
Lookism: To The Top

A Lookism Fan-Fiction about a man who got a system. Read If you are interested.

D_Legexd · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: The Copy Skill

Jinsoo felt an odd sense of power coursing through his body.

He was very motivated, and couldn't wait to try out his new skill again.

"If I can do a Roundhouse Kick, I wonder what other moves I can learn," Jinsoo thought.

Jinsoo spent a couple hours copying and practicing the moves, such as:

-Roundhouse Kick

-Axe Kick

-Hook Punch

-Back Kick

-Spinning Backfist

-Palm Strike

-Sweep Kick

-Side Kick

-Straight Kick


After practicing his newly-copied moves, Jinsoo decided to head home.

As soon as he arrived home, Jinsoo quickly changed into comfortable clothes.

After changing, he laid down on the concrete floor and opened the system's menu.

"Hm, it seems like I still have alot of points," he said, noticing that his point balance was at 1,000.

Jinsoo wondered what skills he should purchase next.

"Well, since I've already got the 'Copy' skill, I don't really need any more physical combat-oriented skills," he reasoned.

"Maybe a stealth or support-type skill would be useful."

Jinsoo scrolled through the shop menu until a particular skill caught his eye:

"Body Control: The ability to control the movement of one's body beyond human limits."

"Hm... This sounds pretty good. But the price is 2,000 points. I wonder what it does?"

Jinsoo then clicked on the "Description" button.

It read:

"This skill gives you the ability to move your body in ways that normal humans can't. For example, you could stretch your body to the full extent without getting hurt. The body control skill is very useful because it allows you to do complex and difficult movements."

Jinsoo thought it sounded like a very useful skill, but it was too expensive for him right now.

Jinsoo decided to rest and explore further the next day.

Jinsoo lies on the cold floor as he closed his eyes and decided to sleep.

When he woke up feeling a bit refreshed, He was excited because he knew that the system would give him new quest.

And suddenly, The system popped up and gave him a quest telling him that:

"Do a Physical Training for 5 Hours"


1,000 Points

And a free skill

Jinsoo was thrilled, Because he was thinking of ways to do Physical training.

And he quickly decided to go to the nearest gym.

Once Jinsoo arrived, He asked the gym's receptionist for a membership card, And he paid it using his own money.

As Jinsoo entered the gym, He started his workout.

Jinsoo began his training with a simple routine of sit-ups and push-ups.

He was able to perform the exercise for 10 minutes until he leveled up his training.

He began doing deadlifts, squats, and lunges, which helped him level up his physical training.

After completing the 5-hour routine, Jinsoo headed home.

"System, open menu."

As the menu popped up, Jinsoo was greeted by a message from the system:

"Congratulations on completing the quest! You have earned 1,000 Points."

Please choose one free skill from the list below:


-Poison Immunity (This skill is so random, I know.)

-Speed Boost

-Strength Boost

-Random Special Skill

Jinsoo was a bit surprised that the system had so many choices.

"This is a lot of options... I guess I'll go with Speed Boost," Jinsoo decided.


A/N: I'm quite busy with school right now, so I might not be as active in writing for a few days. But don't worry, I'll be back soon, I promise! If you notice any changes in my writing, it's because I rushed a bit with this chapter. Next time, I'll take more time to ensure better quality and improve my chapters.