silver felt a renewed sense of hope and gratitude. Despite the challenges he faced as a homeless adventurer, there were still people who cared and extended a helping hand. It reminded him of the importance of compassion and the impact small gestures of kindness could have on someone's life.