
Lookism: To The Top

A Lookism Fan-Fiction about a man who got a system. Read If you are interested.

D_Legexd · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Getting in Trouble

"I guess that's it." As Jinsoo lays on the ground and slowly faded to sleep.

He wokes up and stretched up his whole body, Thinking about the possible things that could happen this day.

"Since I got this new appearance, I wonder what changes will happen."

As he was about to get up and leave the bed.

A notification sound and the system popped out in front of him.

"New Quest Available - Land a hit on Zack Lee"

Jinsoo was shocked by the sudden quest as he said.

"How am I supposed to land a hit on that guy, I heard that he was a professional boxer. Surely, He will just beat my ass up."

The System Further Adds,

"Reward - 1,500 Points."

"Do you want to accept the quest?"

Jinsoo was flabbergasted on the amount of reward that will be given.

"Man, I have to contemplate.. 1,500 is too much to decline. "

"Well.. The more I think about it, I don't have to beat him, I just need to simply land a hit on him. "

Jinsoo was contemplating whether he would accept it or not.

Jinsoo finally comes up with a decision that he will do it. As he accepted the quest.

After accepting the system reminded him that,

"You only have 24 Hours to complete this quest, Failure to do so will result in a punishment."

After that, Jinsoo got ready, As he cooked and eats his food.

He takes a shower after that, And then quickly goes to pick-up his books and notebook and pack it up to his bag.

He picked his bag up and put it in his back.

As he opened his door and stepped out of the house.

"New Life... "

And he begins to walk on his way to J-High School.

Once he arrives there he quickly goes to his class, Which is Fashion Design.

Jinsoo goes on the seat in the back next to a student named Daniel Park which is newly transferred in the J-High School.

And there, He also saw Zack Lee. With his group of friends.

Jinsoo approached Daniel as he says

"I heard your the new student here? "

Daniel responded with

"Yeah, Just yesterday.. Wait, Are you? "

Daniel was cutted off, When Zack spoke

"Hey, Look guys, Our fatty has a glow up, You've been working out recently, Huh? "

Jinsoo trying to keep it cool, He said.

"Yeah, I did, That's why my body transformed to this. "

Zack was confused and he said.

"You was so fat.. You worked out and then lost this big amount of weight? IN A DAY!"

"Well anyways, That still doesn't change the fact that you are still our toy."

Zack tries to grab his hair.

But Jinsoo deflects his hands.

Zack is clearly mad, As he said.

"Huh? You've got some guts now, Just a reminder, Working out doesn't change the fact that you are still a Weakling. "

Zack with a swift movement, He punched Jinsoo in the face with pretty accuracy.

Jinsoo was knocked over and fall in the ground.

Zack was about to prepare for a stomp but then Daniel interfered.

"Hey, Get your hands off me!" Zack said.

Because Zack was being held back by Daniel, Jinsoo quickly got up.

Jinsoo saw this as an opportunity as he rushed and tackled Zack to the ground, Tackling Daniel along the way also.

Jinsoo got on top of Zack and start punching him relentlessly.

All Zack could do is block.

"He- Hey you fucker, Get off me! "

Daniel saw the situation as he tried to stop the situation.

Eventually, A teacher have to get involved to make them stop fighting.